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Sniper Suspect John Allen Muhammad's Meltdown (Summary)
Seattle Times ^
| November 11, 2002
| Alex Tizon and The Seattle Times Investigative Team
Posted on 11/11/2002 12:02:57 PM PST by Shermy
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Middle East: John Allen Williams, now known as John Allen Muhammad, center,
plays the strategy game Risk during the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
He was suspected of throwing a thermite grenade into a tent housing 16 of his fellow soldiers.
posted on
11/11/2002 12:02:58 PM PST
To: mrustow; Grampa Dave; Peach; aristeides; FL_engineer; swarthyguy; Fred Mertz; Cicero; TexKat; ...
More info ping.
posted on
11/11/2002 12:03:44 PM PST
To: *JIHAD IN AMERICA; Ernest_at_the_Beach
To: Shermy
>>>He was suspected of throwing a thermite grenade into a tent housing 16 of his fellow soldiers.<<<
Is a thermite grenade nearly as harmful as an ordinary one? Or is it filled with like confetti or something frivolous?
To: End The Hypocrisy
Is a thermite grenade nearly as harmful as an ordinary one?.... Thermite burns very hot. I'm not sure of the actual temp it produces, but it can melt steel
posted on
11/11/2002 12:17:54 PM PST
To: Fiddlstix
Thermit reaction can reach 3000 Celsius. One of the products is very fluid molten iron.
To: Shermy
Thanks for ping and post Shermy. Read this last night and thought it was a good article pulling all of what is known together.
posted on
11/11/2002 12:38:37 PM PST
To: Shermy
All this info is getting depressing. How many more nuts like this guy are out there?
To: Shermy
Good article.
posted on
11/11/2002 1:17:50 PM PST
To: All
Had John Muhammed been "what he should be doing", he would not have lost his kids and his wife.
He was NOT a kind, loving husband and he certainly wasn't an example for his kids.
The fact remains, he changed his name to Muhammed on April 23, 2001, the same day that the first pair of hijackers arrived in Florida.
On September 11, 2002, he registered the "junker" in NJ, just seven miles form where the Anthrax letters entered into the mail system.
He passed out Islamic literature.
He engaged in "phoney IDs.
He used a homeless shelter for purposes of "anonymity".
He traveled extensively.
He apparently set up a phoney bank account.
Malvo spent a lot of time at the library.
They worked out regularly at the YMCA.
They had a GPS unit.
Sure sounds like all the same little patterns the 9-11 guys engaged in.
I don't think the fat lady is going to sing for a long time and I'm guessing that he's going to get tied to several terrorist groups in the end.
Like a duck in a noose????..No, I think that "sly like a fox" fits better.
To: Shermy
"This was an elaborate plan to make this look like I was a victim so he could come in as the grieving father and take the children," she told The Washington Post. "They all died because of me." This is a terrible burden this poor woman has placed on herself. I hope she gets some help and support...
To: NewHampshireDuo
I figured the 5th death would be the direct hit made to look anonomous.
The murderer would have been known---stopped soon after!
To make along story short...
I stopped a guy from getting 'murdered' over what loked like a petty juvenile harassment incident...
and then I was confronted by my friend that this individual soon after became 'famous'---
went on a rampage of raping 10-15 women before he was caught.
Bad call!
To: Sacajaweau
Had John Muhammed been "what he should be doing", he would not have lost his kids and his wife. Not necessarily. I can only assume that you have not been subjected to the abuses of the judiciary in the Peoples' Republic of Washington.
To: PeoplesRepublicOfWashington
John Muhammed reminds me of 'cinique'...
SLA(symbionese liberation asylum) of the Patricia Hearst fame---
mini manson/jonestown psycho death/murder/torture/hate cults!
Mini axis'...spin offs---of evil!
To: Shermy; Sabertooth
Self-marking bump.
To: Shermy
When the shelter shooed away the overnighters at 7 each morning, Muhammad would wander into a nearby tavern and sip $2 Budweisers. "He'd start right in," says Millie Ulmer, morning bartender at the Waterfront Tavern. "He did three or four sometimes, then he went up the street" to another tavern. Didn't this hypocrite Muslim master make his follower, Malvo, eat crackers & honey?
To: Shermy; mrustow; Grampa Dave; Peach; aristeides; FL_engineer; swarthyguy; Fred Mertz; Cicero; ...
According to Duff Wilson, who is with the Seattle Times who was on Greta Van Susteran tonight. Mr. Wilson stated that it was Robert Holmes, Mohammad's old friend whose house M&M lived in, in Tacoma, where LE retrived the tree trunk, phoned LE shortly before the sniper spree ended and informed them that he (Robert Holmes) believed John Mohammad was the sniper.
This is why the LE focused in on M&M.
I guess Mr. Holmes will be part owner of the reward.
posted on
11/11/2002 7:34:11 PM PST
To: Shermy
Thanks for the ping, Shermy. This article has a lot of info. However, it also has two major flaws: the "meltdown" and "the-military-made-me-a-killer" themes.
Muhammad's side of the story, as told to his then-wife Mildred, was that after he was accused of the attack, he was hogtied and humiliated by his fellow soldiers in a way that he would never forgive or forget. The experience, Mildred told a Washington Post reporter, would change him permanently.
Muhammad wasn't "humiliated"; he was caught after he'd tried to murder people. That incident, from eleven years before his "spree," gives the lie to the notion that he had a sudden meltdown. He was a psychopath and a coward who had been ready to kill for years. Perhaps he already had been killing, in nickel-and-dime fashion, for years.
The military angle is pure horse hockey. (Lee Harvey Oswald, for crying out loud?!) The writers neglect to mention that thirty and forty years ago, a large proportion of the adult male population had some military service under their belt. We fought wars with a largely conscript military. The writers failed to give any background in the cases in question -- particularly that of Muhammad, who served with an engineers' unit -- of a history as a military "killing machine."
Finally, while Muhammad might have considered killing his second wife, there is no reason to believe that all his local murders were cover for killing her. (Why, then, all the crosscountry killings?) Had he intended to kill her, I believe that he would have done so, before he and Malvo started shooting their mouths off and leaving so many "love letters" for the police.
posted on
11/11/2002 7:38:27 PM PST
To: gubamyster
Didn't this hypocrite Muslim master make his follower, Malvo, eat crackers & honey?
You've got it, and in different articles that I have read, where witnesses said Mo came in to eat, Boston Market, Subway, etc., they never mention anything about Malvo being present, only Mohammad.
posted on
11/11/2002 7:40:54 PM PST
To: mrustow
Finally, while Muhammad might have considered killing his second wife, there is no reason to believe that all his local murders were cover for killing her.
I do agree. After all he knew where she was, he had found her.
posted on
11/11/2002 7:45:11 PM PST
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