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clinton Complex-Question Fallacy Scheme Results in Media Deformation But No clinton Legitimacy
11-15-02 | Mia T

Posted on 11/15/2002 7:26:29 AM PST by Mia T

clinton Complex-Question Fallacy Scheme Results in Grotesque Media Deformation But No clinton Legitimacy

"What the hell is this moribund loser doing in the political arena, anyway?"

CEW YORK, November 15 -- Employing the "When did you stop beating your wife?" complex-question type of fallacy, the clinton "infrastructure" has ordered Barbara Walters, Chris Matthews, Larry King and the rest of the media myrmidons of the left to ask hillary clinton the requisite "Will you run for president in '04?" question no less than three (3) times per "interview."

A subset of the CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme , the clinton "infrastructure" complex-question fallacy scheme is intended to confer legitimacy on an otherwise loony concept: Another clinton--uh--presidency.

The clinton "infrastructure" is operating on the theory that the implicit question ("Why in the world would the zipper-hoisted wife of an impeached utter failure ex-president be qualified to be president anyway?") will be rendered, if not moot, certainly disremembered.

Alas. The clinton "infrastructure" complex-question fallacy scheme does not appear to be working. According to last month's Marist Institute poll -- and this month's election -- nary a soul wants hillary (rodham) clinton back in the West Wing.


"What the hell is this moribund loser doing in the political arena, anyway?"

While 70% of the electorate get it, only one pundit, Bill Bennett, has been sharp enough to see through this clinton "infrastructure" complex-question fallacy scheme. When Sean Hannity (Hannity and Colmes, FoxNews) asked Bennett whether "she would run," Bennett first asked Hannity to clarify who the "she" was, and, when told, delivered the coup de grâce, "Run for what?"



TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: clintoncorruption; clintonineptitude; hillaryclinton; mediaaccess; nepotism; socalledinterviews; utterfailure


Analyzed and Annotated


by Mia T

January 22, 2002







Using internal polling, the clinton 'infrastructure' determined that its cozy-clintonoid-interviews-of-the-Colmes/King-kind-scheme is no longer working. The scheme, which successfully shepherded and shielded the vacuous, inept, corrupt clintons for nine years, is now, post-9/11, yielding diminishing returns--and worse--increasing ridicule.

Hence, we had the clinton 'infrastructure' interviewer recalculation last week that specified more interviewer gravitas...and less lapdog...but not more doggedness...that is to say...that specified Jeff Greenfield.

A miscalculation, as it turned out. Greenfield made up in contempt what he lacked in inexorability. Although he conducted the entire interview circumambulating on eggshells, Greenfield did eventually ask the hard-boiled questions...

ASIDE: The tough questioning was followed by Greenfield's sudden, post-interview departure from CNN, a development which will only further reinforce cozy-clintonoid-interviews-of-the-Colmes/King-kind 4th-estate malfeasance.



Greenfield's circuitous path to clinton depravity and failure necessitates a nonlinear analysis of the data; we will use a (nonlinear) least squares curve fitter. Proportional hazards political survival regression analysis will generate a political survival curve for hillary clinton, which will show her viability (so to speak) over time.

Political survival time is defined as the length of the interval between the initial political trial balloon and political moribundity. Political moribundity is defined as two consecutive political failures--(one in the case of 9/11), or three not-necessarily-consecutive boo-filled public appearances, or one instance of a serious proposal generating laughter.

ASIDE: Since by any of these standards, hillary clinton is already flatlined, the more interesting question for this analysis would be: "What the hell is this moribund loser doing in the political arena, anyway?"

Survival is influenced by one or more factors, called "predictors" or "covariates", which may be categorical (such as the quality of 'infrastructure') or continuous (such as intellect or eloquence or character).


  • clinton rigor mortis rendered any discussion of clinton moribundity moot.

  • Nonetheless, one of the more significant continuous predictors of political moribundity is clinton's tic-like insertion of "you know," a marker for ineloquence, vulgarity, ignorance, rube-meets-valley-girl demographics, low self-esteem, anxiety and insincerity.

  • clinton uttered "you know" 52 times. Greenfield eventually caught the bug and uttered six "you knows," himself--a cautionary tale for wannabe clintonoid lapdogs.

  • Frequency of clinton "you knows" varied directly with intensity of Greenfield contempt and inversely with magnitude of Greenfield softballs.

  • clinton response is consistent with (my) hypothesis of Rubin complicity in a clinton coup. See "The Daschle Scheme".


GREENFIELD: Tonight, a conversation with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the nation and the world after September 11, on GREENFIELD AT LARGE.

THE COMPLETE ANNOTATED INTERVIEW (NB: a very long, you know, download because of the, you know, clinton criminal, you know, redundancy.)

hillary's head revisited:

hillary clinton's brain (such as it is) II

 by Mia T

The smartest woman in the world would relish "the raucous give and take of American democracy, " as Charles Kuralt once put it.

hillary clinton, by contrast, subsists on cozy clintonoid interviews of the Colmes kind...

In her new book, Political Fictions, Joan Didion indicts the fakery of access journalism practiced by vacant politicos like the clintons, whom she sees as "purveyors of fables of their own making, or worse, fables conceived by political strategists with designs on votes, not news."

(More Didion: "No one who ever passed through an American public high school could have watched William Jefferson Clinton running for office in 1992 and failed to recognize the familiar predatory sexuality of the provincial adolescent.")

1 posted on 11/15/2002 7:26:29 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; Freedom'sWorthIt; IVote2; Slyfox; Registered; ..


Thou art arm'd that hath thy crook'd schemers straight.

Cudgel thy brains no more, the clinton plots are great.

Mia T, On Neutered and Neutering,

by Mia T and Edward Zehr (EZ)









it won't s-p-i-n



Q ERTY2 "There isn't a shred of evidence."



HILLARY, YOU KNOW, KnowNothing Victim Q ERTY4 double bagel,


W I D E B O D Y. low-center-of-gravity Dim Bulb, Congenital Bottom Feeder





Q ERTY3 zipper-hoisted


(clinton zipper vitiated by obvious spilth)
Humpty Dummies

Q ERTY6 utter failure


Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS


4th-Estate Malfeasance (DEATH BY MISREPORT)



rodham-clinton reality-check BUMP!


2 posted on 11/15/2002 7:43:53 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T; doug from upland
Jeff Greenfield was fired by CNN after conducting an insufficiently reverential interview of Hillary? When was the interview? When was he fired?

Speaking of firings, Stuart Taylor was fired from PBS's News Hour after he reported in too objective a fashion on the Paula Jones case and Monicagate. Ken Bode was fired as host of PBS's Washington Week in Review (and the show's producer was also fired) a couple of days after the show aired a segment on the Juanita Broaddrick rape charge. The discussion of the charge was skeptical, but it was apparently a mortal sin to air the matter at all.

3 posted on 11/15/2002 7:59:17 AM PST by aristeides
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To: aristeides
Thanks. I didn't know about those firings.
4 posted on 11/15/2002 8:26:20 AM PST by doug from upland
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To: Mia T
Great pic of billybob saxing while the WTTs burn.
5 posted on 11/15/2002 9:32:06 AM PST by Leisler
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To: Mia T
Good morning Mia & Bttt
6 posted on 11/16/2002 3:53:12 AM PST by firewalk
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To: aristeides; doug from upland
Not to confuse correlation with causation...but Greenfield was no longer "At Large" soon after he, 'you know,' skewered her...
7 posted on 11/16/2002 2:22:15 PM PST by Mia T
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To: BeforeISleep
Good evening. ;)
But they are space aliensBUMP!


The only way they can win is to convince people that we're space aliens.

--bill clinton



June 9, 1999
Peggy Noonan's excellent piece in yesterday's Wall Street Journal is really the story of the death of democracy. At its core it is the description of the human double helix gone terribly awry, of a denatured protein grotesquely twisted, of two mutant, tangled strands of DNA, the basest imaginable of base pairs linked permanently, as firmly as guanine to cytosine, bill inexorably to hillary and conversely, doing what they do best, and doing it relentlessly.
Killing insidiously.
Killing as they pose and pander and feel our pain.
My only complaint is with Peggy Noonan's title.
The Mad Boomer, doesn't begin to capture candidate clinton considered separately or even taken as the self-anointed "twofer," permanently conjoined at that cavity conspicuously empty except for ego, that place where brain and soul and guts and heart normally reside.
This is not to say that she -- that they -- are not both quite mad and of that self-indulgent, arrogantly, ignorantly solipsistic age sandwiched flatly between yesterday's innocence and tomorrow's insouciance. Rather, it is that their madness and their boomerism don't even begin to explain their noxious influence: The cloying, internally inconsistent clinton calculus. The unspoken clinton threats. They permeate the atmosphere like a coiling miasma, choking off all freedom.
Even in New York.
Especially in New York.
When she wrote "The New Colossus," Emma Lazarus hardly had in mind this pair of mutant, deadly, twisted aliens.
So forget Arkansas-Illinois carpetbaggery and standard issue muckraking. The clintons are aliens of quite another sort. They are extrinsic, not of this world. They are inhuman. They are dehumanizing.
You may recall that the first act of this story of two degenerates maintained by iterating idiots, farce of farce ad infinitum, was generated quite by accident by iterated AlGoreRhythm, who, it should be noted, is now himself the object of iterated calculation by said degenerates who want iteration 2004 all for themselves.
And thus the odd bit of bloody Gore in Act II: The ugly sight of a corrupt, bottom-heavy hillary self-impaled on the horns of a Treason-Dilemma- masquerading-as-a-Third-Term-Dilemma-masquerading-as-a-Senate-stampede, for example, or bill's recent unsolicited, underwhelming Times interview on the Gore candidacy.
Act I was called "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover." Ostensibly the tale of the wife of a bloodthirsty crime boss who finds romance with a bland bookseller between courses at her husband's restaurant, it was in fact the Thyestean and moveable -- yet unmoving -- feast of hillary clinton at her husband's sham restitution. (Note the reciprocity. The sham restitution in Act II is all hillary's.)
Food, color coding, sex, murder, torture and cannibalism were the exotic (if mostly horizontal) fare in this beautifully filmed but brutally uncompromising modern memoir which passed as ancient fable about nouveau riche rapacity.
Not for the faint at heart, Purple Hearts or queazy stomachs, this depiction of the gross debasement of America was heavily peppered with irony and dark humor throughout.
Although she baked no cookies, didn't do illicit land or cattle d eals and stood by no man, hillary clinton starred in the triple role of the Cook, the Thief and his Wife. Her lover was played at once vaporously and in workmanlike fashion by the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt, with Janet Reno, between her stints rendering intermittent injustice for the Husband, as the reliable stand-in. Sidney Blumenthal was the stand-in for the Cook and Craig Livingstone the stand-in for the Thief. The last-minute addition of Christopher Hitchens as the snitch was a stroke of absolute genius notwithstanding its cerebral accident, its predictable-if-perfect pitch and its facile alliteration.
Although Act I had no rating, the new clinton soccer-mom directive will require a photo ID for any viewer without independent proof of illegal alien DNC or DNA sequencing.
In Act II, rabid anti-clinton voters, roughly 33% of the U.S. populace according to as-yet-unpodded pollsters, become increasingly aware that they are disappearing in droves and being replaced by alien pod replicas which have their physical attributes but lack all anti-clinton affect.
If Act I was a thinly veiled allegory about naked clintonism, then Act II is a parable about the plan for world domination by the Establishment, aged hippies in pinstripes all, with their infantile, solipsistic world view amazingly untouched by time.



8 posted on 11/16/2002 2:44:47 PM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
Aliens....Invasion Of The Body Snatchers....

lol! I like this!

Thanks for the laugh & Have a nice weekend Mia (-:
9 posted on 11/16/2002 4:42:51 PM PST by firewalk
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Comment #10 Removed by Moderator

To: Yehuda



11 posted on 11/18/2002 4:08:06 AM PST by Mia T
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To: BeforeISleep; All



12 posted on 11/19/2002 6:33:39 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T; All
I'll see that & raise you one...(-;

Good morning & bttt
13 posted on 11/19/2002 8:19:38 AM PST by firewalk
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To: aristeides


Thx for the information.

But then we already knew that the clintons "operated like a crime family, expecting friends and aides to protect them even against their own best interests."

It's not easy to play fair against Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, who, in the words of the authors, "operated like a crime family, expecting friends and aides to protect them even against their own best interests." What's amazing, of course, is that's exactly what Clinton friends and aides have always done, from Susan McDougal to Webster Hubbell to flocks of nameless White House special assistants. Even Jim McDougal died just in time to deprive the independent counsel of a key witness against Mrs. Clinton, thus derailing what the authors report to have been her likely indictment for perjury and obstruction related to the Whitewater investigation....     

Reading the tumultuous events of the Lewinsky probe in a comprehensive narrative is unlike attempting to make sense of it in daily doses. Something different comes through the heavy accumulation of detail of, for example, the duplicity of the Justice Department, or the sharklike behavior of the White House. One begins to get a choking sense of the atmosphere of corruption and ruthlessness the Clintons inhabit -- and, worse, have forced the rest of us to inhabit. Taken in one piece, the habitual, even casual abuse of power on display begins to resemble conditions one normally associates with a state of totalitarianism, where such concepts as truth and justice are only paid lip service. In the end, then, it makes you wonder when there will be fresh air again.

Crime-family values



The only way they can win is to convince people that we're space aliens.

--bill clinton



June 9, 1999
Peggy Noonan's excellent piece in yesterday's Wall Street Journal is really the story of the death of democracy. At its core it is the description of the human double helix gone terribly awry, of a denatured protein grotesquely twisted, of two mutant, tangled strands of DNA, the basest imaginable of base pairs linked permanently, as firmly as guanine to cytosine, bill inexorably to hillary and conversely, doing what they do best, and doing it relentlessly.
Killing insidiously.
Killing as they pose and pander and feel our pain.
My only complaint is with Peggy Noonan's title.
The Mad Boomer, doesn't begin to capture candidate clinton considered separately or even taken as the self-anointed "twofer," permanently conjoined at that cavity conspicuously empty except for ego, that place where brain and soul and guts and heart normally reside.
This is not to say that she -- that they -- are not both quite mad and of that self-indulgent, arrogantly, ignorantly solipsistic age sandwiched flatly between yesterday's innocence and tomorrow's insouciance. Rather, it is that their madness and their boomerism don't even begin to explain their noxious influence: The cloying, internally inconsistent clinton calculus. The unspoken clinton threats. They permeate the atmosphere like a coiling miasma, choking off all freedom.
Even in New York.
Especially in New York.
When she wrote "The New Colossus," Emma Lazarus hardly had in mind this pair of mutant, deadly, twisted aliens.
So forget Arkansas-Illinois carpetbaggery and standard issue muckraking. The clintons are aliens of quite another sort. They are extrinsic, not of this world. They are inhuman. They are dehumanizing.
You may recall that the first act of this story of two degenerates maintained by iterating idiots, farce of farce ad infinitum, was generated quite by accident by iterated AlGoreRhythm, who, it should be noted, is now himself the object of iterated calculation by said degenerates who want iteration 2004 all for themselves.
And thus the odd bit of bloody Gore in Act II: The ugly sight of a corrupt, bottom-heavy hillary self-impaled on the horns of a Treason-Dilemma- masquerading-as-a-Third-Term-Dilemma-masquerading-as-a-Senate-stampede, for example, or bill's recent unsolicited, underwhelming Times interview on the Gore candidacy.
Act I was called "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover." Ostensibly the tale of the wife of a bloodthirsty crime boss who finds romance with a bland bookseller between courses at her husband's restaurant, it was in fact the Thyestean and moveable -- yet unmoving -- feast of hillary clinton at her husband's sham restitution. (Note the reciprocity. The sham restitution in Act II is all hillary's.)
Food, color coding, sex, murder, torture and cannibalism were the exotic (if mostly horizontal) fare in this beautifully filmed but brutally uncompromising modern memoir which passed as ancient fable about nouveau riche rapacity.
Not for the faint at heart, Purple Hearts or queazy stomachs, this depiction of the gross debasement of America was heavily peppered with irony and dark humor throughout.
Although she baked no cookies, didn't do illicit land or cattle d eals and stood by no man, hillary clinton starred in the triple role of the Cook, the Thief and his Wife. Her lover was played at once vaporously and in workmanlike fashion by the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt, with Janet Reno, between her stints rendering intermittent injustice for the Husband, as the reliable stand-in. Sidney Blumenthal was the stand-in for the Cook and Craig Livingstone the stand-in for the Thief. The last-minute addition of Christopher Hitchens as the snitch was a stroke of absolute genius notwithstanding its cerebral accident, its predictable-if-perfect pitch and its facile alliteration.
Although Act I had no rating, the new clinton soccer-mom directive will require a photo ID for any viewer without independent proof of illegal alien DNC or DNA sequencing.
In Act II, rabid anti-clinton voters, roughly 33% of the U.S. populace according to as-yet-unpodded pollsters, become increasingly aware that they are disappearing in droves and being replaced by alien pod replicas which have their physical attributes but lack all anti-clinton affect.
If Act I was a thinly veiled allegory about naked clintonism, then Act II is a parable about the plan for world domination by the Establishment, aged hippies in pinstripes all, with their infantile, solipsistic world view amazingly untouched by time.




14 posted on 11/20/2002 12:12:47 PM PST by Mia T
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To: doug from upland; aristeides

Clearly someone should notify America's founders that they have erred... men are not deserving of self goverment, because clearly self government is nothing more than the aggregation of all our psychic traumas and libidinal confusions.. and look where that has gotten Clinton leaving the white house and one aiming for the US Senate for the State of New York... perhaps the liberals ARE onto something? But no, study the last two Clinton elections carefully... this most shameless and shameful American President is the product of plurality (less than majority) votes obtained through the gile and intrigue of an elitist cabal of intellectually impaired and ethically corrupt media manipulators aligned in effect with the electoral tampering of one man, H. Ross Perot, who although he occasionally gave a good speech was still intelligent enough to know his only role was to twice deny the conservative majority of American voters a first choice for President.

Gail Wynand, "Be Liberal, Live in Ignorance and Servitude"

LUCINDA FRANKS: I think you're wrong because, after about two years of -- of working on this, you know, on and off, I think the president -- that the teenage culture caused the president's behavior in the way he behaved in -- with the oral sex.
BILL O'REILLY: I think you're crazy, Ms. Franks, with all due respect.

Fellating Kids and clinton Degeneracy: The Revisionism Begins


"Be Liberal, Live in Ignorance and Servitude"

by Gail Wynand

liberals have always had problems figuring out causation. they believe for example that because people who smoke (sometimes) have higher rates of cancer than people who don't that smoking CAUSES cancer, worse, they believe that if people get cancer it is the fault of the "tobacco companies" (ie caused by the manufactures of tobacco products). They further believe that the remedy for this fault is that billions of dollars in "damages" should be transferred from the wealth of stockholders in tobacco companies to a handful of plaintiffs lawyers including the First lady's relatives and others closely associated with the Democratic party. And they believe, apparently, that if young people are now experimenting with sex at early ages and with more profoundly explicit practices than in past years, and that if the President of the United States decides to enroll a young intern in rendition of such services to his middle aged libido resultantly staining both her dress and Americas reputation, that a spontaneous wave of teenage sex experimentation, sucked (sorry) the poor middle aged chief executive into its vortex.

deducing causation in most events takes deliberate, focused, thought, insight, and a disciplined intelligence that doesnt skip foundational indoctrination (aka actually studying in school). Causation of the diseases associated with cancer is highly complex and to a large degree still unknown. That smoking is probably not healty for you is well known. That a middle aged chief executive, Yale Law School graduate, former professor of Constitutional Law and State Attorney General should be responsible and accountable for his own actions including HIS perjury and obstruction of justice would seem axiomatic to all but a liberal who has the capacity to adopt causationally convenient theories based solely on tangential proximity to the event under examination rather than through any rational analysis of the importance or significance of the asserted cause to the event. Thus, "guns" are used in some murders therefore, to a liberal all "guns" should be either banned or kept in locked safes with trigger locks so as to disarm the law abiding public and eviscerate their legally recognized right to effective self defense.

Quite simply, one has to be pretty stupid or very corrupt or both to be a liberal, at least and for sure to be a Clinton supporter. But it is worse than that, one also has to deny the importance of human conciousness and free will. That is, a Clinton defending liberal apparently believes that childhood psychic trauma, teenage sex trends (remarkably and largely only rampant among the social classes targeted by liberals for social intervention for the past 40 years) and the power of "addiction" which used to be considered merely "habituation" in more stalwart times, are more significant than free will in determining human conduct.

Clearly someone should notify America's founders that they have erred... men are not deserving of self goverment, because clearly self government is nothing more than the aggregation of all our psychic traumas and libidinal confusions.. and look where that has gotten Clinton leaving the white house and one aiming for the US Senate for the State of New York... perhaps the liberals ARE onto something? But no, study the last two Clinton elections carefully... this most shameless and shameful American President is the product of plurality (less than majority) votes obtained through the gile and intrigue of an elitist cabal of intellectually impaired and ethically corrupt media manipulators aligned in effect with the electoral tampering of one man, H. Ross Perot, who although he occasionally gave a good speech was still intelligent enough to know his only role was to twice deny the conservative majority of American voters a first choice for President. And now even as Evita determinedly grasps for the Security Power and Influence of the Senate seat, one sees in her early campaigning the overriding awareness that her only hope is the sowing of confusion and ignorance... the demonization of a long time public servant whose accomplishments are towering, the pandering to the lowest and most depraved and corrupt anti social organizations and figures (no not the mob, the teachers unions and Mr. Sharpton). Arm in arm this body of liberal enthusiasts march forth to assure that America continues to be contaminated and disabled by their control of government into the 21st century... arrogantly and in complete disregard of truth, rationality, or the notion of liberty... they pound at the very gates of freedom, threatening to burn (redefine to mean the opposite of what they say) the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address and replace them with their own Orwellian Banners of "community" "children" "education" "fairness" and all the other focus group tested liberal-illogicisms. But the translation exists and when the alien identifying sunglasses are donned all of their slogans can be seen to read "Be Liberal, Live in Ignorance and Servitude"


15 posted on 11/23/2002 2:01:53 AM PST by Mia T
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While 70% of the electorate get it ,only one pundit, Bill Bennett, has been sharp enough to see through this clinton " infrastructure " complex-question fallacy scheme. When Sean Hannity ( Hannity and Colmes , FoxNews) asked Bennett whether "she would run," Bennett first asked Hannity to clarify who the "she" was, and, when told, delivered the coup de grâce, "Run for what?

clinton Complex-Question Fallacy Scheme
Results in Media Deformation But No clinton Legitimacy

running clintons...

by Mia T, 2.16.03

WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Ex-Clinton political aide Bob Weiner is slamming the D.C. downtown Renaissance Hotel's new presidential photo sports bar as a ''deification of Bush, anti-Clinton, and thereby partisan.''

...Weiner said, ''I saw an entrance corridor of four dramatic George W. Bush photos, another Bush photo on a wall, and one Clinton photo -- buried in a corner inside the actual bar, of him playing pool. To me, and to several hotel employees with whom I spoke, the Bush photos were disproportionate considering that Clinton is our most recent and an eight-year president. The one Clinton photo denigrates the spirit of enthusiastic leadership he conveyed, and the photos of everyone else -- including Reagan and Bush I both riding horses over fences show vitality and high adventure.''

 "Clinton's sports love, as everyone knows, was running -- he told me himself that he ran 25-30 miles a week..."

EX-CLINTON AIDE: DC Renaissance Hotel's Sports Bar is Deification of Bush, Anti-Clinton

Bob Weiner, ex-clinton political aide and current coconspirator in the CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme, may not be far off as to clinton mileage.

Pasty thighs and piano legs notwithstanding, both clintons always were, and are to this day, reflexive--some would even say perpetual--runners.

See them run...

Watch the clintons
..while Dubya runs rings around them both...

16 posted on 04/19/2003 2:10:46 PM PDT by Mia T (SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
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