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South Dakota Suspicions
The National Review ^
| 11-07-02
| Byron York
Posted on 11/07/2002 8:23:41 AM PST by jwalburg
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posted on
11/07/2002 8:23:41 AM PST
To: jwalburg; mr.sarcastic; Pippin; Hail Caesar; Marylander; hellinahandcart; KLT; Angelwood; ...
Can you say Glendening vs Sauerbrey? I knew you could.
posted on
11/07/2002 8:27:16 AM PST
To: jwalburg
So the Democrats hold out a few precincts to see how many votes they need to manufacture. Big deal. Just another stolen election. That's the only way they can win now. Nothing to see here. Move along.
posted on
11/07/2002 8:30:03 AM PST
To: jwalburg; AmishDude; aristeides
Even though the total number of voters in Shannon County has gone up dramatically, it appears that virtually none of them chose Thune. Well written and researched article.
To: jwalburg
Has Thune conceded?
To: jwalburg
To: jwalburg
However, I do not wish to put the people of South Dakota through this process unless it is absolutely necessary. Therefore, if there is no change in the vote totals or any irregularities after the official canvass, we will pursue no further action and the results will stand...No one would be happier than I to see those numbers change as the process continues. However, if the numbers stand, I am prepared to accept the outcome and know that my supporters and all those who have stood with me during this process will accept the outcome as well.If Al Gore had taken this approach in 2000, the Democrats might not have lost the Senate this year, and Jeb! may have had a tougher time to win his second term. But when Al Gore declared war against the Republicans in 2000, the parameters in the equation changed.
If the Senate leadership hung in the balance, Thune's approach might need to be different. But, with things the way they are, the Republicans could lose more by fighting than by accepting the results, unless, of course, irregularities can be conclusively proven.
To: jwalburg
No matter "that it will not affect the balance of power in Washington," voter fraud must be pursued and prosecuted with implacable vigor. There was voter fraud in Shannon County. Republicans must stand against it as forcefully as they did the Democrats' attempt to steal Florida in 2000 with "hanging chads."
posted on
11/07/2002 8:37:16 AM PST
To: jwalburg
I wonder if Trent Lott is going to put the kabosh on any effort to rectify this situation like he did in Louisiana when Landru illegally snatched the Senate seat from the Republican. She "won" because the riverboat gambling interests played with the loose slots in the ballot boxes.
posted on
11/07/2002 8:38:46 AM PST
To: sauropod
Sounds like Baltimore in '94, when the last precincts counted in the city happened to have 100% turnout, all of which went to the Dems, and many of which only had a vote for in the governor's race... with the rest of the ballot untouched.
Nothing suspicious here... move along.
To: Reelect President Dubya
No. According to the Washington Times he will wait for the recount results then decide what to do.
posted on
11/07/2002 8:39:25 AM PST
To: Reelect President Dubya
Technically, NO.
To: Whilom
You are right. Voter fraud should be treated like Treason. Generations of Democrats have treated it like an indoor sport.
To: jwalburg
Velly intelesting...there is something rotten in Shannon county...
Look at Thune's totals in the last precincts:
1) 166,558 (838 of 844)
2) 166,747 (841 of 844), an increase of 189
3) 166,707 (843 of 844) - a DECREASE of 40!!!
4) 166,954 (844 of 844) - an increase of 247
Someone needs to ask some questions here. There could have been some corrections made in previous precinct tallies that resulted in a decrease of 40 votes from 841 to 843 precincts tallied. There could also have been fraud.
IMO, the registration lists (signatures on the registrations) and voting records (signatures at the polls) should be carefully compared in Shannon county, before the count is certified by the state.
posted on
11/07/2002 8:44:10 AM PST
To: jwalburg
Definately a Rat involved in the numbers. The FBI has already found some fraud.
The big question is, will they find enough and reverse the results?
Based on history,...............NO. (even if they do find enough)
To: jwalburg
If we don't go in and fight this tooth and nail, we deserve to LOSE the Senate again.
posted on
11/07/2002 8:45:52 AM PST
To: jwalburg
Hello Mr. Ashcroft! Whatever Thune does, it is time to sic the FBI on voter fraud in SD. Let's string up some exemplars as a warning. If an FBI probe and prosecutions show enough fraud to have swung the election, political punishment (recall?) can follow.
To: jwalburg
He doesn't mention the apparent fact that every man and woman in the county, save approximately
two, are registered to vote.
This blatant fraud MUST be prosecuted, or our entire system of government is a sham.
posted on
11/07/2002 8:53:59 AM PST
B Knotts
To: Slyfox
I wonder if Trent Lott is going to put the kabosh on any effort to rectify this situation ... You mean the Lottless that bowed at sinkEmperor's feet and tossed the House memebers out when impeachment reach the Senate? Need you ask? Lott is thoroughly blackmailable, as evidenced in his 'leadership' on crucial issues, just as Newt was with the Dornan defrauding by Sanchez henchfolk. Time for 'Trent' to go!
posted on
11/07/2002 8:58:46 AM PST
To: Real Cynic No More
If the Senate leadership hung in the balance...It does. Can you say John McCain and Lincoln Chafee?
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