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Saddam's reign of terror – where prisoners die in plastic shredders
yorkshire today ^ | 3/12/03

Posted on 03/12/2003 5:18:02 PM PST by knak

Chilling new details of Saddam Hussein's reign of terror in Iraq – including prisoners being killed by being fed through industrial shredders – were revealed to MPs yesterday.

Researchers preparing an indictment of Saddam for crimes against humanity detailed evidence of torture, murder and ethnic cleansing gathered from witnesses in northern Iraq over the past few weeks. Their horrific report included eyewitness testimony of children being gassed in jail.

And the MPs heard an impassioned plea for military intervention from Shanaz Rachid, the daughter of prominent Kurdish leader Ibrahim Ahmed, who accused the international community of standing by for more than two decades while the Iraqi people suffered under Saddam.

Iraqi Kurds and Shia Muslims would welcome war to unseat the dictator, but were fearful that chemical weapons would be used to massacre them if US and UK troops withdrew from the area without toppling him, she said.

Ms Rachid was scathing about the role of French President Jacques Chirac in leading opposition to war, which she said the Kurdish people would not "easily forget".

Presenting evidence to MPs at the House of Commons, researchers from Indict – the organisation gathering evidence to prosecute Saddam and his henchmen – said many of the stories were so horrific they were difficult to believe.

But there was a "remarkable consistency" in evidence from many different sources, which boosted its credibility.

Witnesses had told them about prisoners having nails torn out, being given electric shocks to the genitals, tortured with boiling water and beaten. Women were suspended by the hair or legs in front of their families and raped, while their husbands were forced to watch.

Saddam's son Qusay – the head of Iraq's security and intelligence agencies – had administered mustard gas on prisoners, including a 12-year-old boy, whose father heard his screams from a neighbouring cell, they were told.

And Saddam's special adviser, Barzan al-Tikriti – Iraq's former representative on the UN Commission on Human Rights – had personally tortured detainees before their execution.

One witness, who spent 15 years in jail after being accused of using a false surname, described a particularly horrific method of execution: "There was a machine designed for shredding plastic. Men were dropped into it and we were ... made to watch. "Sometimes they went in head first, and died quickly. Sometimes they went in feet first and died screaming. It was horrible. I saw 30 people die like this. "Their remains would be placed in plastic bags and we were told they would be used as fish food. On one occasion, I saw Qusay Saddam Hussein personally supervising these murders."

Kamaran Sabir, a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, who has worked with Indict, told MPs: "The war between Saddam's regime and the Iraqi people is continuing. It started decades ago and has caused thousands of deaths each year.

"Military co-operation to end Saddam's regime would be welcomed by the Iraqi people. We want to be able to live like the rest of the world."

Ms Rachid said: "Everybody keeps talking about the United Nations, but, as far as we are concerned, the UN has not done anything for the people of Iraq, and they will not do so.

"We have heard for so many years that the UN inspectors have gone in and destroyed weapons. As far as we are concerned, the UN could spend another 20 years going backwards and forwards to Bagdad, and nothing would change."

If the current military build-up did not lead to Saddam's overthrow, he would wreak his revenge on the Kurds of northern Iraq and Shia Muslims in the south, she claimed.

"If Saddam punishes us for siding with Britain and the US, I think that Britain, the US and the UN would be responsible for the death of millions of people in Iraq."

Members of the UN Security Council were responsible for selling weapons of mass destruction to Saddam over many years, and France's opposition to war appeared to be motivated in part by the hope of securing commercial contracts with the regime, she said.

"These people are asking for war," said MP Ann Clwyd, chairman of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group and vice-chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party. "They think it is the only way to overthrow Saddam. I have to agree with them."

12 March 2003

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: warlist
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I hadn't heard this one yet. grose
1 posted on 03/12/2003 5:18:02 PM PST by knak
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To: knak
Only monsters can come up with such horrific ways of torture! I hope I can sleep tonight.
2 posted on 03/12/2003 5:26:25 PM PST by Arpege92
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To: knak
I hope this is published and read in Britain. It might just change the minds of those against the war. Although, we've known for years and there are STILL a bunch of leftists who are against the war here too. It makes me really ashamed that they, too, are called Americans.
3 posted on 03/12/2003 5:33:37 PM PST by McGavin999
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To: Arpege92
modern day hitler
4 posted on 03/12/2003 5:34:41 PM PST by knak (kelly in alaska)
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To: knak
Saddam's reign of terror – where prisoners die in plastic shredders

Tell it to a peacenic, socialists, commies, Americahaters.
I hate them too, and hope some day get even w/all of'em.

5 posted on 03/12/2003 5:41:18 PM PST by Anticommie
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To: knak
Truth is the first casualty of war.

After that fake report of babies being tossed about on bayonette points at the onset of the last war I simply don't assign credibility to these horrific tales of atrocity.

6 posted on 03/12/2003 5:43:42 PM PST by The Duke
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To: Arpege92
Similar killings are graphically described in many "spy" novels ; the question is which came first : the idea in the WRITER's mind or the ACTUAL killers ?
7 posted on 03/12/2003 5:46:03 PM PST by hoosierham
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To: knak
8 posted on 03/12/2003 5:49:02 PM PST by proust
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To: The Duke
these are not new reports - they've been consistently told for years. what's new is that reporters are actually taking an interest in reporting them. Note another quote here from more of the Iraqi dissidents who despise the French, Germans, UN and the like ... 'they will not forget' is becoming an increasingly heard line.
9 posted on 03/12/2003 5:49:08 PM PST by Steven W.
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To: knak
At least he recycles
The Greenies should like that
10 posted on 03/12/2003 5:52:29 PM PST by joesnuffy
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To: knak
This regime is what the Left is fighting to preserve.
11 posted on 03/12/2003 5:54:24 PM PST by LibWhacker
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To: knak
" And the MPs heard an impassioned plea for military intervention from Shanaz Rachid, the daughter of prominent Kurdish leader Ibrahim Ahmed, who accused the international community of standing by for more than two decades while the Iraqi people suffered under Saddam. "

The UN will say she is mistaken. The UN cares. The international community makes resolutions against torment every year. But of course, in this case, they did not think it wise to act and anger the Mother of All Terrorism, Saddam. They will say that would have made the torture if that were possible. Only God could forgive the UN!

12 posted on 03/12/2003 5:58:06 PM PST by NetValue (Only God can forgive the UN.)
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To: The Duke
I think the babies on bayonettes story was World War I. The last Gulf War had the story of babies ripped out of incubators. It hardly matters, people who choose to believe this propaganda aren't interested in the truth.
13 posted on 03/12/2003 6:01:50 PM PST by palmer (receive this important and informative post - FREE)
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To: Steven W.
Well now, lemme see my lifetime, the UN has stood down while:

- Tibet was erased from the map, and half it's people erased from Life.

- The entire island of Cooba was turned into a Gulag, and staging platform for insurrection and murder.

- A million Africans were slaughtered.

I could go on and on.

Now they wanna subsidize Iraqi butchery and stymie freedom and democracy.

One of the best measures of Dubya's success is the waxing hysteria of the Lefties, of all stripes...Euro, Hollywierdo, UN-o.

If Michael Rennie had chosen this year to visit Earth, rather than '51 or so, he might be tempted to cut us no slack at all.

14 posted on 03/12/2003 6:02:41 PM PST by jwfiv
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To: The Duke
Just because something is incapable of being believed does not mean it is untrue.
15 posted on 03/12/2003 6:05:41 PM PST by k2blader (Please do not feed the Tag Lion. ®oar.)
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To: knak
After this is all over, Jaques Chirac should be tried for war crimes....for trying to impede & delay the liberation of these poor people. My son has a friend who comes from Iraq, and she is afraid of war and doesn't want it to happen....not because of OUR bombs & troops...but of what Saddam will do when the war starts. I am praying that the countries that have tried to block the US will pay dearly for what they have done. I (personally) will never forget and will NEVER by another french product.
16 posted on 03/12/2003 6:06:15 PM PST by Ragirl
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To: palmer
It hardly matters, people who choose to believe this propaganda aren't interested in the truth.

What is "the truth"?
17 posted on 03/12/2003 6:07:23 PM PST by k2blader (Please do not feed the Tag Lion. ®oar.)
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To: *war_list
18 posted on 03/12/2003 6:09:03 PM PST by Libertarianize the GOP (Ideas have consequences)
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To: McGavin999
The people that still need to be persuaded are the "touchy-feelies." THIS is what those favoring regime-change need to emphasize. Bush has dropped the ball on this.
19 posted on 03/12/2003 6:09:15 PM PST by cookcounty
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To: k2blader
That Saddam may not have any WMD, that he probably has no effective delivery mechanisms even short range ones. I have no way of knowing the truth of those issues, but I certainly know that they are the only issues that matter, not any of this "Saddam is evil" boilerplate.
20 posted on 03/12/2003 6:13:00 PM PST by palmer (receive this important and informative post - FREE)
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