Posted on 03/01/2003 2:11:43 AM PST by RonDog
The HOLLYWOOD RESISTANCE FORCE (also know as the L.A. Chapter of the Free Republic Network)
needs YOUR IDEAS about the best way to promote what may be our MOST EFFECTIVE rally yet:
at the Academy Awards in Hollywood
on SUNDAY, March 23!
Please post YOUR ideas here.
I would LIKE to hand out some kind of flyer about this at our pro-USA rally at the L.A. Marathon THIS Sunday.Thank you!
We do NOT attack the Academy, we attack the "anti-stars" who are not WORTHY of it.See for instance how a TRUE star responds when his country needs him, from
By the end of 1957, Elvis Presley was the unchallenged King of Rock'n'Roll. With nine US chart-topping hits behind him achieved in less than two years, he was the hottest item on any menu, but that very fact may have strongly influenced the US Government in their insistence that Presley should be drafted for national service in the US Army.Inevitably, there was considerable wailing and gnashing of teeth among the multitude of heartbroken female fans, although the media was correctly suspicious about whether Presley would be forced to serve his time like any other John Doe. The cynics felt that their case was proven when an Army spokesman suggested that the most likely posting for Elvis might be to the Army's Special Services Division, as an entertainer performing for his fellow servicemen, as a result of which he might not have to submit to a regular army haircut, and might be allowed to retain his pompadour and long sideburns.
At which point a Republican Senator vociferously enquired why Presley should be treated differently from other conscripts, and it became clear that the publicity scam would fail disastrously unless Elvis was treated like every other recruit and given no special privileges. And yes, his luxuriant crowning glory would be cropped.Of course, his manager Colonel Tom Parker wasn't about to miss any publicity opportunities -having already arranged for a brief deferment to allow Elvis to complete filming on 'King Creole', he also wanted to ensure that enough recorded material was 'in the can' to cover at least the major part of his star's unavoidable absence. On the fateful day -Monday March 24th, 1958.
Elvis arrived at the Draft Board office in Memphis to find not only a number of fans awaiting his arrival but also a crowd of media representatives primed to document the occasion when The King was transformed into Army Private US53310761, and heard that his pay was to be reduced from $1000 per week to $83.20 per month. His initial posting was to Fort Chaffee, Arkansas.
On the next day, it was time for the haircut and Parker made a meal out of ensuring that there was no chance for anyone to collect a lock of Elvis's hair from the floor. When Presley went to collect his uniform, Parker made a point of trying to slip a bootlace tie in his charge's kitbag, but Elvis seemed to think that was taking the circus concept too far. The Army felt much the same, and it was announced - at a press conference - that he would receive his basic combat training at Fort Hood, Texas, with the 2nd Armoured Division.
During the two-week leave, which followed basic training, Presley undertook his only recording sessions during his two years as a GI, and also attended the Memphis premiere of King Creole. It was also arranged that Vernon & Gladys Presley, his parents, would live close to Fort Hood so that Elvis could visit them, as he was particularly concerned about his mother's poor health. His concern was justified -on August 14th, 1958, Gladys died of a heart attack at the age of 46. Soon after his mother was cremated, the 2nd Armoured Division was posted to West Germany, and this was the only time during his life that Elvis set foot in Europe. Perhaps in view of his recent bereavement, Vernon Presley and Elvis's grandmother, Minnie Mae Presley, were permitted to rent a house near the Army base so that Elvis could spend his off-duty time in the bosom of his family.
Much of the rest of his period as a GI was spent in being a soldier, but it subsequently became clear that Elvis had also found himself a girlfriend in the glamorous shape of Priscilla Beaulieu, the daughter of an Air Force major also stationed in Germany. Priscilla was only 14 and although rumours of a romance were denied at the time, some years later she married Presley and bore his only legitimate child, Lisa Marie.
Two months before the end of his tour of duty in Germany, Elvis was promoted to sergeant, and when he was honourably discharged in early March, 1960, it became clear that if anything, his absence had made the hearts of his fans grow fonder: King Creole had been a great success, both as a film and also as a sound track album, while the two years had seen eight more US Top 10 hits, including two chart-toppers, 'Hard Headed Woman' and 'A Big Hunk O' Love'.
The problem becomes clear in retrospect -Parker had always wanted Elvis to be a so-called family entertainer a la Dean Martin rather than a rock'n'roller, and the enforced hiatus was used to transform the Hillbilly Cat into a Frank Sinatra figure. For Elvis, the change of style made little impact on his success, but 30 years later, it's all too clear that the original primeval rocker had his teeth removed in the late 1950s. Had he continued in the vein in which he started, maybe The Beatles wouldn't have been so necessary a couple of years later
Another idea, invite Dennis Miller to join all of you at the Oscars!
They have no more expertise on foreign policy and military matters than my plumber. Probably less, since I believe he is a navy veteran. Their celebrity is used to draw crowds to anti-war demonstrations, they hog up television time giving their comments (Mike Farrell was actually on CNN a couple days ago) and no one questions them on their expertise, motives, or funding.
If they have a right to speak on television, and the media will NOT question them, then we have every right to let them know that their opinions aren't in the majority.
Oh by the way, "blubbering Gwyneth Paltrow" is redundant. ;)
Love, Ivan
As far as the nominees who are anti-war, I don't know because I only know a few of the names. However, many of the presenters are anti-war.
I guess if I were organizing this (and I am not as I live in the Midwest) I would present the protest as a respectful request to remember that the troops watch the Oscars and it is incumbent upon the stars to not insult or demoralize them. Guilt and shame sometimes work where shouting and insults don't.
I work in the media, and I know that this is EXACTLY how it would be construed in the press.
That's why I feel a mass Freep would be counter-productive. Having that said, if a nominee has expressed an opposition to the war on Iraq in advance..they are fair game.
Alternatively, an e-mail campaign in support of the troops to all nominees, in advance of acceptance speeches could prove effective.
I just think a big campaign (which will only be shown negatively by the media) is redundant.
Love, Ivan
So what do you do?
The problem we have here is that many people are outraged about the words that these actors have spoken in public, and yet they are insulated from any consequences of those words. That is why people want to demonstrate at the Oscars. I doubt they can be dissuaded from doing so, myself.
They should do a USO show, really.
Love, Ivan
You gonna dress up as Susan Saranwrap or Medea Benjawoman?
YES! I think this would work wonderfully. And I believe an e-mail campaign to the managment agencies for each of the nominees, urging them to remember the troops, in their acceptance speeches could prove to be FANTASTIC PR.
Anything 'vulgar' however, will be counter-productive IMHO. I know the news industry, I'm sorry to say. And at a 'happy' star filled glittery event, anything seen to be 'ugly' will cast in negative light. We don't want that.
We might think these little puff pieces,ie, some..actors....are harmless, and not worth our trouble.
..but these antiwar thespians are showing their disdain & contempt to the very country which protects, finances them and keeps them plumped up with riches & fame.
You bet this is offensive to a lot of folks here!
Also, you fear it will backfire on those who are protesting.
But get serious, a lot of these folks (actors) invented silly and embarrassing.
Very few actually carry the weight of dignity & respect due them.
Also, don't worry.......even if some brave few (or many) FReepers took a you seriously think the media will give them any attention or face time?
Many of us have been at demonstrations where we far outnumbered the opponent, and at the end of the day, when the newsreel is shown, we might rate a blip, if that.
You see, Happygal, there were a WHOLE LOT OF US standing and applaunding Brian Kilmeade the other day, when he refused to let that little puffpiece have her say....unopposed.
Bless him......I hope there are more like him.
Happygal, I, and others, will be at the Patriot Rally today in my town.
This is happening all over our great nation.....
We don't cotton to folks who take advantage of the bounty of our country, and then get on national tv and spit on her(America)!!!
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