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Oscar Security Working Overtime [FReeper HELP needed: "Rally for America" at the Academy Awards]
E! Online (Entertainment Television) ^ | March 14, 2003 | Josh Grossberg [and RonDog]

Posted on 03/14/2003 10:19:20 PM PST by RonDog

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FReeper HELP needed... PLAN and EXECUTE a "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" - "Rally For America" event at this year's Academy Awards ceremony.

I would like to use this thread to generate some GENERAL ideas about how we should best execute an effective consumation of the HUNDREDS of "Rally for America" events - all across the USA - currently scheduled to be held on "Liberty Weekend" (3/22-23).

To FIND an existing "Rally for America" event near you,
or to plan and promote a NEW one,
please go to:
I would also like to use this thread to recruit volunteers to be a part of the hard-core ADVANCE TEAM who will arrive VERY EARLY at this event.
MUCH of our exact strategy and tactics for this event must remain PRIVATE, to prevent the "bad guys" from knowing what we will be doing.
Please only communicate sensitive information via PRIVATE channels.
If you send me a FReep-mail (by clicking on Private Reply at the end of this post) - or send me an e-mail at, I will include you in our PRIVATE strategy sessions - OFF this public forum.
We can and should, however, post some GENERAL guidelines here, and establish our OVERALL goals for this event. IMHO, we need to define PRECISELY what we intend to accomplish with this very important rally, and focus our energy of achieving those SPECIFIC goals.
Note: I intend to send a link to this thread to conservative activists all across California, so please be nice. :o)

1 posted on 03/14/2003 10:19:21 PM PST by RonDog
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To: RonDog
Check this one out.

2 posted on 03/14/2003 10:24:57 PM PST by Coyote
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To: RonDog
Aside from more than 700 private guards, the Los Angeles police plan to bring out its big guns, stationing a SWAT team and officers from the department's newly formed Homeland Security Bureau on the premises as well as the areas nearby.

Gee .. all this protection for a bunch of Hollywood Nit Wits that can't stand our government

I guess they like out Government now huh??

BTW .. Have a great Freep!

3 posted on 03/14/2003 10:26:50 PM PST by Mo1 (RALLY FOR AMERICA - VALLEY FORGE,PA MARCH 16, 2003 1:00 PM)
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To: AnnaZ; Mercuria; feinswinesuksass; DoughtyOne; Cinnamon Girl; Tony in Hawaii; Bob J; diotima; ...
Here is a good photograph of the layout of the "red carpet" area for last year's Academy Awards:

2002 Academy Awards
Note the "red carpet" area along Hollywood Boulevard,
in front of the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood

The security folks have been VERY tight-lipped about their EXACT plans for this year; i.e. exactly WHERE the limos will arrrive, but it APPEARS that the stars will enter the red carpet area from the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue (as they appear to have done last year) - through the white tent, at the top right of this picture.

4 posted on 03/14/2003 10:33:08 PM PST by RonDog
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To: RonDog
I won't be watching the charade (Academy Awards) again this year, but it will be interesting to find out afterwards whether or not the Hollyweirds held their political commie tongues in light of the outrage generated by the Ditzy Chicks.
5 posted on 03/14/2003 10:39:10 PM PST by demkicker (I wanna kick some commie butt)
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To: RonDog
And, HERE is the street/sidewalk closure information from
2003 Academy Awards Street and Sidewalk Closures
Sunday, March 23, 2003
1. Hollywood Blvd. will be closed from La Brea Ave. to Cahuenga Blvd. when determined to be necessary by the LADOT.

2. South sidewalk of Hollywood Blvd will be closed from Highland Ave. to 200 feet east of Highland Ave. from 12:01 AM to 06:00 AM Monday March 24 except for an 8-foot pedestrian access.

3. Highland Ave. will be closed from Sunset Blvd. to Franklin Ave. when determined to be necessary by the LADOT.

4. West sidewalk of Highland Ave. will be closed from Hollywood Blvd. south to Hawthorn Blvd., from 12:01 AM to 06:00 AM Monday March 24 except for 8-foot pedestrian access.

5. North sidewalk of Hollywood Blvd. will be completely closed from Highland Ave. to 75 feet east of Highland Ave. in front of closed businesses from 12:01 AM to 12:01 AM Monday, March 24.

6. North sidewalk of Hollywood Blvd. will be closed from 75 feet east of Highland Ave. to 200 feet east of Highland Ave. from 12:01 AM to 06:00 AM Monday March 24, except for an 8-foot pedestrian access.

7. East sidewalk of Highland Ave.. will be closed from Yucca Street south to the Alley from 12:01 A.M. to
6:00 A.M. March 24 except for 8-foot pedestrian access.

8. Yucca Street will be closed from Wilcox Ave. to Highland. Wilcox will be closed from Sunset to Cahuenga.

9. 101 South Highland Exit will be closed when determined to be necessary by Caltrans.

= closures

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6 posted on 03/14/2003 10:43:57 PM PST by RonDog
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To: RonDog
I will be there.
7 posted on 03/14/2003 10:47:19 PM PST by John Lenin
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To: RonDog
Good pic!!! Now I see the plan better. Good job.
8 posted on 03/14/2003 10:51:40 PM PST by FIT-AIM-ACT-1
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To: RonDog
HERE is the way that we have been promoting this event so far, from:
"Not in OSCAR's Name!"
FReeper help needed to promote our pro-USA rally at the Academy Awards (3/23)

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS - "March Against Terrorism" at the L.A. Marathon - SUNDAY (3/2) - 10 am to noon ^ | March 1, 2003 | RonDog
Posted on 03/01/2003 2:11 AM PST by RonDog and the Free Republic Network
cordially invite YOU to attend our

1st Annual "March AGAINST Terrorism"
at the Academy Awards

also known as:

"Not in OSCAR’s name!"


SUNDAY - March 23, 2003
from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
outside the Kodak Theatre – at Hollywood and Highland

Patriotic MUSIC, Powerful SPEAKERS, and
LOTS of Pro-American FELLOWSHIP!

Who upholds the PRO-AMERICAN tradition of REAL "stars" like
John Wayne, Bob Hope and Elvis?
Mel Gibson, James Earl Jones and James Woods –
or Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen and Janeane Garofalo???

"What would JOHN WAYNE do today?"
He would SUPPORT OUR TROOPS, Pilgrim.

VOTE with your DOLLARS.
Demand more responsible actors.
The “anti-stars” do NOT deserve an Oscar. ®

For MORE information, see: - or call: (213) 892-9011
-- snip --

To: AnnaZ; Mercuria; feinswinesuksass; DoughtyOne; Cinnamon Girl; Tony in Hawaii; Bob J; diotima; ...

Here is the general concept.

We do NOT attack the Academy, we attack the "anti-stars" who are not WORTHY of it.
See for instance how a TRUE star responds when his country needs him, from


By the end of 1957, Elvis Presley was the unchallenged King of Rock'n'Roll. With nine US chart-topping hits behind him achieved in less than two years, he was the hottest item on any menu, but that very fact may have strongly influenced the US Government in their insistence that Presley should be drafted for national service in the US Army...

CLICK HERE for the rest of that thread

9 posted on 03/14/2003 10:52:45 PM PST by RonDog
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To: RonDog
Looks like Highland is the place to be!
10 posted on 03/14/2003 11:03:03 PM PST by Bob J (Join the FR Network! Educate, Motivate, Activate!)
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To: RonDog
Bump from VetsCoR. Hope to see your there.
11 posted on 03/14/2003 11:06:34 PM PST by A Navy Vet
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To: Bob J
Check your Freepmail, please.
12 posted on 03/14/2003 11:07:55 PM PST by A Navy Vet
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To: RonDog
OUR "secret weapon" in this pro-USA rally will be Los Angeles homeless activist, Ted Hayes, who has been VERY ACTIVE in promoting "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" rallies all over southern California, seen HERE at our rally at the Los Angeles Marathon a few weeks ago - from the image gallery at

Ted has agreed to "camp out" at the corner of Hollywood and Highland - starting at noon the day before (SATURDAY, March 22) - to insure that our message will be heard on Oscar Day.

The problem is, it appears that VERY FEW of the (HUNDREDS) folks whom we have invited to attend "from 4 pm to 6 pm on Sunday" will be able to get anywhere NEAR Ted, with the MASSIVE crowds expected to attend.
And, MANY of them will be dressed in tuxedos and ball gowns - to show our respect for the TRADITIONS of the Academy...
(Bob Hope, for example, who has supported our troops through multiple USO tours to military installations all over the world, was Master of Ceremonies for the Academy Awards more times than ANYONE ELSE!)
...but these fancy duds are not very practical for sleeping on the sidewalk. :o)
13 posted on 03/14/2003 11:19:20 PM PST by RonDog
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To: Bob J
Looks like Highland is the place to be!
Aye, but HERE's the rub, in this short exceprt from the Los Angeles Times, from last year's ceremony, at this same location:
...The tight restrictions also bruised the feelings of thousands of tourists and locals who converged on the area to see celebrities despite days of warnings from officials that television would offer the best view. That frustration was heightened by the conflicting orders given throughout the day by police and security personnel who were learning on the job how the new venue would fit the high-profile occasion.

"I have been sent in 10 different directions and yelled at," snapped Heidi Harlan, who drove in from Riverside solely for stargazing. "This is ridiculous." Harlan was among 1,500 fans who waited in long midmorning lines to pass through metal detectors on Highland Avenue and then clogged up the sidewalk next to the Kodak entrance, only to be hustled out an hour later. The grumpy crowd was told the sidewalk was only for passing customers of the stores on the street and that loitering would not be allowed...
CLICK HERE for the rest of that article

14 posted on 03/14/2003 11:38:38 PM PST by RonDog
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To: RonDog
This sounded so far away when I first heard about it - now the date is hurtling towards me! Keep me pinged!
15 posted on 03/15/2003 6:47:50 AM PST by Jessamine
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To: Jessamine
This sounded so far away when I first heard about it - now the date is hurtling towards me!
I can certainly indentify with THAT observation.
I will know after I meet with Ted Hayes this morning, and then continue my investigation of the Hollywood and Highland area later today.


16 posted on 03/15/2003 7:38:42 AM PST by RonDog
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To: FIT-AIM-ACT-1; Bob J; diotima; DoughtyOne; Mediaqueen
This just in:

March 14, 2003

Contact: Ted Hayes
Founder and President
Justiceville/Homeless USA
(213) 892-9011
Web site:

1st Annual
Hollywood March Against Terrorism
Hollywood, CA (March 23, 2003) - Ted Hayes, a leading controversial Homeless activist will lead a pro-freedom/anti-terrorism cadre of demonstrators during the Academy Awards® on March 23, 2003 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at or near the intersection of Hollywood and Highland.

Ted Hayes, Justiceville/ Homeless USA, and Free Republic Network, along with the Young Republicans, College Republicans and others, will be participating in the "1st Annual Hollywood March Against Terrorism" to show support for our troops.

This event is affiliated with the "Rally for America/Liberty Weekend."

Beginning at noon March 22nd, Ted Hayes and a group of supporters will be conducting a 24-hour "Freedom Vigil" to bring attention to the plight of hundreds of millions of people currently living under tyranny. As stated by Ted Hayes, "America is the only nation on earth that has the power, both militarily and morally, to liberate the oppressed throughout the world. We must do all we can to remove the dictators and free every captive they hold, especially those captives considered to be the Homeless. To do less, would be immoral."

At 4:00pm March 23rd, Ted Hayes will be joined by hundreds of Americans to "March Against Terrorism, Rally for America, and Support our Troops". As part of this gathering, the message of FIT-AIM-ACTsm will be highlighted to show how we support our troops and our national defense. Simply stated, we support a FIT (Fully Intact & Trained)sm Armed Forces able to AIM (Annihilate Incoming Missiles)sm and ACT (Attack & Crush Terrorism)sm worldwide.

In addition to supporting our troops, this event will try to remind the "Hollywood 100" anti-war celebrities that without our military, Veterans, POWs/MIAs, and KIAs, all of their prosperity, artistic success, and celebrity status (which they have abused) would only be real in their dreams. The freedom to achieve the American Dream has always been protected by our military; and the "Hollywood 100" need to wake-up to that fact, support our troops, and encourage the liberation of the oppressed. To those Hollywood celebrities who have no need of our reminder, we invite all of you to join us. Without question, your help would go far in advancing our message.

On behalf of all freedom-loving Americans, we thank you "the media" for covering this event.

This event will benefit Justiceville/ Homeless USA's Homeless Defense Fund to help Homeless Veterans,
continue the March Against Terrorism, and support American freedom through the media

17 posted on 03/15/2003 8:44:13 AM PST by RonDog
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To: RonDog
Great post Ron. I met Ted Hayes for the first time last weekend. He's an interesting guy, to say the least. I'm glad we can work together on this issue.

Thanks for the post. Looking good.

18 posted on 03/15/2003 9:00:15 AM PST by DoughtyOne (Don't just sit there, use the links on the Graphic Teaser.)
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To: HighRoadToChina
I hope you can bring some of your Patriots to LA for the Oscars March 23rd!!

Your report on Last nights Rally in Santa Rosa is fantastic!! Please share it here!

19 posted on 03/15/2003 10:45:34 AM PST by Joy Angela
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To: RonDog
Will you be able to get near enough to be seen, not only by the arriving celebrities but by the cameras? When is it anyway? I will definitely watch for FReepers!
20 posted on 03/15/2003 11:15:33 AM PST by sweetliberty ("To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it.")
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