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MARK STEYN: Democrats stick to vaudevillian knockabout in midst of drama
The Daily Telegraph ^
| November 7, 2002
| Mark Steyn
Posted on 11/06/2002 4:57:32 PM PST by MadIvan
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Great from Steyn.
Regards, Ivan
posted on
11/06/2002 4:57:32 PM PST
To: BigWaveBetty; widgysoft; Da_Shrimp; BlueAngel; JeanS; schmelvin; MJY1288; terilyn; Ryle; ...
posted on
11/06/2002 4:57:50 PM PST
To: Admin Moderator
Please fix the author to Mark Steyn, sorry, it's late here and I'm feeling it.
Regards, Ivan
posted on
11/06/2002 4:59:00 PM PST
To: MadIvan
posted on
11/06/2002 4:59:42 PM PST
To: Howlin; riley1992; Miss Marple; deport; Dane; sinkspur; steve; kattracks; JohnHuang2; ...
Pinging the Steyn list.
posted on
11/06/2002 5:03:45 PM PST
To: MadIvan
If Bush is too dumb to be President, how dumb do you have to be to be consistently outwitted by him? LOL.
To: Rocko
Mark Steyn is in error on only one issue: the GOP picked up the Alabama statehouse. Otherwise great article!
To: MadIvan
On the contrary I think Al Gore is lining up his 2004 presidential run. He can point to this election and say "See, look at those chumps. I'm the leader here" and run on that. Course he won't get elected, but he'll still be the nomineee.
posted on
11/06/2002 5:04:55 PM PST
To: MadIvan
Thanks for the Steyn ping,
posted on
11/06/2002 5:07:03 PM PST
To: MadIvan
Al Gore - the country's most prominent Android-American.... LOL!
posted on
11/06/2002 5:13:23 PM PST
To: MadIvan
Steyn bump.
posted on
11/06/2002 5:13:47 PM PST
To: MadIvan
I'm with you Ivan, come on Hillary, take on Gore in 04! I can't wait to see her shredded and Gore gone forever.
To: MadIvan
"Are you over it?" he roared at the crowds. "No!" they roared back. Earth to Al: the rest of us are over it.Al became irrelevant on 9/11/01. But as Stein indicates, Al will be the last one in America to figure that out.
To: MadIvan; Freee-dame
Every line of this piece is quotable!
posted on
11/06/2002 5:27:06 PM PST
To: Long Cut; DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet; justshe; terilyn; Howlin; Chad Fairbanks; ...
The only good news for the Dems was a handful of pick-ups in the gubernatorial races and in a significant number - Alabama, Oklahoma, Oregon, Wisconsin - it was anti-tax Libertarian candidates siphoning off enough votes from the GOP to deliver the state to the Democrat. A preaching-to-the-choir ping.
posted on
11/06/2002 5:29:18 PM PST
To: MadIvan
The only good news for the Dems was a handful of pick-ups in the gubernatorial races and in a significant number - Alabama, Oklahoma, Oregon, Wisconsin - it was anti-tax Libertarian candidates siphoning off enough votes from the GOP to deliver the state to the Democrat. When a Dem runs on an explicit high-tax platform - as the candidate did in New Hampshire, with his proposal to introduce an income tax - voters abandon the Libertarians and come home to the Republicans. The Republican candidate in Alabama has been declared the winner after a 6,000 vote clerical error was discovered in his opponent's vote total.
To: MadIvan
Walter Mondale ran in Minnesota as an old tax-and-spend liberal opposed to both the Bush tax cut and the war with Iraq: he lost. Rod Blagojevich, liberal machine RAT of Illinois rode into power as governor on the 1990s scandals of the Republican Governor George Ryan, and the GOP's inability to get rid of Ryan. Rod's rumored to be about to foist a $500 FOID (currently $12) fee, and also about to raise taxes to cover the reckless spending of his cronies in the Illinois Congress.
The war was won for some yesterday, but for some of us it's just beginning.
Why is it that my family has to cut back in hard times, but the government just spends more and more....
posted on
11/06/2002 5:32:55 PM PST
To: wingnuts'nbolts
I hope Hillary is the nominee in 2004. President Bush will stomp her into the ground, worse than what Reagan did to Mondull in 1984. Hillary is hated by most of the country; let her be the face of the Democratic Party.
Rush said we shouldn't gloat over the election results. With due respect to Rush, we can gloat a little. Hillary, Slick Willie, McAuliffe, and all their corrupt cronies can suck on it today. They are losers of historic proportions. Makes me feel good that the American people seem somewhat willing to repudiate Clinton-era scum.
To: MadIvan
""Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow," sang Fleetwood Mac in Bill Clinton's '92 campaign."By 2000, Clinton and Gore switched Fleetwood Mac songs and were using "Tell Me Lies."
To: Amelia; PhiKapMom
"The only good news for the Dems was a handful of pick-ups in the gubernatorial races and in a significant number - Alabama, Oklahoma, Oregon, Wisconsin - it was anti-tax Libertarian candidates siphoning off enough votes from the GOP to deliver the state to the Democrat." Thanks Amelia, and a sad ping to you PKM.
posted on
11/06/2002 5:43:46 PM PST
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