1. Any illegal alien charged with a felony is not a criminal -- he is an invader. He must also, therefore, be charged with the additional crime of "invading" the state in which he is charged -- a crime which will carry an automatic 10-year sentence above and beyond any sentence he must serve for the actual crime. Even if he is found innocent of the crime.
2. A U.S. citizen cannot be charged with a felony for a crime in which the victim is an illegal alien.
3. Illegal aliens cannot be awarded monetary damages for cases brought in civil court.
Watch how quickly the INS starts paying attention to their duties if even one of these three measures becomes written into law.
All people employing illegal aliens will also be arrested and fined. All people giving aid or care to illegal aliens will also be arrested and fined. The hiring of non citizens that have entered the US legally with the assistance of Immigration and Naturalization Services will of course be encouraged. Only the hiring of illegal aliens will be reason for arrest.
This will result in no or very few illegal aliens going to the local hospitals for medical attention. This will bring welfare for illegal aliens to a screeching halt.
Imagine what that would do to surrounding Counties with a similar budget deficit. Do you think it might prompt them to do a similar actions? Do you think it might convince the State officials when enough Counties have adopted these measures that we citizens are serious in our desire to protect our communities from being over run by illegal aliens?
The federal Gov't may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command State' officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program. It matters not whether policy making is involved, and no case by case weighing of the burdens or benefits is necessary; such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.
Justice Antonin Scalia, Mack vs US., June 27, 1997
He is an enemy combatant out of uniform which eliminates Geneva Convention protection and is subject to immediate execution by the state militia ;-)