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Bible, Vultus Christi, Quix's noggin ^ | 28 APR 2010; 30 APR 2010 | Jesus, Mark Kirby & Quix

Posted on 04/30/2010 8:03:48 AM PDT by Quix

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To: blue-duncan

Apparently some people’s idea of “heaven” is to sit in a corner and attend to busy-work, like God hasn’t got that all figured out

1,801 posted on 05/04/2010 12:13:14 PM PDT by 1000 silverlings (everything that deceives, also enchants: Plato)
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To: 1000 silverlings

My fav bumper sticker:

Jesus is coming.
Look busy.

1,802 posted on 05/04/2010 12:21:34 PM PDT by bonfire (ou)
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To: wagglebee
While there are certainly saints on earth, it is also true that ALL of the saved in Heaven are also saints and if they pray that means they have wishes and desires and, as they are in Paradise, logic would dictate that their prayers are for those they love who are not yet with them.

Maybe so but there's no indication from Scripture that they can hear us.

Besides,... Romans 8:26&27 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

The Holy Spirit prays for us according to what He knows is best.

What else do we need? Is any saint or even Mary going to be able to pray for us as effectively as God the Holy Spirit Himself?

1,803 posted on 05/04/2010 12:21:39 PM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: blue-duncan

No, what I am suggesting is that the knowing of one another and the affections for one another is a reflection of the universal love that Christ has for his church. It is an inclusive love that brooks no exclusive, selfish love. We are one in the Lord.

“My sense is that just because they don’t give in marriage in heaven doesn’t mean my memory banks will be wiped clean.”

There will be no nostalgia in heaven. It is clear what Jesus said about “hating” mother and father or son and daughter. If that is the comparative standard we strive for here, what will be the relationship when we are perfected?

. . .

That is the point of loving the Lord with all heart, soul, mind and strength. There is no room for a competing affection.

“Is Jesus yet resurrected? Is that resurrected body yet real or did it get done away with? Was it not the old body renewed? And did not Mary have somewhat to do with that?”

Mary’s contribution died when Jesus died and was buried when Jesus was buried. The Father by the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead.

“Otherwise, what is the difference in terms of our identity between heaven and nirvana? Either way, you wouldn’t know who you had been.”

1Cr 15:35-38, “But some [man] will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? [Thou] fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other [grain]: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.”

1Cr 15:39-44, “All flesh [is] not the same flesh: …..So also [is] the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

1Cr 15:45 “And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam [was made] a quickening spirit. Howbeit that [was] not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man [is] of the earth, earthy: the second man [is] the Lord from heaven. As [is] the earthy, such [are] they also that are earthy: and as [is] the heavenly, such [are] they also that are heavenly.”

1Cr 15:49-54, “And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”



1,804 posted on 05/04/2010 12:23:07 PM PDT by Quix (BLOKES who got us where we R:
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To: wagglebee; xzins

There’s not enough information given in Revelation to know what the prayers of the saints are or who they might be for.

1,805 posted on 05/04/2010 12:25:22 PM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: xzins; blue-duncan; 1000 silverlings; betty boop; wmfights; Alamo-Girl; P-Marlowe; metmom; Quix; ...
If Mary "hears" the prayers of Roman Catholics then she would be omnipresent, and only God is omnipresent.

Again the RCC takes the glory of God and doles it out to various dead people who may or may not reside now in heaven.

Do we even know for a fact that Mary is in heaven? We know the thief on the cross is in heaven , but where are the verses (other than our own assumptions) that say Mary was redeemed?

I am not doubting that she was, but the fact that we aren't told this explicitly by Christ (who did tell us explicitly about all believers and the thief on the cross) shows that Mary was no more and no less beloved by Christ than any of His flock.

Mary was not saved because she was the mother of Jesus. She was saved just like all believers are saved -- by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ.


"...Virgin most prudent, pray for us.

Virgin most venerable, pray for us.

Virgin most renowned, pray for us.

Virgin most powerful, pray for us.

Virgin most merciful, pray for us.

Virgin most faithful, pray for us.

Mirror of justice, pray for us.

Seat of wisdom, pray for us.

Cause of our joy, pray for us.

Spiritual vessel, pray for us.

Singular vessel of devotion, pray for us.

Mystical rose, pray for us.

Tower of David, pray for us.

Tower of ivory, pray for us.

House of gold, pray for us.

Ark of the Covenant, pray for us.

Gate of heaven, pray for us.

Morning star, pray for us.

Health of the sick, pray for us.

Refuge of sinners, pray for us.

Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us.

Help of Christians, pray for us.

Queen of angels, pray for us.

Queen of patriarchs, pray for us.

Queen of prophets, pray for us.

Queen of apostles, pray for us.

Queen of martyrs, pray for us.

Queen of confessors, pray for us.

Queen of virgins, pray for us.

Queen of all Saints, pray for us.

Queen conceived without Original Sin, pray for us.

Queen assumed into Heaven, pray for us.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.

Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Queen of the Church, pray for us.

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; spare us O Lord!

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; graciously hear us, O Lord!

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; have mercy on us.

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Besides the utter insanity of some of those blasphemous titles (Tower of David; Tower of Ivory; Morning Star!) note this common prayer slips in the nomenclature of "Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world."

And then the prayer returns immediately to "Mother of God."

Anyone reading this could naturally assume the title of "Lamb of God" is in reference to Mary, along with the rest of the idolatrous titles given before and after that verse.

Not to mention that men are never going to "be worthy of the promises of Christ."

Only Christ is worthy, and His promise is to cover His flock with His righteousness.

The more that is revealed about the church in Rome, the more it stands condemned by the words it speaks and teaches.

Words count.

"For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." -- Matthew 12:37.

1,806 posted on 05/04/2010 12:33:53 PM PDT by Dr. Eckleburg ("I don't think they want my respect; I think they want my submission." - Flemming Rose)
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To: 1000 silverlings; xzins
your logic? The bible says differently, the saints are busy praising God

No, the verse says the prayers of the saints.

1,807 posted on 05/04/2010 12:34:22 PM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: blue-duncan
Honoring father and mother is a temporal command “that your days may be long upon the earth”.


1,808 posted on 05/04/2010 12:35:06 PM PDT by Dr. Eckleburg ("I don't think they want my respect; I think they want my submission." - Flemming Rose)
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To: metmom

What kind of YOPIOS is that? Yes, the indwelling Holy Spirit guides our prayers. By your logic we wouldn’t pray at all.

1,809 posted on 05/04/2010 12:38:09 PM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: Dr. Eckleburg


The occasional ‘milk-sops’ to The Lord Jesus The Christ

are unconvincing examples of, evidently, some of their relative occasional thoughts toward Him.

1,810 posted on 05/04/2010 12:42:33 PM PDT by Quix (BLOKES who got us where we R:
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To: metmom; xzins
There’s not enough information given in Revelation to know what the prayers of the saints are or who they might be for.

You're right. That's why the Catholic Church is not bound by the non-Biblical invention of "sola scriptura."

Apostolic succession enables to successors to the Apostles to TEACH the Church and allows tradition to play a role. This is what they Bible actually says in 2 Thessalonians 2:14.

1,811 posted on 05/04/2010 12:44:07 PM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: Quix; All

The Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, formed in the womb of the Virgin Mother by the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, united substantially with the word of God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, glowing furnace of charity, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, vessel of justice and love, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father is well pleased, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, patient and rich in mercy, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, rich to all who invoke Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, fount of life and holiness, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, saturated with revilings, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, crushed for our iniquities, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, made obedient unto death, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconciliation, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord,
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, meek and humble of Heart.
R. Make our hearts like unto Thine.

Let us pray

Almighty and everlasting God, look upon the Heart of Thy well-beloved Son and upon the acts of praise and satisfaction which He renders unto Thee in the name of sinners; and do Thou, in Thy great goodness, grant pardon to them who seek Thy mercy, in the name of the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, world without end.

1,812 posted on 05/04/2010 12:44:50 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: Quix

Litany One
(For private use only.)
Responses are in Italics

Lord, have mercy on us, Christ have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Father all powerful, Have mercy on us.
Jesus, Eternal Son of the Father, Redeemer of the world, Save us.
Spirit of the Father and the Son, boundless Life of both, Sanctify us.
Holy Trinity, Hear us.

Holy Spirit, Who proceedest from the Father and the Son, Enter our hearts.
Holy Spirit, Who art equal to the Father and the Son, Enter our hearts.

Promise of God the Father, Have mercy on us.
Ray of heavenly light, Have mercy on us.
Author of all good, Have mercy on us.
Source of heavenly water, Have mercy on us.
Consuming Fire, Have mercy on us.
Ardent Charity, Have mercy on us.
Spiritual Unction, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of love and truth, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of counsel and fortitude, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of knowledge and piety, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of the fear of the Lord, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of grace and prayer, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of peace and meekness, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of modesty and innocence, Have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, Have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, Who governest the Church, Have mercy on us.
Gift of God the Most High, Have mercy on us.
Spirit Who fillest the universe, Have mercy on us.
Spirit of the adoption of the children of God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, Inspire us with horror of sin.
Holy Spirit, Come and renew the face of the earth.
Holy Spirit, Shed Thy Light into our souls.
Holy Spirit, Engrave Thy law in our hearts.
Holy Spirit, Inflame us with the flame of Thy love.
Holy Spirit, Open to us the treasures of Thy graces.
Holy Spirit, Teach us to pray well.
Holy Spirit, Enlighten us with Thy heavenly inspirations.
Holy Spirit, Lead us in the way of salvation.
Holy Spirit, Grant us the only necessary knowledge.
Holy Spirit, Inspire in us the practice of good.
Holy Spirit, Grant us the merits of all virtues.
Holy Spirit, Make us persevere in justice.
Holy Spirit, Be our everlasting reward.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Send us Thy Holy Spirit.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Pour down into our souls the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Grant us the Spirit of wisdom and piety.

Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of Thy faithful, And enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

Let Us Pray : Grant, O merciful Father, that Thy Divine Spirit may enlighten, inflame and purify us, that He may penetrate us with His heavenly dew and make us fruitful in good works, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who with Thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, liveth and reigneth forever and ever. Amen.

1,813 posted on 05/04/2010 12:45:40 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: Quix

Litany to the Holy Trinity

V. Blessed be the holy Trinity and undivided Unity;
R. We will give glory to Him, because He hath shown His mercy to us.

V. O Lord our Lord, how wonderful is Thy Name in all the earth!
R. O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God!

Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy
Blessed Trinity, hear us.
Adorable Unity, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, Response: have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, One God,
Father from Whom are all things,
Son through Whom are all things,
Holy Ghost in Whom are all things,
Holy and undivided Trinity,
Father everlasting,
Only-begotten Son of the Father,
Spirit Who preceedeth from the Father and the Son,
Co-eternal Majesty of Three Divine Persons,
Father, the Creator,
Son, the Redeemer,
Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts,
Who art, Who wast, and Who art to come,
God Most High, Who inhabitest eternity,
To Whom alone are due all honor and glory,
Who alone doest great wonders,
Power infinite,
Wisdom, incomprehensible,
Love unspeakable,

Be merciful,
Spare us, O Holy Trinity.
Be merciful,
Graciously hear us, O Holy Trinity.

From all evil, Response: Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.
From all sin,
From all pride,
From all love of riches,
From all uncleanness,
From all sloth,
From all inordinate affection,
From all envy and malice,
From all anger and impatience,
From every thought, word, and deed contrary to Thy holy law,
From Thine everlasting malediciton,
Through Thy plenteous loving kindness,
Through the exceeding treasure of Thy goodness and love,
Through the depths of Thy wisdom and knowledge,
Through all Thy unspeakable perfections,

We sinners,
Beseech Thee to hear us.

That we may ever serve Thee alone, Response: We beseech Thee to hear us.
That we may worship Thee in spirit and in truth,
That we may love Thee with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength,
That, for Thy sake, we may love our neighbor as ourselves,
That we may faithfully keep Thy holy commandments,
That we may never defile our bodies and souls with sin,
That we may go from grace to grace, and from virtue to virtue,
That we may finally enjoy the sight of Thee in glory,
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to hear us,

O Blessed Trinity,
We beseech Thee, deliver us.
O Blessed Trinity,
We beseech Thee, save us.
O Blessed Trinity,
Have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy,
Christ, have mercy,
Lord, have mercy.

Our Father (silently). Hail Mary (silently).

V. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the firmament of Heaven,
R. And worthy to be praised, and glorious, and highly exalted forever.

Let Us Pray:

Almighty and everlasting God, Who hast granted Thy servants in the confession of the True Faith, to acknowledge the glory of an Eternal Trinity, and in the power of Thy majesty to adore Thy Unity: we beseech Thee that by the strength of this faith we may be defended from all adversity. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.+

1,814 posted on 05/04/2010 12:46:52 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: Quix; All

Litany of
The Most Blessed Sacrament

“The Eucharist is the supreme proof of the love of Jesus.
After this, there is nothing more but Heaven.”

St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-68)

Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. R. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. R. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, R. have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, R. have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, R. have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, R. have mercy on us.

Jesus, Eternal High Priest of the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
R. have mercy on us.
Jesus, Divine Victim on the Altar for our salvation,
Jesus, hidden under the appearance of bread,
Jesus, dwelling in the tabernacles of the world,
Jesus, really, truly and substantially present in the Blessed Sacrament,
Jesus, abiding in Your fulness, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity,
Jesus, Bread of Life,
Jesus, Bread of Angels,
Jesus, with us always until the end of the world,

Sacred Host, summit and source of all worship and Christian life,
R. have mercy on us.
Sacred Host, sign and cause of the unity of the Church,
Sacred Host, adored by countless angels,
Sacred Host, spiritual food,
Sacred Host, Sacrament of love,
Sacred Host, bond of charity,
Sacred Host, greatest aid to holiness,
Sacred Host, gift and glory of the priesthood,
Sacred Host, in which we partake of Christ,
Sacred Host, in which the soul is filled with grace,
Sacred Host, in which we are given a pledge of future glory,

Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

For those who do not believe in Your Eucharistic presence,
R. have mercy, O Lord.
For those who are indifferent to the Sacrament of Your love,
For those who have offended You in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar,

That we may show fitting reverence when entering Your holy temple,
R. we beseech You, hear us.
That we may make suitable preparation before approaching the Altar,
That we may receive You frequently in Holy Communion with real devotion and true humility,
That we may never neglect to thank You for so wonderful a blessing,
That we may cherish time spent in silent prayer before You,
That we may grow in knowledge of this Sacrament of sacraments,
That all priests may have a profound love of the Holy Eucharist,
That they may celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in accordance with its
sublime dignity,
That we may be comforted and sanctified with Holy Viaticum at the hour of our
That we may see You one day face to face in Heaven,

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world,
R. spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world,
R. graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world,
R. have mercy on us, O Lord.

V. O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
R. all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.

Let us pray,

Most merciful Father,
You continue to draw us to Yourself
through the Eucharistic Mystery.
Grant us fervent faith in this Sacrament of love,
in which Christ the Lord Himself is contained, offered and received.

We make this prayer through the same Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.


Nihil Obstat: Very Reverend Peter J. Kenny, D.D.,
Diocesan Censor

Imprimatur: Most Reverend Denis J Hart DD
Titular Bishop of Vagada
Vicar General

Date: May 18th, 2000

The Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are official declarations that a book or pamphlet is free of doctrinal or moral error. No implication is contained therein that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur agree with the contents, opinions or statements expressed. They do not necessarily signify that the work is approved as a basic text for catechetical instruction.Feastday: Corpus Christi (second Sunday after Pentecost)

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.

Response: have mercy on us.

Living Bread, that came down from Heaven,
Hidden God and Saviour,
Wheat of the elect,
Wine of which virgins are the fruit,
Bread of fatness and royal dainties,
Perpetual Sacrifice,
Clean oblation,
Lamb without spot,
Most pure feast,
Food of angels,
Hidden manna,
Memorial of the wonders of God,
Super-substantial Bread,
Word made Flesh, dwelling in us,
Sacred Host,
Chalice of benediction,
Mystery of Faith,
Most high and adorable Sacrament,
Most holy of all sacrifices,
True Propitiation for the living and the dead,
Heavenly antidote against the poison of sin,
Most wonderful of all miracles,
Most holy Commemoration of the Passion of Christ,
Gift transcending all fullness,
Special Memorial of divine love,
Affluence of divine bounty,
Most august and holy Mystery,
Medicine of immortality,
Tremendous and life-giving Sacrament,
Bread made Flesh by the omnipotence of the Word,
Unbloody Sacrifice,
At once our Feast and our Guest,
Sweetest Banquet, at which angels minister,
Sacrament of piety,
Bond of charity,
Priest and Victim,
Spiritual Sweetness tasted in its proper source,
Refreshment of holy souls,
Viaticum of those who die in the Lord,
Pledge of future glory,

Be merciful, Spare us, O Lord,
Be merciful, Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Response: O Lord, deliver us.

From an unworthy reception of Thy Body and Blood,
From the lust of the flesh,
From the lust of the eyes,
From the pride of life,
From every occasion of sin,
Through the desire with which Thou didst long to eat this Passover with Thy disciples,
Through that profound humility with which Thou didst wash their feet,
Through that ardent charity by which Thou didst institute this Divine Sacrament,
Through Thy Precious Blood, which Thou didst leave us on our altars,
Through the five wounds of this Thy most holy Body, which Thou didst receive for us,

We sinners beseech Thee, hear us.

Response: we beseech Thee, hear us.

That Thou will preserve and increase our faith, reverence, and devotion toward this admirable Sacrament,
That Thou will conduct us, through a true confession of our sins, to a frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist,
That Thou will deliver us from all heresy, perfidy, and blindness of heart,
That Thou will impart to us the precious and heavenly fruits of this most holy Sacrament,
That at the hour of death Thou will strengthen and defend us by this heavenly Viaticum,
Son of God,

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

V. Christ, hear us.
R. Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Thou didst give them Bread from Heaven. Alleluia.
R. Containing in Itself all sweetness. Alleluia.
Let Us Pray:

O God, Who in this wonderful Sacrament has left us a memorial of Thy Passion, grant us the grace, we beseech Thee, so to venerate the Sacred Mysteries of Thy Body and Blood, that we may ever continue to feel within ourselves the blessed fruit of Thy Redemption, Who lives and reigns, God forever and ever. R. Amen.

1,815 posted on 05/04/2010 12:47:52 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: Quix; All

Lord, have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us, Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

God, our Heavenly Father, Who has made firm for all ages your Son’s Throne, Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Jesus, our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King, Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit, poured out upon us with abundant newness, Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, Three Persons yet One God in the Beauty of Your Eternal Unity, Have mercy on us.

O Jesus, our Eternal King, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, Most Merciful King, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, extending to us the Golden Scepter of Your Mercy, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, in Whose Great Mercy we have been given the Sacrament of Confession, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, Loving King Who offers us Your Healing Grace, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, our Eucharistic King, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, the King foretold by the prophets, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King of Heaven and earth, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King and Ruler of All Nations, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, Delight of the Heavenly Court, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Most Compassionate toward Your subjects, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King from Whom proceeds all authority, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, in whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we are One, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Whose Kingdom is not of this world, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Whose Sacred Heart burns with Love for all mankind, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who has given us Mary, the Queen, to be our dear Mother, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who will come upon the clouds of Heaven with Power and Great Glory, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Whose Throne we are to approach with confidence, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who made Mary the Mediatrix of All Graces, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who made Mary Co-Redemptrix, Your partner in the Plan of Salvation, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who desires to heal us of all division and disunity, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King wounded by mankind’s indifference, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who gives the balm of Your Love with which to console Your Wounded Heart, Reign in our hearts.
O Jesus, King Who is the Great I AM within us, our Wellspring of Pure Delight, Reign in our hearts.

Jesus, King of All Nations, True Sovereign of all earthly powers, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, subjecting under Your feet forever the powers of hell , May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, the Light beyond all light, enlightening us in the darkness that surrounds us, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose Mercy is so Great as to mitigate the punishments our sins deserve, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, recognized by the Magi as the True King, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, the Only Remedy for a world so ill, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Who blesses with Peace those souls and nations that acknowledge You as True King, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Who Mercifully sends us your Holy Angels to protect us, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose Chief Prince is Saint Michael the Archangel, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Who teaches us that to reign is to serve, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Just Judge Who will separate the wicked from the good, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, before Whom every knee shall bend, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Lamb who will Shepherd us, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Who after having destroyed every sovereignty, May we serve You. authority and power, will hand over the Kingdom to Your God and Father,
Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose Reign is without end, May we serve You.
Jesus, King of All Nations, Whose kindness toward us is steadfast, and whose fidelity endures forever, May we serve You.

Eternal Father, Who has given us Your Only Begotten Son, to be our Redeemer, One True Mediator, and Sovereign King, We praise and thank You.

Loving Jesus, Sovereign King, Who humbled Yourself for Love of us and took the form of a servant, , We praise and thank You.

Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Trinity, Love of the Father and the Son, Who sanctifies us and gives us Life, We praise and thank You.

Mary, our Queen and Mother, who mediates to Jesus on our behalf, Pray for us.

Mary, our Queen and Mother, through whom all Grace come to us, Pray for us.

Mary, our Queen and Mother, Singular Jewel of the Holy Trinity, We love You.

Holy Angels and Saints of our Divine King, Pray for us and Protect us.


1,816 posted on 05/04/2010 12:49:49 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: Quix

More where those came from.

“Milk Sops”?????

Your comment was both contemptible and false.

1,817 posted on 05/04/2010 12:52:42 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: ArrogantBustard

Keep going! This is great!

1,818 posted on 05/04/2010 12:53:03 PM PDT by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: 1000 silverlings; metmom; Quix; xzins; blue-duncan; count-your-change; boatbums; RnMomof7; ...
Vanity, like it says in Jeremiah, we do it because it just feels so good


"Vanity is definitely my favorite sin" -- Al Pacino, "Devil's Advocate."

1,819 posted on 05/04/2010 12:53:28 PM PDT by Dr. Eckleburg ("I don't think they want my respect; I think they want my submission." - Flemming Rose)
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To: wagglebee

Here’s one for FR:

Litany of Humility

O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Hear me.

From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being honored, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being preferred to others, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being consulted, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being approved, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being humiliated, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being despised, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of suffering rebukes, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being calumniated, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being forgotten, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being suspected, Deliver me, O Jesus.

That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be preferred to me in everything, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
“Charity is patient, is kind; charity does not envy, is not pretentious, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, is not self-seeking, is not provoked; thinks no evil, does not rejoice over wickedness, but rejoices with the truth, bears with all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Cor. 13:4-7).

To have Charity is to love God above all things for Himself and be ready to renounce all created things rather than offend Him by serious sin.
( Matt. 22:36-40)

1,820 posted on 05/04/2010 12:55:03 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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