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College Seniors No More Knowledgeable Than 1950s High School Grads ^
| 12/19/02
| Scott Hogenson
Posted on 12/19/2002 3:08:50 AM PST by kattracks
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To: freedumb2003
An obvious fraud! Nobody on Jaywalking would know Neil Simon. Pual Simon is the correct answer (other than "duuuhhhhh?").
posted on
12/19/2002 6:08:51 AM PST
To: MrNeutron1962
Re your # 2...
The achievements of today's college under graduates, in the hard sciences such as math, physics, and chemistry, is not worse or better than it was in 1950....true. We are talking here about the unchangeable basics of science that cannot be "dumbed down".....and the computer studies you infer are all based away from this fundamental and unchangeable scientific foundation.
Nonetheless, such things as English literature and the various social scineces, for example, are mere shadows of what was once required curriculum. Now we have the wonders of such things as Edridge Cleaver displacing Shakespeare and graduates in many fields nearly put out into the world nearly illiterate. As a result, many Universities have found it necessary to teach renmedial high school work to enable young people to "master" the most elemental of these non-science courses.
posted on
12/19/2002 6:09:20 AM PST
To: MrNeutron1962
Really, those must have been some talented High School Students in the 50's. How were their computer and bio-tech skills? I have a friend who graduated from Central High, Little Rock, in 1958 with the National Guard camped on the football field and patrolling the halls.
As a junior he hooked up his mother's stove so that a phone call home turned the oven on.
After college he was a jet pilot in the navy; landed jets on a moving ship.
After Viet Nam and 5 years in the navy his degree (EE)was obsolete (computers had become big) so he went to Georgia Tech for a Master's.
He retired last year (VP) from a major computer corp; has 7 patents used in computers.
His best friend in high school went on to a Ph D in bio-physics and retired from Brown University.
posted on
12/19/2002 6:09:22 AM PST
To: kattracks
>The average of correct responses for modern college seniors on a series of questions assessing "general cultural knowledge"
Meaning they know more about gays and Eminem.
To: SamAdams76
I will say that I would rather be a kid today then a kid in the 1950s. Without a doubt, the '50s was the best time to be a kid in the entire history of mankind.
To: cynicom
PJ... Enough aready..Have a nice day. Still talking the talk, eh? Scared to WALK THE WALK? I'll be online here on Christmas Day and will be looking out for you. As I stated before, I will take any quiz questions on American History from other Freepers and the first one to answer each question (to prevent wasting time looking up the answer on the Web) wins. Then all of the winning answers are tallied to determine the final winner.
I'll be here, cynicom. Will you?
posted on
12/19/2002 6:11:16 AM PST
To: MrNeutron1962
One thing about 1950's versus now: bad students were not encouraged to stick around in school, and so did not hold back the good students who were interested in learning. If you didn't have an aptitude for academics, you generally went from 8th grade to trade school (even in the 70's, in my old 8th grade class in NYC, a bunch of my classmates went to places like "Aviation High" to study to be mechanics).
The attitude then was "this is what you're expected to learn -- those who cannot keep up can drop out". The attitude now is "no child left behind -- we will dumb down the curriculum until ANYBODY can pass it, no matter how dumb"
To: lonestar
Could your kid: 10 Describe how a mercury light works; 2) Describe how a doorbell works; 3) Describe the differnece between a wet cell/dry cell battery.Well, I'm not certain that he can describe the mercury light thing, the other two are a shoe in. He was taught by the Franciscan Nuns.
I would call him and ask him, but this is finals week. One more semester and I'm and I'll be disconnected from the tuition leach.
To: Hank Kerchief
The trouble is these Howard Bloom type quiz show test of knowledge is no knowledge at all. Conservatives seems to really go for them. Its a waste of time.
Having a command over a body of knowledge and being able to apply it and being able to add to it is a lot more than memorizing those silly lists of 1,000 facts that educated people should know.
To: Bluntpoint
Not to mention we were exploring orbiting the earth underwater in nuclear powered capsules. Wait, that really happened.
To: Hank Kerchief
But then, that may have been unfair, since most college graduates probably do not know what an oratorio is.Oh, they think they do, and asking students what an oratorio is could be considered sexual harassment on some campii...
To: TheRightGuy
Without a doubt, the '50s was the best time to be a kid in the entire history of mankind. Not according to the Libs. According to them, little kids lived in constant terror of THE BOMB back then. DUCK AND COVER!
posted on
12/19/2002 6:25:20 AM PST
To: Iowa Granny; lonestar
Re # 88...
Could your kid: 10 Describe how a mercury light works; 2) Describe how a doorbell works; 3) Describe the differnece between a wet cell/dry cell battery.Could Isaac Newton answer these questions?......If not, I suppose we must decide he was an uneducated dunce and not as smart as the 10 year old.
posted on
12/19/2002 6:27:52 AM PST
To: RGSpincich
"Not to mention we were exploring orbiting the earth underwater in nuclear powered capsules. Wait, that really happened."
Actually, that happened during the Sheen administration.
To: kattracks
Doesn't say much for this country's posterity does it?
posted on
12/19/2002 6:29:03 AM PST
To: MrNeutron1962
You must be a recent grad.
Thou protesteth too loudly.
To: conservativemusician
Where have we seen this in recent history.I humbly suggest not asking today's kids if one wants a valid answer...
To: kattracks
I am certain that this article is accurate. I think the high school "diploma" of today is equivalent to eighth grade in 1962, and a college "degree" today is equivalent to 12th grade diploma in 1962. People warned the liberals that all the federal aid and social engineering would ruin the public schools, but few would listen, including, sadly to say, many "open-minded" Republicans like former Senators Hugh Scott (PA), John Sherman Cooper (KY), Jacob K. Javits (NY), and Charles H. Percy (IL).
To: Congressman Billybob
"Missed one. (I didn't recall that Waterloo was fought in Belgium.)" Beatcha.
Being a Class of '56 guy, I suppose I'm representative of the control group.
posted on
12/19/2002 6:35:56 AM PST
To: eno_
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