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Al Qaeda planning new U.S. attacks (Canadian Flights?)
| 9/4/03
| Jeanne Meserve and Kelli Arena
Posted on 09/04/2003 4:24:03 PM PDT by Lunatic Fringe
Edited on 04/29/2004 2:03:04 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
click here to read article
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To: Mo1
If we are attacked again and if it came from Canada because their lack of security on the war on terror .. I'm guessing many in this country wouldn't be to upset if we cut off Canada Funny how the last attack came from your own lack of security. The main thing is that both Canada and the US work in partnership. We both must be more vigilant. We both must work together. I think after the arrest of the 20 odd terrorist suspects by the mounties that things are happening up here with regard to that. The bottom line is, a terrorist attack on either of us will affect the other. Some people in Canada need to realise that an attack on the US is akin to an attack on us, and vice versa. I think the slower minded Libs up here are finally waking up to that fact.
posted on
09/05/2003 10:22:31 AM PDT
To: Lunatic Fringe
Would international flights between, say, Mexico and Europe pass thru US airspace? Looking at my globe, the shortest flight path between Mexico City and London passes right over Washington DC and NYC
posted on
09/05/2003 10:28:05 AM PDT
(Java/C++/Unix/Web Developer === needs a job at the moment)
To: bitcon
Nukes all the way. We lose no one and they lose everyone. Mind you well lose the oil too but Alberta has lots of it something like 2.5 trillion barrels. Don't worry about it. Air-bursts do relatively little fallout, and the oil fields are mostly not near major population centers
posted on
09/05/2003 10:31:47 AM PDT
(Java/C++/Unix/Web Developer === needs a job at the moment)
To: bikewench
nor can you beat them into never being a problem again We have not really been trying very hard. And without the financial and logistical support of Islamofacists in Islamic nations' governments, terrorists are a negligable threat. Anthrax, SAMs, and other nasties are hard to come by unless you have friends in various governments.
The fact is that removing Islam from the face of the Earth, by peacful means if possible, and by any means if neccssary, may be the only solution.
posted on
09/05/2003 10:34:34 AM PDT
(Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending)
To: bikewench
You sure are no expert. Nuclear war-fighting was always portayed in the popular media as more globally harmful than it really is.
But I get the feeling you are a peacenik, and even if we could obliterate our enemies with an eco-friendly "rod from God" type of weapon, you'd be worrying about the squirrels that get wiped out.
posted on
09/05/2003 10:39:46 AM PDT
(Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending)
To: IvanT
I don't disagree with many things you stated and I have no problem with the people of Canada .. but some in the Candian Government are turning a blind eye to many things and just like being a thorn in our side
posted on
09/05/2003 10:46:56 AM PDT
To: AdamSelene235
"A scientist finds independence"
Interesting read about an interesting man. He has some unique ideas.
So, my worried belief can now be turned into a positive. I no longer need fear x-rays, irradiated food, and the canisters of radioactive material they might want to store in my neighborhood...... let alone the nuking of the Islamics. ; )
another article...
Among the many experiments showing the benefits of low-dose irradiation were those with laboratory animals that had whole immune systems; it was found that at doses below tens of rads, to doses of thousands of rads, the animals had increased average lifespan and no adverse effects
Someone should let Michael J. in on that.
To: eno_
Peacenick...? Naah. (Squirrel lover... you bet. ; )
I just don't see the point of nuking Canada for one, or the Islamic countries for another.
Actually... I don't see the point to a lot of human doings... but I am along for the ride.... so I can play armchair quarterback to my hearts content. As a friend says... "We live in interesting times."
To: eno_
The fact is that removing Islam from the face of the Earth, by peaceful means if possible, and by any means if necessary, may be the only solution.
Lordy Eno... how about you just equip their countries with electricity, and give them all a TV. I guarantee that we would have them all westernized in just one generation.
While your at it... wire South Africa as well.
To: bikewench
"I guarantee that we would have them all westernized in just one generation. "
Only problem is the westernized ones end up even more liberal than a Californian hippy. well going by the westerninezed muslims up here in Canada anyway, the women especially seem to turn out to be the worst feminazis to be found on the planet! Damned if you do.. damned if you don't.
posted on
09/05/2003 4:47:51 PM PDT
(Hello... Hello... is this thing on?)
To: bikewench
How about they get off their flea-bitten asses and make their own countries less of a hell hole instead of following a religion of resentment? South Africa, too, for that matter. It isn't as if the West determined that Korea and Singapore would get rich and Zimbabwe would become a hell hole.
If they can't manage that and keep lashing out at anyone who did make it out of the Dark Ages, they will earn their fate.
posted on
09/05/2003 4:58:00 PM PDT
(Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending)
To: bikewench
Alternative answer: Because 50 Trident missiles are cheaper than an endless series of social programs that would be pillaged by the local kleptocracy anyway.
posted on
09/05/2003 4:59:42 PM PDT
(Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending)
To: eno_
Pretty clear where you stand on this.
Don't run for President... K?
To: bikewench
Not until GWB can't run for reelection.
posted on
09/05/2003 7:34:25 PM PDT
(Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending)
To: genefromjersey
Not Canadian is your wife? Oy, everyone should be so blessed!
posted on
09/06/2003 1:34:17 AM PDT
(They say stress is a disease; I must be a carrier.)
To: sully777
No. Strictly a Joisey girl....
posted on
09/06/2003 4:32:12 AM PDT
(So little time - so many FLAMES to light !!)
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