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LITTLE WHITE LIES (Administration tells about Islam)
Chronicles Magazine ^ | November 22, 2002 | Thomas Fleming

Posted on 11/24/2002 7:38:43 PM PST by Keyes For President

"From the mountains of Afghanistan to the valleys of Bosnia to the plains of Africa to the forests of Asia and around the world we are on the ground working with our Muslim partners to expand to the circle of peace, the circle of prosperity, the circle of freedom." Secretary of State Colin Powell, in pronouncing these glorious phrases (we hope he did not actually break precedent and write them himself) sounded like a Fourth of July orator invoking the rock-bound cliffs of Maine and the sunny shores of California.

Secretary Powell is apparently unaware that there are forests in Africa and plains in Asia, but the myopia is pardonable when you are running circles around the rest of the world. What the secretary would prefer not to bring up is the fact that in both Africa and Asia Muslims, many of them funded by "pro-Western" governments and oil sheiks, are engaged in a genocidal massacre of Christians. Presumably the genocide in Nigeria and the Sudan is not the partnership Secretary Powell envisions, presumably the Islamic terrorism in Indonesia and the Philippines is somewhat outside the circle. In Bosnia, where the United States supported an Islamic that wanted to impose Islamic law on a Christian majority, one of our Muslim partners was none other than Osama bin Laden.

Not content with repeating the palpable absurdities that are the staple of the multiculturalist left--a critic of the administration would use harsher language--Powell went on to describe plans to bring more Muslims into the United States and to excoriate those who sing "the siren song of the bigots, extremists who cloak themselves in false spirituality in an attempt to divide and to weaken us." Whether he was talking about Osama bin Laden or Pat Robertson (guilty recently of hinting that Islam may not be entirely a religion of peace), was not entirely clear upon the first reading of the AP report of Powell's address to a group of Muslim leaders. But if by "bigots and extremists," Powell means Muslims who claim religious support for terrorism against Christians, then he should have named the man who introduced this belief into Islamic thought: Muhammad himself.

We all know that the Bush administration is caught between a rock and a hard place. They are going to war against a country full of Muslims (Iraq), supporting what may be Bibi Netanyahu's quest for a final solution of the Palestinian problem, while still wanting to make nice with oil-rich states we pretend to believe are "moderate." There is nothing moderate, from the Christian point of view, about Saudi Arabia, which forbids Christian symbols and preaching the gospel and funds anti-Christian Islamic movements around the globe. Saudi Arabia spawned Osama bin Laden--and the Saudi millionaires who continue, according to reports, to support him.

Pat Robertson has the issue right. He knows that Islam, despite the existence of millions of "bad" Muslims who reject some of the fundamental tenets of their faith, is a religion of war not peace, that any country with a sizable population of even bad Muslims contains a ticking time bomb, ready to go off in hard times when confused people begin looking for their spiritual roots. When Christians find their roots, they find the Prince of Peace. When Muslims rediscover theirs, it is Muhammad the terrorist.

I wish no ill to Muslims, either as human beings or as adherents of a religion I reject. I would like to leave Muslims alone, in exchange for being left alone. I do not support, at this point, the planned invasion of Iraq, and I agree with the many patriotic Israelis who realize that Sharon and Netanyahu, egged on by their supporters in the United States, may well bring about the total destruction of Israel. I cannot, however, swallow the lie that Islam, as a religion, is compatible with our Western way of life or that global terrorism is not a legitimate expression of authentic Islam.

So long as America's political leaders continue to treat the people as children, so long as they continue to misrepresent the most basic facts of the life-and-death struggle confronting America and the West, our foreign policy will be confused and dangerous, and our control of our own borders and destiny will become more tenuous with every passing day.

Telling fairy tales about a nonexistent partnership with terrorists in order to justify the importation of more Muslims may seem, to State Department staffers and gofers, like a brilliant move. In the short run it might bump President Bush from being, at the moment, the most popular Republican in the century-and-a-half history of his party to being the most popular Republican who will ever live. But in telling their little white lies, they are playing with fire, as many a parent has learned after lying to his children. When the time comes to ask the American people to defend their borders and their interest from a global jihad, these lies will inevitably come back to haunt them.

P.S. Our Muslim Partners Expand the Circle

Nigeria is in "the forests of Africa," where Colin Powell says our Muslim partners are "expanding the circle of peace." The past few days, however, our Muslim partners in Kaduna (a large town in northern Nigeria), have not been listening to Secretary Powell's speeches: They were too busy killing Christians and burning their churches.

The trouble started when a newspaperman, knowing the Prophet's eye for beauty, suggested that Mohammed himself would have approved of the Miss World Contest. To protest this affront, Muslims (no, not radical Islamicists, but Muslims) first burned down the newspaper and then went on a killing spree that left more than 100 people dead and 500 injured. Some of the victims--all or mostly Christians, so far as we can tell--had been stabbed first and then set on fire. According to the AP story, "hordes of young men, shouting "Allahu Akhbar," or "God is great," ignited makeshift street barricades made of tires and garbage, sending plumes of black smoke rising above the city." Although it is now that Muslims started the riot and destroyed at least four churches, a later AP story, published in the Washington Post, preferred to give the impression that Christians were to blame for the violence: "In neighborhoods dominated by minority Christians...youths smashed windows and set fires in mosques used by the ethnic Hausa and Fulani Muslims who dominate Kaduna."

Kaduna, though the majority of the population is Muslim, has a sizeable Christian minority. Of course, Christian and pagan Nigerians have fought back against the Muslims' violence, but what Western reporters like to call a civil war or ethnic conflict in northern Nigeria is nothing less than an ongoing genocide. The next time Colin Powell is chatting it up with our Muslim partners, he might ask them about the millions and millions of dollars they have poured into Africa for the sole purpose of exterminating Christianity--and, of course Christians--on that continent.

On the same day Nigerian Muslims were crying "down with beauty," another peaceful Muslim was taken into custody in Indonesia on the charge of plotting the terror-bombing in Bali that claimed 200 victims, and still another peaceful Muslim (Palestinian, this time) tried to blow up a busload of schoolchildren, and still another Palestinian Muslim in nearby Lebanon murdered an American Christian whose sole crime was preaching the Christian gospel of peace.

This has not been an unusual week. Every day around the globe committed Muslims are murdering and massacring Christians, and yet American politicians go on pretending that these criminals are merely a handful of extremists. Only this September, Antony Sullivan--longtime whitewasher of Islamic aggression--called upon President Bush to remove "Sudan from the list of terrorist-sponsoring states, though Dr. Sullivan knows full well that the Sudanese regime has refused to end the orgy of terrorism and violence directed at is own Christian population.

In repeating the mantra that "Islam is a religion of peace," our leaders are acting like children who protect themselves from the bogeymen by pulling the covers up over their heads--except in this case, the bogeymen are real.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bush; islam; powell; religionofpeace; ropma
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Thank you for the refresher. You might also add that the entire of the passages counted now as the Quran were a collection of palm leaves and scrap scribbling until a relative seeking to consolidate Mohammed's conquests call for any and all things written or remembered about Mohammed to be gathered together. The state of Islam today is in some respects similar to the state of 'Judaism' following the handing down of the tablets and the subsequent Levitical parsings that followed the mountain experience.

It's late and I'm not in the mood for anymore bigotry that may be coming. Goodnight all

121 posted on 11/24/2002 10:54:33 PM PST by MHGinTN
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To: CWOJackson
I wonder where you got that history of the Crusades from. Bernard Lewis, the foremost Islamic historian, will disagree with you wholeheartedly. The Crusades were a defensive war in order to protect Christendom against incessant attacks from the Moors, Tatars, Mongols, Turks, etc. In fact, the Moslems came as close to sacking Vienna and the Moors crossed Spain only to be defeated by Charles Martel in the battle of Tours. Moslem attacks on Christian lands was going on for over three hundred years before the Christians chose to fight back to recover Constantinople. Please know your history before you comment on them.
122 posted on 11/24/2002 10:56:02 PM PST by Satadru
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To: Satadru
Of course, he keeps lying about nature of Islam to protect his Saudi royal buddies.

The shameless kissing of filthy Saudi royal/oil ass is vomit-worthy, for sure.

123 posted on 11/24/2002 10:56:17 PM PST by Mr. Mojo
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There was and is one God and allah isn't God there is only one way to God, thru Jesus.
124 posted on 11/24/2002 10:58:06 PM PST by TLBSHOW
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To: Rye
Its not about oil. This is about the security of the nation.
125 posted on 11/24/2002 11:00:39 PM PST by TLBSHOW
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To: ApesForEvolution
Powell is a 100%, total, undeniable loser, void of all concience and reality.


Powell is following Bush's views. If he weren't he wouldn't be there. It starts at the top.

126 posted on 11/24/2002 11:01:52 PM PST by RLK
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To: crystalk; 2sheep; Thinkin' Gal; RnMomof7; Jeremiah Jr; Havoc
Not people, but bodies possessed by Satan, and in any event they have already picked the fight with us, and it will be and is, war to the death.


127 posted on 11/24/2002 11:03:04 PM PST by Sir Gawain
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To: Texasforever
TLB are you ready to kill all Muslims in the name of God?


God has nothing to do with it. My sane survival is the issue.

128 posted on 11/24/2002 11:03:41 PM PST by RLK
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To: Satadru; Texasforever; Luis Gonzalez
"Bush ...keeps lying about nature of Islam to protect his Saudi royal buddies"

Go back to DU with the rest of the wild-eyed nit-wit KOOKS, Carville.

129 posted on 11/24/2002 11:04:03 PM PST by Matchett-PI
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To: Texasforever
Or is what you are saying that every Muslim in this country and around the world should be open season with no bag limit?

What I am saying is that Christendom is at war with Islam. When the administration finally comes out and admits that obvious fact, I'll shut up.

But they won't -- because Western Man is so debased and secularized that he can no longer define his own civilzation, no longer even admit that Christendom exists. Instead, our war is a war of a nebulous "us" (The U.S.? Democracy? NATO? What?) against an equally-vaporous "terrorism" (The IRA? All militant Islamists except Arafat? Saddam?). We are so paralyzed by our own desire to avoid offending somebody that we can't even forthrightly define ourselves -- or those who wish to destroy us.

Until we as a civilization explicitly define "us" as Western, Christian civilization and Them as Islam and its collaborators, we're going to be fighting an interminable war against a phantom enemy. But we can't do that, of course. Might hurt somebody's feeeeeelings.

We can't say "Islam is the enemy", because there are plenty of Moslems who don't want to kill or convert every Christian they see, and it's not fair to the nice ones to tar them with the same brush as the nasty ones -- right? Wrong. The enemy is not hampered by the same unwillingness to destroy the "good" Christians, because, to a Moslem , even the peaceful ones, there are no "good Christians": there are only Kaffirs who should either submit to Allah or die. Our Christian culture is the only one interested in peaceful coexistence; the Moslem believer suffers under no such delusion.

And that's why the Coulter Doctrine is so controversial. Tolerant Christians are revolted by the idea that we should "invade their countries, execute their leaders, and convert them to Christianity". But that's the only way we'll ever win this war -- because anything less will only make the problem worse.

Am I advocating "open season on Moslems"? No. I'm advocating that we fight this war for real, the way we did the Nazis. Just as our ultimate goal in World War II was the subjugation of naziism and fascism under the bootheel of liberal democracy, the ultimate goal of this war should be the subjugation of Islam under the bootheel of Christendom. Any Moslem terrorist or soldier who takes up arms against us or our allies should be killed, their homeland invaded, and a puppet government controlled by us installed there. These conquered coutries should then be deluged by Christian missionaries, Christian churches, and Christian culture, and Islam relegated to the status of a tolerated minority faith. As for Moslems living in the United States, they should be infiltrated, watched, monitored, and (if suspected of acting against the United States) detained and tried for treason. The same goes for other foreign nationals. The borders should be militarized, all illegals expelled, and fingerprint IDs issued to all U.S. citizens.

But we won't. Because that would be mean. And unamerican. And the Europeans wouldn't like it much, either. Well, war is mean; the only civil right that matters in the end is survival; and to hell with what the Europeans think.

But to say so out loud is simply unnaceptable.

So -- bartender! More Religion of Peace® all around! My throat gets dry from whistling past the graveyard.

130 posted on 11/24/2002 11:05:47 PM PST by B-Chan
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God has nothing to do with it. My sane survival is the issue.

Then for once we agree however; we didn't need to kill every Japanese, German or Italian to win WW2 did we?

131 posted on 11/24/2002 11:06:31 PM PST by Texasforever
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To: CWOJackson
Based on their historical relations with Christians, I'd say it would be pretty hard to convince them that our religion is one of peace.

You might also say it would be hard to convince people that Islam is a religion of peace, given its history. And we all know you'd be wrong. P.T. Barnum was right.

How do you suppose a religion of war would react, if it were the predominant religion of a country attacked like we were?

132 posted on 11/24/2002 11:06:39 PM PST by A.J.Armitage
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To: Texasforever
I don't think it is all about oil. It is also about Saudi investments in this country. If we start to piss them off, maybe they will pull their money away. It cuts both ways.
133 posted on 11/24/2002 11:07:20 PM PST by Satadru
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To: RLK; Texasforever; Luis Gonzalez
"... sane ... is the issue."

"Sane" IS the operative word, all right. How are things over at DU, these days, anyhow?

134 posted on 11/24/2002 11:08:52 PM PST by Matchett-PI
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To: Matchett-PI
Stop frothing in your mouth and maybe you will learn something.
135 posted on 11/24/2002 11:09:30 PM PST by Satadru
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Its not about oil. This is about the security of the nation.

Nonsense. If we were the least bit serious about the security of our nation, we wouldn't still be issuing visas to every Saudi who wants to come here (for whatever reason), and our porous southern border would have National Guardsmen at least making the attempt to stop the mass of humanity (quite a few of them Muslim) immigrating northward. Unfortunately, politics still trumps national security.

136 posted on 11/24/2002 11:09:30 PM PST by Mr. Mojo
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True but you wouldn't believe how many attacks have not happened because of President Bush. This is a small thing compared to what he has done really good.

That is stop more attacks. Sure there will be more but there are things happening unseen that would blow you away. Muslims are not the main problem, Islam is.
137 posted on 11/24/2002 11:09:41 PM PST by TLBSHOW
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To: Keyes For President
"I do not support, at this point, the planned invasion of Iraq, and I agree with the many patriotic Israelis who realize that Sharon and Netanyahu, egged on by their supporters in the United States, may well bring about the total destruction of Israel."

This author, citing his comments above, if pretty long on identifying problems, which no doubt the administration DOES know about, and drastically short of any coherent solutions for same.

The US has NOT egged on Sharon and Netanyahu, so that statement is patently false. The US has demanded restraint, to allow for a systematic war against the worst terrorists, first.

If later phases justify incursions against terror supporting regimes, their time will occur. But the US and its allies have WISELY determined that taking on all of islam at one time, diabolical as it is, is NOT a wise policy.

A thoughtful student of international relations, would consider Powell, as playing a "role" in an orchestrated attempt, to get the best long term result.
138 posted on 11/24/2002 11:09:50 PM PST by truth_seeker
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To: B-Chan

People need to understand that the clash of civilizations isn't a future possibility. It's been a reality for centuries.
139 posted on 11/24/2002 11:12:08 PM PST by A.J.Armitage
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To: B-Chan
Christendom is at war with Islam

No it is NOT. We are at war with people. I reject religious war. I don't want to be constrained by it. You and many on this thread sound just as insane as any Mullah in the Middle East. I want to kick ass and take names without the idiotic “God” is on our side crap. What if they beat us? Does that mean that God was on their side? Was God on their side when he allowed 19 men to get past our security and hijack 4 planes on 911?

140 posted on 11/24/2002 11:12:24 PM PST by Texasforever
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