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Saddam's reign of terror – where prisoners die in plastic shredders
yorkshire today ^
| 3/12/03
Posted on 03/12/2003 5:18:02 PM PST by knak
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To: Calpernia
Sorry about the other duplicate post. I guess we have different views on keeping cancer from spreading. I don't see how surgery will help in this case when it will unleash lots of unknown forces. Just one example: radical Islamic Kurds who blow themselves up.
posted on
03/12/2003 9:17:35 PM PST
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To: palmer
Of course Saddam's ruthlessness is a reason to attack. It is a reason for every human being on earth to kill him by any means available at any time available, as an act of the simplest justice.
Are there other reasons as well? Sure. That's gravy. Saddam should be removed from power because he uses power unjustly. He should be killed because he needs killing. All the rest of it is boilerplate around that fundamental, moral reality.
posted on
03/12/2003 9:22:15 PM PST
To: JasonC
He goes beyond the necessary brutality required by authoritarian Middle East dictators trying to suppress internal independence movements including Islamic radicalism. That's too bad, but not surprising. Do you seriously expect anybody less than a thug to pull that off?
posted on
03/12/2003 9:26:11 PM PST
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To: palmer
I seriously expect anybody who ruthlessly tortures and murders to be shot on sight by every decent human being. And I don't give a tuppenny damn where he lives or what he is trying to do. If you do, then your head is screwed on backwards. Toleration of such things is why some parts of the world suck and others do not.
posted on
03/12/2003 9:30:25 PM PST
To: JasonC
No, toleration of thugs acknowledges that some groups of people can't rule themselves and need to be supressed by thugs. A better alternative is a reformed military (e.g. in Turkey) but they can't always be trusted. As far as I am concerned, people who vote for Islamic law are voting for a thugocracy.
posted on
03/12/2003 9:39:51 PM PST
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To: Billthedrill; dighton; JasonC; Byron deVilliers
Thanks for so thoroughly and decisively cleaning up after our *friend* from the north. I follow these threads with interest, and it's good to see the arguments for characterizing Saddam as one of history's Hall of Famers for Evil so explicitedly made.
See ya around the forum.
posted on
03/12/2003 11:06:20 PM PST
To: palmer
But Saddam's ruthlessness is not a reason for us to attack and should not be part of any debate over war. It should be and it is. Spreading the details of Saddam's torture to the soccer mom's will coalesce support for this war.
We have a moral duty to promote freedom. Inalienable rights, due process, and freedom from cruel and unusual punishment should be spread to every nation on Earth, starting with Iraq.
posted on
03/13/2003 5:15:53 AM PST
(Advise and Consent = Debate and VOTE!!)
To: ez
Our country's moral duty is to protect its citizens. If you want to save people from torture that is your business, not mine. Spreading these details at this point is the substitute for debate over whether we should be involved in this type of nation building. Our experience in Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia and Afghanistan (so far) should tell us about the folly of trying to enforce human rights upon people who will vote for Islamic law or settle 1000 year-old scores with their neighbors.
posted on
03/13/2003 5:35:51 AM PST
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To: knak
To: dighton; Byron deVilliers; BlueLancer; aculeus; general_re; Poohbah; Billthedrill
I smell varmint
A rare hybrid of the Randian Kool-Aid Drinker and the Take-Off Hoser(Eh) subspecies.
posted on
03/13/2003 6:00:12 AM PST
(Liberals, The Other White Meat)
To: palmer
. Spreading these details at this point is the substitute for debate over whether we should be involved in this type of nation building. I'm sorry, I thought I answered debate quite clearly.
IMHO, while we should not invade every tyranny on the globe, in such cases where there is an opportunity to protect national security AND remove a tyrant who represses people through barbaric violation of inalienable rights, we SHOULD remove him.
Afterwards, we should not "nation-build" except to the point where we leave the nation no worse than we found it. We should turn the government of that nation over to THE PEOPLE to institute whatever form of govenment seems most likely to secure their futre happiness.
If they blow it and install Islamfascism, so be it.
I think we have an opportunity here In the interests of our national security, I feel we have a real opportunity to bring, at least, due process and freedom from cruel and unusual punishment to Iraq, Iran, Syria, and North Korea.
Then step aside and let the people of those countires govern themselves as they see fit.
posted on
03/13/2003 6:31:47 AM PST
(Advise and Consent = Debate and VOTE!!)
To: palmer
PS The working title of my theory on foreign policy would be Non-Invasive Democratization.
posted on
03/13/2003 6:33:22 AM PST
(Advise and Consent = Debate and VOTE!!)
To: dighton; Byron deVilliers; BlueLancer; aculeus; general_re; Poohbah; L,TOWM; Billthedrill
These horror stories are not US-fabricated "let's go to war" lies. Years ago another Saddam technique was described in print: bury the dissident alive but with a pipe in his mouth, the other end above ground so that he could breath. Leave the pipe in for few days, then yank it out.
I do wish these Bush-hating Saddam defenders posing as "gee, I'm just trying to get at the truth" skeptics would all go on record, in writing, with signed statements.
The statements could then be translated into Arabic and published in Iraqi media after Saddam's defeat and replacement.
posted on
03/13/2003 6:35:11 AM PST
To: Rudder
Yeah no doubt.
Jews in ovens. Give me a break, everyone knows that's just ridiculous. (/satire)
posted on
03/13/2003 7:26:32 AM PST
(sword of..)
To: Byron deVilliers; dighton; aculeus; BlueLancer; L,TOWM
Without a certain framing they aren't parallels at all, but, alternatively, random events in unrelated narratives and causality spheres...... Cute. Taking a cue from Chomsky, are we? He was rather loathe to condemn the genocide in Cambodia, as I recall - must be something about mass-murder that brings out the worst in your typical garden-variety moral relativist. It's all a language game, now step lively and please pay no attention to the piles of bodies over there....
posted on
03/13/2003 7:34:10 AM PST
(Non serviam.)
To: palmer
IraqWatch didn't create the documents. It is only a virtual file cabinet. Those documents are from the UN, IAEA, Congress and what ever other sources they pull from.
The documents, visits to the areas, testimonies from people that lived there and the blatant history, you still doubt the information. We are done. I have nothing else to say to you.
To: general_re; aculeus
Yep, rattus chomskyi.
posted on
03/13/2003 7:45:06 AM PST
To: ex-Texan
Want to contemplate what kind of monsters are in the world ?
Think about how many horror movies have been made featuring grisly death ,and how those movies are wildy popular. Think about the murder mystery books which are likewise popular. The mobster fiction with incessant depiction of crazed killers.
Or how about the babies dismembered in the womb by the millions ?
The "civilized" world is awash in cold- and hot-blooded murderers !
Perhaps Lot has spoken with God and he has found there are still enough good people to stay His Vengeance as wreaked on Sodom and Gomorrah.
To: hoosierham
posted on
03/21/2003 6:31:01 PM PST
(so freaking sick of the lies...)
To: palmer
I think that's hilarious that you take that for a given. Imagine the leaders of terror cells for a moment, as they watch "shock and awe." They now know that the U.S will take the war to their soil and to their homes before giving in. They're watching all of the lies of U.S weakness unravel and all hope of Islamic conquest go up, literally, in smoke.
posted on
03/21/2003 6:37:58 PM PST
(so freaking sick of the lies...)
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