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RATS Stealing State Elections In Maine -- A Measured and Thoughtful Response
As Maine Goes ^ | 11.27.02 | Blais

Posted on 11/28/2002 3:20:02 PM PST by mlmr

posted 11-27-2002 09:39 PM


In response to:

Here's mine:

As a newly elected Republican State Senator, I read with interest your editorial, “Senate recount bound for the proper forum”, (Press Herald, Wednesday, November 27, 2002).

You assert that the Maine Constitution and precedent indicate the Senate should settle the matter of the dispute over 44 contested ballots in Maine Senate District 16. Agreed.

However, your ethical stand becomes very squishy when you assert that it is “appropriate” for the provisional winner in this particular circumstance to “participate in deciding how to interpret the ballots” – or in any vote pertaining to the contest for that matter.

Here’s why: In the District 16 race, the margin on election day between Democrat Christopher Hall and Republican Leslie Fossel was two votes out of 17,794 cast. A margin that slim presents a reasonable question as to who won the contest. In fact, Maine’s Elections Law (Title 21-A; Section 737-A) presumes the necessity of a recount whenever the margin of difference is one percent or less of the total ballots cast.

Given that a reasonable question exists as to who won the contest, it is an affront to the voters of District 16 – especially those facing disenfranchisement if those 44 contested ballots are never resolved – for a Senator-elect in a contested race, provisionally seated, to participate in a vote to confirm his or her election. The chance that an individual who possibly was not the clear choice of the electorate would participate in electing himself to office in a narrowly contested race is no less egregious than an appointed judiciary deciding the outcome of an election.

However, if the margin were beyond the one percent difference (about 178 votes in the District 16 contest) contemplated in Maine law, the presumption of a clear win would exist. In that case, it could be considered reasonable that the provisional winner assume a Senate seat and then use their own judgment as to whether or not to recuse him or herself from participating in judging the results of an election involving them.

One other point I’d like to address is your mention of the use of pen to mark some of the ballots in question. You suggested that a dilemma exists between counting ballots that demonstrate clear voter intent, and discarding them since they were cast without use of the “approved writing instrument [pencil] available at the voting place.” Your argument rests on the notion that “use of the approved writing instrument is one safeguard to make sure ballots aren’t marked away from the polls and added to the total later on.” Really?

Let me assure you, pencils are as readily available “away the polls” as are pens. The argument is nonsense. In fact, “approved writing instruments” have a way of walking right out of the ballot booth, as any elections clerk can attest.

Should we disenfranchise a nervous voter in a busy polling place for grabbing whatever “writing instrument” is in their pocket when they find no none in their booth?

Finally, you say the “alternatives to having the Senate do this work are far worse than having the Democrats vote in their own self-interest.” I say there is another alternative: The Senate Democrat leadership must convince Christopher Hall to recuse himself from participating in this process for the reasons cited above. Then an evenly divided Senate of 17 Democrats and 17 Republicans can vote to lay out the contested ballots in the full light of day, and require that each clearly elected Senator state on the record why they personally would vote to keep or discard each one of those 44 ballots.

The alternative, which clearly diminishes our democracy, would be for Democrats to take advantage of a loophole in election law to take control of the process, permit Christopher Hall to elect himself to the Senate, and forever obscure the true outcome of the election.

I am ready to exercise my common sense in clear view of the electorate. My colleagues in the newly elected Senate owe it to Maine’s citizens to do the same.

Kenneth Blais

Senator-elect for District 20

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: democrats; elections; maine; stealing
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We are having terrible problems here in Maine with the Democrats stealing elections!! The RATS want the provisionaly elected (an election in dispute) representieive to actually participate in deciding whether he should remain electied and evaluate the ballots in dispute.

Another example of RAT malfeacence!

1 posted on 11/28/2002 3:20:02 PM PST by mlmr
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To: mlmr
the repubs better start getting a dog in these close election fights. And not the rolling over dog they usually bring. In case they haven't figured it out, the dems play hardball at the ballot box.
2 posted on 11/28/2002 3:35:43 PM PST by liberateUS
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To: mlmr; sweetliberty; Budge; stop_the_rats
Ping; more info on District 16, Lincoln County, Maine.
3 posted on 11/28/2002 3:40:30 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
As a newly elected Republican State Senator, I have followed with great interest the debate raging over the recount in Maine Senate District 16, in which only a small margin election day placed Democrat Christopher Hall ahead of Republican Leslie Fossel.

Some editorial writers suggest the Maine Constitution and precedent indicate the Senate should settle the matter of the dispute over 44 contested ballots in District 16. I agree. However, the Democrat leadership and candidate Hall have asserted that it also is appropriate for Hall, the provisional winner in this particular circumstance, to participate in deciding how to interpret the ballots – effectively voting him into office. That is plainly wrong.

Here’s why: In the District 16 race, the margin on Election Day between Hall and Fossel was two votes out of 17,794 cast. A margin that slim presents a reasonable question as to who won the contest. In fact, Maine Elections Law (Title 21-A; Section 737-A) presumes the necessity of a recount whenever the margin of difference is one percent or less of the total ballots cast.

Given that a reasonable question exists as to who won the contest, it is an affront to the voters of District 16 – especially those facing disenfranchisement if those 44 contested ballots are never resolved – for a Senator-elect in a contested race, provisionally seated, to participate in a vote to confirm his or her election. The chance that an individual who possibly was not the clear choice of the electorate would participate in electing himself into office in a narrowly contested race is no less egregious than an appointed judiciary deciding the outcome of an election.

However, if the margin had been beyond the one percent difference (about 178 votes in the District 16 contest)contemplated in Maine law, the presumption of a clear win would exist. In that case, it could be considered reasonable that the provisional winner assume a Senate seat and then use their own judgment as to whether or not to recuse him or herself from participating in judging the results of an election involving them.

Another point some are making about the contested ballots is concern over the use of pen to mark some of the ballots in question. It has been suggested that a dilemma exists between counting ballots that demonstrate clear voter intent, and discarding them since they were cast without use of the approved writing instrument [pencil] available at the voting place. This argument rests on the notion that use of the approved writing instrument is one safeguard to make sure ballots aren’t marked away from the polls and added to the total later on.

The truth is, pencils are as readily available away from the polls as are pens. The argument is nonsense. In fact, “approved writing instruments” have a way of walking right out of the ballot booth, as any elections clerk can attest. Should we disenfranchise a nervous voter in a busy polling place for grabbing whatever “writing instrument” is in their pocket when they find none in their booth?

Finally, some say the alternative to having the Senate tackle this issue – such as having the courts resolve the ballot dispute – is far worse than Hall voting in his own self-interest. I say there is another alternative: The Senate Democrat leadership must convince Hall to recuse himself from participating in this process for the reasons cited above. Then an evenly divided Senate of 17 Democrats and 17 Republicans can vote to lay out the contested ballots in the full light of day, and require that each clearly elected Senator state on the record why they personally would vote to keep or discard each one of those 44 ballots.

The alternative, which clearly diminishes our democracy, would be for Democrats to take advantage of a loophole in election law to take control of the process, permit Christopher Hall to elect himself to the Senate, and forever obscure the true outcome of the election.

I am ready to exercise my common sense in clear view of the electorate. My colleagues in the newly elected Senate owe it to Maine’s citizens to do the same.

Kenneth Blais

at Litchfield, Kennebec County

Senator-elect for District 20

4 posted on 11/28/2002 3:55:46 PM PST by mlmr
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To: mlmr
. . . Another point some are making about the contested ballots is concern over the use of pen to mark some of the ballots in question.

* * *

The Senate Democrat leadership must convince Hall to recuse himself from participating in this process for the reasons cited above.

The alternative, which clearly diminishes our democracy, would be for Democrats to take advantage of a loophole in election law to take control of the process, permit Christopher Hall to elect himself to the Senate, and forever obscure the true outcome of the election.

I agree with your conclusions. First of all, the incident of the "proper" writing utensil as being a basis to discard a valid voter's vote is hogwash and obviously shows the Hall and cronies, like most all other Rats, do not care about every voter's vote counting....just the "right" voters voting the "right" way.

Secondly, I no longer believe any Rat has any morals in leadership. You can thank 2000 for that. I used to vote, occasionally, for a Democrat, if I felt they were the better person and were conservative with their ideas (there used to be some that way). NO MORE. I will NEVER again vote for a Rat. They just want power, and they don't care how they obtain it: unethically, illegally, or otherwise. They are are party without honor, and the Rat party draws that type of people to it. [I do not, however, classify the voting population into this disgraceful state who are among the elderly, because when they joined the Rat party, is was a far cry from the socialist lying, thieving, people who now run it. I don't think these older Americans can or want to believe the party they joined so long ago has become nothing but an abomination.]

Don't think the Rats will ask Hall to recuse himself. It won't happen. They would rather "forever obscure the true outcome of the election" because they'll have retained a seat and, therefore, retained power. And that's ALL they care about.

5 posted on 11/28/2002 4:18:57 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
I agree
6 posted on 11/28/2002 4:26:14 PM PST by mlmr
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To: mlmr
So our next step is?

The larger newspapers and TV news are covering this as if its a done deal (it probably is) and as usual no outrage or problems with what is happening (destiny). There is also no help from any national figures.

Short of Freeping Baldacci's Coronation, with only a mild tremor from the electorate, and no leadership from the republican party up here, I feel totally powerless to do anything.
7 posted on 11/28/2002 4:42:52 PM PST by ozone1
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To: ozone1; mlmr; sweetliberty
no media . . . no outrage . . . no help

So our next step is?

FReep? Sweetliberty or Budge may be able to offer suggestions.....sweetliberty has put together a new thread, "FReepers Against Voter Fraud." They also FReeped Klintoon and found out, via a spy, what what in store in Arkansas during November election.....I don't know what else to suggest, for this go 'round. But we are all preparing for 2004 on the Voter Fraud thread. Sweetliberty, Budge, anything you can suggest here? Thanks.

8 posted on 11/28/2002 4:58:21 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: Budge
meant to ping you but forgot (duh). See my post #8. Thanks for your help/ideas.
9 posted on 11/28/2002 4:59:07 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: ozone1
I don't live in Maine, so far for me to make suggestions. But I'll always remember with pride the way those demonstrators in Miami forcibly prevented Dem officials from secreting off those ballots.
10 posted on 11/28/2002 4:59:13 PM PST by zook
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To: nicmarlo; zook
It looks like a couple of freeps are in store for our one party state.

Thanx for the encouragement.
11 posted on 11/28/2002 5:12:51 PM PST by ozone1
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To: ozone1
Can you post to your Maine FReepers? Asking them for help in a FReep or other suggestions? Ping them all to this thread? Or post on the Maine FReepboard?
12 posted on 11/28/2002 5:27:04 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
We have the mechanism, I just have to time it right to surprise and embarass the rats. This is about the 5th thread as the recount progressed and lawsuits were dropped.
A good chronology is here:

13 posted on 11/28/2002 5:34:47 PM PST by ozone1
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To: mlmr
You have FReepmail!
14 posted on 11/28/2002 5:41:16 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: ozone1; sweetliberty
We have the mechanism, I just have to time it right to surprise and embarass the rats.

Keep us all posted as to what is going on. And let sweetliberty know, too, as she is keeping track, along with others, as to voter fraud and specific counties. These links will be useful for her to have. And good luck to you all up there.

15 posted on 11/28/2002 5:48:04 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo; mlmr
I pinged Maine to the voter fraud thread. My best suggestion at this point would be to FReep if possible, write letters to your media outlets, to your state attorney AND to the justice department. There are also some links on the voter fraud thread that may give you some useful contacts. See the links in the body of the post. That will be an ongoing thread with regular updates. It is our intention to do whatever it takes to keep the Rats from cheating next time around, but in your case, it sounds like you need to start raising a ruckus NOW!

Thanks for the ping nic.

16 posted on 11/28/2002 5:52:40 PM PST by sweetliberty
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To: nicmarlo
Will do.
17 posted on 11/28/2002 5:56:10 PM PST by ozone1
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To: sweetliberty
Thanks sweetliberty; I couldn't think of what else to suggest; as usual, you covered it quite nicely. : )
18 posted on 11/28/2002 5:56:30 PM PST by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
You're very welcome. I hope it helps.

19 posted on 11/28/2002 6:16:28 PM PST by sweetliberty
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To: mlmr
Well, you KNOW King is a DemocRAT in Independent CLOTHING, and he wants Baldy to have all the RATS at his feet when he takes over the COURT! ugh!
20 posted on 11/29/2002 12:31:29 AM PST by SheLion
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