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'Black Program' Vet: Hillary a Security Risk on Armed Services Committee ^
| Tuesday Feb. 4, 2003
| Newsmax Staff Writer
Posted on 02/04/2003 11:34:12 AM PST by txradioguy
Tuesday Feb. 4, 2003; 9:06 a.m. EST 'Black Program' Vet: Hillary a Security Risk on Armed Services Committee
A retired Air Force weapons engineer who worked on a number of the military's super-secret "black budget" programs is warning that New York Sen. Hillary Clinton's ascension last month to the Senate Armed Services Committee constitutes a national security risk.
"I am deeply concerned that Hillary Clinton serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee represents a clear and present danger to our national security," said the weapons officer, whose identity NewsMax is shielding, in a letter received on Saturday.
"Considering all the sensitive information released by her husband's administration to North Korea and China, I have grave national security concerns about information that would be revealed to her and her staff regarding many of our most secret military capabilities," the Air Force whistleblower explained.
Two weeks ago Sen. Clinton said she was "very excited" about her Armed Services appointment, acknowledging that it would give her a louder voice to "criticize or praise" President Bush, according to the New York Post.
"As I learn more about the operations of our various military services," she added, "what I have to say may be better grounded."
Clinton's newfound access to the national security secrets of the Bush administration could also give her ammunition to further her political attacks. Less than a week after her Armed Services appointment, for instance, the New York Democrat accused the Bush White House of "mishandling" the North Korean nuclear crisis and alleged that Bush had ignored warnings from her husband's national security team about the threat posed by Osama bin Laden.
Our Air Force source sees trouble ahead once Sen. Clinton starts exerting her influence over military operations.
"While she and her husband were in office, my colleagues and I were outraged about the people we were directed to 'read in' to our military's most secret programs," the highly trusted veteran revealed, noting that "many of these people were not fit to receive SECRET clearances."
However, despite the concerns of this officer and others working on the same top secret projects, Air Force brass ordered them to stay silent lest they violate the military code of not criticizing the Commander-in-Chief.
The one-time "black program" insider revealed that persons considered to be security risks who were still granted access to America's most sensitive military secrets under the Clinton regime included several admitted LSD users.
The retired Air Force weapons officer expressed concern that sharing information about America's secret military operations with someone with Sen. Clinton's history of open disdain for the military "poses a serious potential threat to our national security and risks the lives of our men and women serving in our Armed Services."
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
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To: txradioguy
Bump! No more hippie security risks!

(Tell me those two didn't inhale. I dare ya!)
posted on
02/04/2003 11:37:48 AM PST
(This space intentionally blank)
To: JohnHuang2; Alamo-Girl
Ping! pings.
posted on
02/04/2003 11:39:24 AM PST
(This space intentionally blank)
To: FreedomPoster
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MY EYES!!! Pics like that should come with a parental rating advisory.
posted on
02/04/2003 11:40:44 AM PST
(Doing my part to keep the country free)
To: txradioguy
I expect this story will be on all of the networks tonight.
posted on
02/04/2003 11:42:36 AM PST
G Larry
($10K gifts to John Thune before he announces!)
To: txradioguy
....lest they violate the military code of not criticizing the Commander-in-Chief. She's neither Commander in chief nor related to such. Let her have it with both barrels!
posted on
02/04/2003 11:43:13 AM PST
To: G Larry
if it shows up anywhere it will be on FNC. But the big three? Nah, don't see it showing up there.
posted on
02/04/2003 11:46:38 AM PST
(Doing my part to keep the country free)
To: txradioguy
Who appointed her? Are they NUTS???
posted on
02/04/2003 11:46:45 AM PST
To: redhead
From what I understand she pretty much let the Senate Dems. that appoint people to committees that she was going to be on that comittee. Didn't ask, didn't have the senority to be there. Just let them know that she WAS gonna be on that comittee. The LAST RATS I felt safe being on that particular comittee was Sam Nunn.
posted on
02/04/2003 11:48:48 AM PST
(Doing my part to keep the country free)
To: txradioguy
Isn't that the committee where "Leaky Leayhe" (sp?) did his leaking?
posted on
02/04/2003 11:49:24 AM PST
To: narby
No that was the Select Senate Comitte on Intelligence. Even worse that leaking stuff from Armed Services.
posted on
02/04/2003 11:50:41 AM PST
(Doing my part to keep the country free)
To: txradioguy
COULD WE GENERATE a significant write-in campaign calling for her removal from the committee on the basis of being untrustworthy etc.???
To--all the important heads who could help change it?
posted on
02/04/2003 11:52:05 AM PST
To: txradioguy
It is time for Bush to really lay it on her and PULL her security clearance, or else don't tell anything that he doesn't want the enemy to know, to the armed services comittee.
The woman is a traitor, who hates the United States constitution, and the United States, and will do anything to see us fall.
Time for the Bitch to burn, pull her security clearance and then see what happens to her appointment!! LOL
posted on
02/04/2003 11:53:51 AM PST
(Are you on Grampa Dave's team? I am!! $5 a month is all it takes, come join!!!)
To: FreedomPoster
Ugh! What a photo. Ye God!!!
To: txradioguy
Hillary logic. "America is too powerful. If we win a war, it will make us look like the imperialistic pigs we are. In the New World Order, everyone is equal. So we lose thousands of our finest in battle. They sacrificed for the good of the State. The ends justify the means. A workers paradise never comes without paying a price. As long as I'm alive, our dream of a global village is within reach, with socialized medicine for all."
To: txradioguy
No kidding! Wow.
To: FreedomPoster
Oh Oh Oh, Mr. Kotter, Mr. Kotter!?!?!?!? Can I caption that picture?
In the Coast Guard, we used to have an old saying:
Any port in a storm.
I'm sorry, but women do not come more naturally unattractive than Hillary Clinton.
posted on
02/04/2003 12:00:33 PM PST
(He shoots............HE SCOOOOOOORES)
To: Russell Scott
Hitlary and Senator Depends and all the stuff that BIG DOG gave away to the ChiComs and the DPRK in the 90's is the reason why Bush keeps such a tight lid on ANYTHING getting out. He hates leaks and doesn't tolerate them. He's not gonna do a lot of glad handing to the media because he knows they'r not his friend. I have a feeling that Rummy and GW are gonna be even more tight lipped about National Security and Military matters now that she's on the Armed Services comittee. Plus look for there to be battles caused by her over appointments of Generals and their promotions. She'll want to help out the political/staff weenies that sucked up to Bill and Rummy and GW will push hard for the warriors who got to where they were on the front lines.
posted on
02/04/2003 12:00:53 PM PST
(Doing my part to keep the country free)
To: Hat-Trick
If you look at that pic BIG DOG would have HAD to inhale, more than once, just to sleep with her.
posted on
02/04/2003 12:01:50 PM PST
(Doing my part to keep the country free)
To: txradioguy
Off course she is...that is precisely why she is there....and why she wanted to be placed on that committee...if she is anything like her comrades should be a big money maker for her it
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