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Put off by public schools, more Muslims home-teach
Posted on 01/08/2003 4:25:40 AM PST by chance33_98
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To: chance33_98
They want to instruct their children in Islam, Arabic and Islamic civilization, subjects left out of ordinary public curricula. Yes, but will they learn anything about the Pilgrims, George Washington, the Revolutionary War, The Bill of Rights, Abraham Lincoln and other aspects of American history ?
posted on
01/08/2003 4:33:57 AM PST
To: chance33_98
Why do they want to keep them out of public schools? The NEA is doing a good job of whitewashing 9/11 with a pro-Arab slant, i.e. the U.S. deserved to be attacked by the camel jockeys.
To: Bella_Bru; CholeraJoe; xsmommy
To: happygrl
Good question and sounds like a marketing opportunity to me. How about a book on American history aimed at Muslim Americans?
To: chance33_98
Muslim 9th Grade Math: Semtex Calculations for Killing Jews
Muslim 10th Grade History: Mohammed Slaughters the Infidels
Muslim 11th Grade Economics: How to Disrupt and Destroy The Israeli Economy
Muslim 12 Grade Phys.Ed.: Infiltrating The U.S. with A Suitcase Nuke
Muslim 11th Grade Sex Ed: Sex and the Burqua; Going Down for Allah
To: chance33_98
Islamic civilization There's an oxymoron...
posted on
01/08/2003 5:04:28 AM PST
To: chance33_98
This is one reason I don't really like home schooling. It restricts the kid from hearing other ideas and seeing how others live, react, behave, share, fight, love, help eachother, connive, lie...etc. These muslims can now bring up a generation of Terrorists if they want too....hating America.
posted on
01/08/2003 5:05:27 AM PST
To: happygrl
Yes, but will they learn anything about the Pilgrims, George Washington, the Revolutionary War, The Bill of Rights, Abraham Lincoln and other aspects of American history ?
Sure! They'll learn all they need to know, that we Americans are infidels who must be killed as is commanded by the insane ramblings of the koran.
Guns Before Butter.
To: happygrl
Are you under some delusion that these fine subjects are taught thoroughly in public schools?
Homeschool Dad Bump.
To: Sungirl
I don't see how homeschooling has anything to do with "hating America." Some on this forum will argue that the public education movement is doing quite well in spreading a "hate America" agenda.
Another topic: I know next to nothing about Islam, but I did know that Ramadan included a fast. Setting aside the merit (or lack of merit) in celebrating/recognizing Ramadan in the public school, if I were in charge of such an effort, I would at least have sense enough to ask someone (like a Muslim) who could tip me off that ice cream would be a bad way to recognize the holiday.
To: chance33_98
On one hand, I can appreciate the right of any parent to want absolute control of what their child learns while growing during the formative years. You lose faith in the Public Schools and/or can't afford Parochial or Private Schools, and you think "no way" are you going to expose your children to the MTV culture and the deplorable dumbing down of our children.
OTOH, however, you can see how authorities can be frightened by possibly seeing a generation of misfits...especially when an unfamiliar religion enters the equation. For example, would you want your Little Leaguer's teammate to be learning that your son is an infidal and deserves to be killed in the name of a deity?
Of course my example is extreme, but.....
To: chance33_98
Our kids are involved in other people's holidays, then our holiday is misunderstood or left out." Then why don't you move to a non-christian nation, there are plenty to choose from!!!
To: chance33_98
These home-schooled Muslim children, like all other Muslims worldwide, will learn first and foremost that:
"The Islamic Movement is an organized struggle to change the existing society into an Islamic society based on the Koran and the Sunna and make Islam, which is a code for entire life, supreme and dominant, especially in the socio-political spheres
the ultimate objective of the Islamic movement shall not be realized unless the struggle is made by locals. For it is only they who have the power to change the society into an Islamic society." -- Islamic Foundation
posted on
01/08/2003 5:24:09 AM PST
To: DCPatriot
Of course my example is extreme, but..... Understood, but then going back to 'the good old' days in the 1700-1800's there was no nationalistic education plan. Freedom in learning/teaching was the norm. So we have to ask ourselves - are such freedoms too much freedom? Can we trust americans to do the right thing? Loads of questions, and only one answer. More coffee! Brb all :)
posted on
01/08/2003 5:24:17 AM PST
(Rights sliding away one by one has the same result of them going all at once, only slower)
To: TontoKowalski
"Ibrahim Imam, 9, starts his school day at 8:30 a.m. sharp. Like other fourth graders, he studies math, science, reading and cursive writing. He also practices Arabic and recites the Koran.
I have a feeling that this kid will do alot more reciting of the Koran than studying any other subject. Much like his fellow cult members in the Pakistani,Saudi Arabian,etc. so-called "schools",when all that is taught is the Koran & other subjects are a non-entity,you therefore have generations of ignorant kids that believe only what they have always known,hate taught by the Terrorist Handbook.
To: Sungirl
This is one reason I don't really like home schooling. It restricts the kid from hearing other ideas and seeing how others live, react, behave, share, fight, love, help eachother, connive, lie...etc.Please don't equate home schooling with isolation.
To: Young Rhino
camel jockeys Wait now, I resemble that remark
To: Centurion2000; JohnGalt; Slipjack; SauronOfMordor; EternalHope; cpdiii; taxed2death; cake_crumb; ...
Looks like the question for the thread is: Should Homeschooling be regulated by the state/fed govt and if so how much and in what way.
posted on
01/08/2003 5:37:38 AM PST
(Rights sliding away one by one has the same result of them going all at once, only slower)
To: Clovis_Skeptic
For many, it is isolation...and meant to be in this article.
posted on
01/08/2003 5:38:35 AM PST
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