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To: restornu
The Ten Boom family were devoted Christians who dedicated their lives in service to their fellow man. Their home was always an "open house" for anyone in need. Through the decades the Ten Booms were very active in social work in Haarlem, and their faith inspired them to serve the religious community and society at large.

During the Second World War, the Ten Boom home became a refuge, a hiding place, for fugitives and those hunted by the Nazis. By protecting these people, Casper and his daughters, Corrie and Betsie, risked their lives. This non-violent resistance against the Nazi-oppressors was the Ten Booms' way of living out their Christian faith. This faith led them to hide Jews, students who refused to cooperate with the Nazis, and members of the Dutch underground resistance movement.

During 1943 and into 1944, there were usually 6-7 people illegally living in this home: 4 Jews and 2 or 3 members of the Dutch underground. Additional refugees would stay with the Ten Booms for a few hours or a few days until another "safe house" could be located for them. Corrie became a ringleader within the network of the Haarlem underground. Corrie and "the Beje group" would search for courageous Dutch families who would take in refugees, and much of Corrie's time was spent caring for these people once they were in hiding. Through these activities, the Ten Boom family and their many friends saved the lives of an estimated 800 Jews, and protected many Dutch underground workers.

-- Excerpts from The Corrie Ten Boom Museum's website

FWIW, Corrie Ten Boom and her family were members of the Dutch Reformed Church. Father Ten Boom's determination to wear the Star of David (identifying himself as a Jew, even though he wasn't one) was a symbolic, inspiring, and sobering testimonial to his faith and solidarity with the Jews in the face of the Nazi occupation of Holland. The Ten Boom household was betrayed, and sent to the Nazi concentration camps for their actions. Corrie's father and sister died in those camps. Corrie Ten Boom was awarded the honorific "Righteous Among the Nations", by the State of Israel, for her actions on behalf of the Jews during WWII.

The Dutch Reformed Church is one of several "Reformed" denominations, all Calvinist in doctrine, that trace themselves back to congregations holding to the Belgic, Heidelberg, and Dort confessions in the Netherlands. Their roots also extend to German, Hungarian, and French believers, but culturally they are mostly Netherlanders by heritage.

Joseph Smith claimed that God told him that these churches, including the Ten Boom's, "were all wrong....all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”"

6 posted on 11/09/2011 9:12:44 AM PST by Alex Murphy (
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To: Alex Murphy
Joseph Smith claimed that God told him that these churches, including the Ten Boom's, "were all wrong....all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”"

So many of you that have condemnation towards the LDS feel justified in putting words in Joseph Smith mouth by including the Ten Booms which never would have happen. The Lord's love is universal towards all who has ears to hear It is your own tongue that continues to try to undermined the LDS in order to do that you reach back into a time when circumstances were different and not always portrayed accurately and therefore can be taken out of context and twisted to fit the agenda...

When Joseph prayed to inquire which Church to join it was the Lord who was displeased with the various denominations. These same demonization's also despised Jews as described by Mike Evans and it is Jesus who is blamed for men who for some reason rebel against loving their neighbor because they are different.

I know this is a fact for it how long in this country were Jews not allowed in hotels and certain restrauants clubs so they formed their own retreats in the Catskills the same problem also existed for the Blacks also Irish Catholic's . Italians and now the contempt is transfered towards the LDS.

For those interested the movie about The Ten Booms can be seen on

Glenn Beck in Israel/Mike Evans

7 posted on 11/09/2011 4:50:36 PM PST by restornu (Love One Another)
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