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Baghdad Nancy And Other Traitorous Fools
PipeBombNews ^ | April 14, 2003 | William A. Mayer

Posted on 04/14/2003 11:02:40 AM PDT by Angel#3

See Nancy speak.

Spin, Nancy, spin...

Nancy Pelosi the "for the underdog" House Minority Leader - who just happens to live in a Saddam size palace bigger than most airplane hangars - is having a rough time of it.

The stunning success of Bush's war effort has caught her and her comrades flat footed and spitting spin faster than that which used to come out of the Iraqi Ministry of Disinformation - at least Baghdad Bob had that nifty French beret as a prop.

I can't take it any more - the time is long past due to ask a few basic questions regarding the patriotism of the "progressives" - a term we must use now so as to include Pelosi's Marxist marching buddies in ANSWER and the Worker's World Party.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Editorial

1 posted on 04/14/2003 11:02:40 AM PDT by Angel#3
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To: Angel#3
Nancy is saddened, deeply saddened.
2 posted on 04/14/2003 11:57:42 AM PDT by Mister Baredog ((They wanted to kill 50,000 of us on 9/11, we will never forget!))
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3 posted on 04/14/2003 11:58:18 AM PDT by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: Angel#3
Baghdad Nancy And Other Traitorous Fools

By William A. Mayer

See Nancy speak.

Spin, Nancy, spin...

Nancy Pelosi the "for the underdog" House Minority Leader - who just happens to live in a Saddam size palace bigger than most airplane hangars - is having a rough time of it.

The stunning success of Bush's war effort has caught her and her comrades flat footed and spitting spin faster than that which used to come out of the Iraqi Ministry of Disinformation - at least Baghdad Bob had that nifty French beret as a prop.

I can't take it any more - the time is long past due to ask a few basic questions regarding the patriotism of the "progressives" - a term we must use now so as to include Pelosi's Marxist marching buddies in ANSWER and the Worker's World Party.

Oh I know, I can hear it now - "It's American to protest...But I support the troops...I answer to a higher moral authority...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah..."

For all intents and purposes the left is playing a duplicitous semantic game full of partisan deception. They are so blinded by a genetic disgust for America [brought about by generation upon generation of lefties breeding lefties] and a razor sharp - stick in your eye - hate for George Walker Bush that they have knotted logic and language into a pretzel that nearly stymies understanding.

We now stand only a little more than 18 months past a terrorist first-strike on our mainland, which killed more US civilians than were killed in all of World War II. This attack was driven by radical Islam and coordinated by a shady network of anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish outlaw nations - all controlled by dictators - acting purposefully in an attempt to destroy this nation.

It was an act of war and we are still feeling its repercussions, have you flown lately? Have you traversed a bridge and observed soldiers with locked and loaded M16s? Do you think the F15s flying low over your city are sightseeing?

Iraq, Iran, Syria and a whole panoply of sub-national groups and interlocking associations - many created and funded during the 1960's by the Soviets - acted in conjunction to make it a reality. And yet the Democrat leadership - along with their new street enforcers - argue that the entire idea of a war of pre-emption is somehow tainted, that we must absorb another first strike before taking action against clear and defined enemies.

Have we so totally lost the meaning of the language - become so politically correct - that we can't state categorically that it is un-American to give aid and comfort to our enemies and that it is un-patriotic to use the mechanism of government to block efforts to prosecute the war on terror?

We no longer care nor will we observe such niceties - such people, masquerading under whatever guise they may choose, are traitors.

Their words and actions are intentionally calculated to diminish the authority of the Commander in Chief during a time of war, their efforts seek only so forge petty partisan advantage - the consequences be damned.

Let's peel Pelosi's onion, so to speak.

In a question and answer session immediately following a rhetoric-strewn pedantic speech before the Council on Foreign Relations in March of this year, Nancy Pelosi - showing her true colors - uttered the following:

"I do not believe that going to war now is the best way to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction...Before going to war, we must exhaust all alternatives, such as the continuation of inspections, diplomacy and the leverage provided by the threat of military action...If the Democrats had spoken out more clearly in a unified vote five months ago in opposition to the resolution, if the people had gone on to the streets five months ago in these numbers in our country and throughout the world, I think we might have been in a different place today,"

A "different place" being presumably a nation rendered immobile and laid bare to potential chemical, biological and nuclear attack - please carefully note the solidarity she admits between her street thug army and Das Party.

Funny thing was, on June 18, 1997, Nancy was singing a different tune entirely - as she stated on the House floor: v “I would like to also call to the attention of my colleagues the statement by the Office of Naval Intelligence: Discoveries after the Gulf war clearly indicate that Iraq maintained an aggressive weapons of mass destruction procurement program.”

During the Clinton impeachment bombing of Iraq, on December 16, 1998, Pelosi returned to the floor with this statement, completing the loop:

“As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process…I believe in negotiated solutions to international conflict. This is, unfortunately, not going to be the case in this situation where Saddam Hussein has been a repeat offender, ignoring the international community's requirement that he come clean with his weapons program.“

Curious - before Bush - we find Pelosi dressed in the flag, ever the patriot - standing tall against the threat posed by Saddam. After Bush - the sniveling appeaser bowing towards Baghdad - ethics balanced on the fulcrum of opportunism - using every method at her disposal to prevent the defense of this nation.

Dare we not call this what it is, treason?

Of course Nancy is not alone in her zealotry.

On January 28, 1998, Senate concurrent resolution 71 was introduced:

“...[it] Condemns in the strongest possible terms the continued threat to international peace and security posed by Iraq's refusal to meet its international obligations and end its weapons of mass destruction programs…Urges the President to take all necessary and appropriate actions to respond to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction”

What is this? Democrats calling for "all necessary and appropriate actions" against WMD?

Oh, silly me, no Bush to be seen.

The Democrat sponsors of the above? - Daschle, Leahy, Dodd, Torricelli, Kerry, Byrd, Moynihan, Conrad & Robb. The Republican Minority Leader, Trent Lott acting with patriotic fervor set the tone for the loyal opposition as a co-sponsor.

Further giving the lie to the cliché that "they all do it", the Republicans -despite deep reservations as to the pre-impeachment Clinton's motives - put country before concerns of the party.

On August 3, 1998, the U.S. House of Representatives joined the U.S. Senate in passing S.J 54, by a vote of 406 to 7 in a Republican dominated Congress.

S.J.Res. 54 - Iraqi Breach of International Obligations - Declared that by evicting weapons inspectors, Iraq was in "material breach" of its cease-fire agreement. Urged the President to take "appropriate action in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws of the United States, to bring Iraq into compliance with its international obligations."

And then there was (H.R. 4655) - the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, which declared that it should be the policy of the United States to "support efforts" to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and replace him with a democratic government. Authorized the President to provide the Iraqi democratic opposition with assistance for radio and television broadcasting, defense articles and military training, and humanitarian assistance.

Representative Benjamin Gilman (R - NY) introduced this bill on September 29, 1998. It passed in the House of Representatives on a 360-38 vote October 5, and the Senate approved it by unanimous consent on October 7.

President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law October 31, 1998.

Quite a contrast, isn't it?

They all don't do it!

Only America's haters do it - only traitors do it, and Nancy has feet in both camps.

Fast forward...adding insult to injury and executing yet another messy 180 severe enough to wreak havoc on her already over-taught face job:

"I worry about the ramifications of ousting Saddam Hussein -- making him a hero in the Arab world," Pelosi with pal Diane Feinstein - January 20, 2003

Sure Nancy, just throw this stuff around and see if some of it sticks. Poll test it, go for broke. If you don’t mind looking like a traitor, why stop there? Looking like a mere fool shouldn't concern you.

It continues...facing humiliation outside of her home turf - the 49 urine-soaked square miles of San Francisco - Pelosi is now advancing the canard that credit for the rapid advance on Baghdad [which she opposed] must be laid at the feet of...guess who?

Why William Jefferson Clinton, of course - despite the fact that he decimated force size, morale and failed to introduce a single major weapons system during his 8 years in office.

Can you say Mo-ga-di-shu?

I am gagging, these people have no shame whatsoever.

We are not quite done, Pelosi is so uncaring about the most elemental components of national security that she - ever groveling to the demi-god of perverse multicultural diversity - actually advocates that Matricula Consular identification cards, issued by corrupt Mexican authorities and only of use to illegal aliens, should be accepted to gain access to all SF Federal buildings thereby allowing potential terrorists free right of entry.

Why not just hand them bombs on the way in and be done with the whole mess?

Where is my blood pressure medication?

So many fools...

Eason Jordan is the chief news executive at CNN, on Friday April 11, 2003 he wrote an article [The News We Kept To Ourselves] which appeared in the New York Times detailing his sordid 13 year history of spiking anti-Saddam stories - allowing his correspondents to suffer hideous tortures while he remained mum.

That CNN is already roundly considered an extremely biased source of information is a given - Jordan’s piece merely adds punctuation; his confession however goes far beyond the pale.

What he admits to is so morally reprehensible and unforgivable that it's really surprising it ever saw the light of day in the first place. That the piece was published on Friday - traditionally the slowest news day of the week - should not come as a major surprise.

Why did Jordan commit this grievous sin against the First Amendment?

Because if he had simply allowed the broadcasting of what his reporters were telling him, the faltering cable network would have been booted from Iraq.

So I guess the moral we draw from this is that journalism, the modern variety anyway, is merely a euphemism for churning out whatever lies the host country demands - in another venue, much like Dan Rather's kneepad interview of Saddam.

If followed to its natural conclusion we must assume that every word generated by CNN - and the "Big 3" for that matter - is crafted to standards set not by stringent reportorial criteria but by the whims of dictators afraid of the light of day.

Obviously CNN has been veracity defective for a very long time - as any long time watcher who is familiar with the antics of former chief & long-time Clinton buddy, Rick Kaplan, would attest.

Kaplan, for the uninitiated, transferred his pro-Democrat, pro-liberal anti-conservative bias from ABC to Ted Turner’s former fiefdom, spiking stories, issuing edicts about the mere use of the word "scandal" when referring to the anointed one ad about a weird place - even for Kaplan - it has been reported by Vanity Fair, that he was greeted at CNN for the first time by multiculturalist el-supremo Turner with this, possibly bourbon induced, observation:

“Are you sure you're a Jew? You are the biggest goddamn Jew I have ever seen.”

That this happened at CNN, that people who so vehemently hold others to the dictates of absolute political correctness could work in an atmosphere this poisoned, this dysfunctional, is amazing...but I digress, if ever so slightly.

What Kaplan did, what Jordan has done - and is still presumably doing in his other foreign news bureaus - what Pelosi and her party is doing and what the rest of the "legitimate" press continues to do in abusing their constitutional mandates, is corrosively un-American.

It is just one step between what this type of behavior and attitude produces and the Banana Republic - or far worse - because these people and forces shape public policy and mold opinion.

For better or worse they form society to their image and likeness and the image we are witnessing is far from pretty.

A truly independent press is vital as an offset, a counterweight, to corruption at all levels of society, both private and in the public sector. But the natural guarantors of this cleansing effect have become captive - a political arm of the Democrat party - which is itself so corrupt that nothing can save it.

Our type of government is surprisingly fragile in many ways, deprived of checks and balances it cannot long stand. At some point evil forces become too strong to resist. We are not there yet, but if left unattended we will be there, rest assured, it's only a matter of time.

4 posted on 04/14/2003 4:57:32 PM PDT by Bullish
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A good read! It deserves to be archived here.
5 posted on 04/14/2003 4:58:44 PM PDT by Bullish
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To: Angel#3
Good post!
6 posted on 04/14/2003 7:50:25 PM PDT by DED (Liberals Never Learn. *LNL*)
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To: Bullish
Nancy is a fool.
7 posted on 04/14/2003 7:53:01 PM PDT by freekitty
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To: freekitty
8 posted on 04/14/2003 8:01:30 PM PDT by F.J. Mitchell ( The roots of sweet liberty are best fertilized by the stinking rotting corpse of tyranny.)
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Thank you. I'm so up to HERE with the Pelosis of the world, and this editorial expresses my own feelings so well.
9 posted on 04/15/2003 5:23:10 AM PDT by Angel#3
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To: Angel#3; MeeknMing; sweetliberty; dansangel; TheLion; Budge; Mudboy Slim
Great post....will add to my project.....

FYI Ping!

10 posted on 04/15/2003 5:28:53 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: Angel#3; nicmarlo; mhking; Landru; #3Fan
The DemonRAT Party is imploding before our eyes...

"Shan't Git Fooled Again!!"
(To be sung to TheWho's "Won't Get Fooled Again")

We'll enlighten all we meet...
For our children, we shall FReep...
Truth and Morals that we worship shall live on!!
'Tis Clinton who spurs US on...
Lib'ral Judgement is ALL Wrong!!
Medyuh LIES, but the Sheeple shall catch on!!

We'll re-enforce Nation's Ol' Constitution...
Devolve Power...The Great Devolution...
Laugh and sing and take Slick Willie down!!
Listen to what Limbaugh's sayin'...
Gotta do more than pray!!
Folks, we'll rise to our feet and sing...
"We shan't git fooled again!!!"...No NO!!

We'll Raise OUR Voice fer OUR Country with Pride...
Ain't gonna listen to Left's Med'yuh Jive!!
We'll wake all the Sheeple and smite all Left's spies!!
Folks, you know that RATS' Chi-Com SPIES always lie...don'tcha?!!

(Kewl synthesizer/guitar combo...maybe a li'l MUD on harp)


FReepers, hit the streets...educate everyone you meet...
Lib'rals' "programs" we'll the by!!
And the SLAUGHTER of Soddom[/Clinton]...means Momentum for the Right...
Sheeples' fears shall melt away before our sight!!

Right'll re-enforce our Ol' Constitution...
REJECT DemRATS' Socialist "solutions"!!
Smile and grin at the change all around...
Pick up my ol' harp and sing...ain't like yesterday...
Folks, we'll take to streets and scream...

Meet the new boss...his name is George Bush!!

Mudboy Slim

1 Posted on 10/13/2000 01:23:41 PDT by Mudboy Slim (The Clinton Legacy SHALL BE the Destruction of the Democratic Party!!!)

Heh heh heh...MUD

11 posted on 04/15/2003 5:39:47 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim (Let America PROPOSE a NEW League of Nations...The League of FReeNations!!)
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To: Bullish; nicmarlo
Bullish - thank-you for printing this in its entirety.

nimarlo - thanks for the ping. How I despise that useless waste of flesh! My BP spiked 40 points just reading that!!

What *project?* If it's to have Nancy the nutcase impeached, I'm in on it!
12 posted on 04/15/2003 5:44:16 AM PDT by dansangel (America - love it, support it, or LEAVE IT!)
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To: nicmarlo; Angel#3; yall
I can't take it any more - the time is long past due to ask a few basic questions regarding the patriotism of the "progressives" - a term we must use now so as to include Pelosi's Marxist marching buddies in ANSWER and the Worker's World Party.

Here are some of Nancy's constituents/pals showing their Patriotism . . .

Here is a link to the SF-IMC site where these FAR LEFT LIBERALS posted an actual pic (below) of one of their Support Saddam/Terrorists events recently and changed the image when I posted/linked it to an FR thread. The pic at the top of that link (of 2 Allied Soldiers TORTURING someone) was what they changed it to . . .

These folks at San Francisco Indy-Media are terrorist supporters . . .

Oh, the lurkers on FR from SF-IMC CANNOT change that picture (above) now since it is hosted by FR friendly sources !

13 posted on 04/15/2003 5:45:55 AM PDT by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye Saddam! / Check out my Freeper site !:
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To: dansangel
I've been working on posting a thread for the past month or so; it's not centered on Pelosi, although there will be a few links about her on it; it does, however, have information about the Progressive Caucus and Rats....I'll ping you when I post....which may be this's kind of a long post because there's just so much info. I felt I needed to show correlations between the Progressive Caucus and certain Rat members and other associations. It's pretty much done....all I'm trying to do now is double-check links other editing....of course, there's been several threads posted in the past few days which are great, imho, which have also been added now.
14 posted on 04/15/2003 6:57:08 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: MeeknMing
: )...FReepers are such good documentors!
15 posted on 04/15/2003 7:01:27 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
16 posted on 04/15/2003 11:39:38 AM PDT by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye Saddam! / Check out my Freeper site !:
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To: Bullish
A lot of Freepers criticised Bush for supporting Clinton's bombing of Serbia. I hope everyone now understands that supporting the president in war is the best strategery.
17 posted on 04/15/2003 11:47:31 AM PDT by js1138
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To: MeeknMing
That picture says it all.
18 posted on 04/15/2003 11:48:18 AM PDT by Beck_isright ("QUAGMIRE" - French word for "unable to find anyone to surrender to")
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