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Congressmen want paper ballots in Broward...(Florida Dems cry for PAPER BALLOTS!)
Sun-Sin-ton-all, Ft. Loserdale ^
| Scott Wyman
Posted on 11/01/2002 11:17:27 AM PST by Recovering_Democrat
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Deutsch and Hastings wrote Ashcroft that waits of two to three hours would be excessive and would constitute a violation of the Voting Rights Act by disenfranchising voters.Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I seeee...waiting in line is now suddenly racist and disenfranchisement. Take a hike, you liberal jackasses.
To: Recovering_Democrat
No prob, just as long as it is T.P.
posted on
11/01/2002 11:18:47 AM PST
To: Recovering_Democrat
The dems are getting desperate. No matter what the state does to enable voters to cast their ballots, they will threaten to sue. If those voters are too ignorant to touch a screen, they are too ignorant to do anything else, either. Maybe they ought to sit this one out and take a few reading courses, in English, of course.
posted on
11/01/2002 11:21:52 AM PST
To: Recovering_Democrat
I can see it now - "The Republicans have conspired to take away all the erasers!"[rolling eyes] Is there no limit to how low they will stoop?
posted on
11/01/2002 11:26:18 AM PST
To: Recovering_Democrat
Oh I see. They bellyached and cried and whined and insisted that we spend kajillion dollars on a new computerized voting system, and now that we've done that, they're bellyaching and crying and whining that they want paper ballots to be used. Good grief.
posted on
11/01/2002 11:27:41 AM PST
To: Recovering_Democrat
It isn't going to take me 13 minutes to vote! I have my sample ballot all filled out and will take it to the polling place with me! Probably won't take more than 2 minutes!
To: Recovering_Democrat
Ohhh, how lucky we are to have John Ashcroft as our Attorney General!!!!!
To: Dems_R_Losers
Ohhh, how lucky we are to have John Ashcroft as our Attorney General!!!!! And I still see FR's proclaim that there is no difference between Bush and Gore!
posted on
11/01/2002 11:38:15 AM PST
To: Dems_R_Losers
They also say they'll wait for Ashcroft's response to see if they need to "take this to a federal judge".
Democrats are disgusting. Revolting.
To: Recovering_Democrat
Ever notice that election problems always happen in Rat areas?
You don't hear any news of FL panhandle election officials crying and whining about voting.
To: Recovering_Democrat
All these lawsuits and complaints are simply an attempt to plant the idea in the head of the ignorant that, once Dems lose big time, Repiblicans somehow conspired to "Steal the election".
These politicians may be scum, but they aren't that stupid. They know no court will tell a State how to run an election.
To: Recovering_Democrat
It's killing the Dems because they aren't smart enough to beat the computerized system yet. The public schools don't have enough teen aged computer wizards to cheat for the Dems. The article said,"But the county would need more than 2,000 additional machines to allow each voter to spend the 13 minutes it takes to read the 11-page ballot from start to finish." I just got back from casting my vote in Pinellas county and it took me three minutes because I took my notes in with me. Anyone who waits to get in the voting booth to read the amendments deserves a long wait.
To: Recovering_Democrat
According to radio 970, paper ballots are now ILLEGAL in Florida...but hey, why should that make a difference to demonrats???
To: shortstop
The Dems are worried because their strength is in last minute busing of voters from precinct to precinct, etc, fraudulent voting. They are at a disadvantage if they have to wait long times to vote. All those liberal causes stuck all over the ballot are going to cause long voting times.
But there were several warnings from our supervisor (a Democrat, a rare good one) that there would be long waits at the polls for this reason, and that is why they sent out sample ballots to EVERY voter in FL, something I never got in NY. There is no excuse for not going in prepared.
I also got a mailing from Bush last month asking me to vote by mail-in. They are well prepared. The Demos concentrate on last minute voting drives, the Repubs on absentee ballots. And this long ballot will favor the Repubs -their votes will all be in already.
To: shortstop
It's killing the Dems because they aren't smart enough to beat the computerized system yet.
Give them time to get a crooked software engineer in place. It will happen. Mark my words.
posted on
11/01/2002 12:00:11 PM PST
To: Recovering_Democrat
They also say they'll wait for Ashcroft's response to see if they need to "take this to a federal judge".
Which is nothing more than a baited trap to get Ashcroft to support this so-called "disenfranchisement". If I were Ashcroft, I'd say that, barring any actual evidence of disenfranchisement, it's a state matter to run its own voting equipment.
posted on
11/01/2002 12:02:02 PM PST
To: E=MC<sup>2</sup>; All
To: Bush2000
This reminds me of an episode of COPS where this young black guy gets busted for something and on camera you see him fling some stuff out of his pockets and it lands in the street near the curb. On closer inspection you find a broken crack pipe and a set of keys. He later denies the crack pipe is his but asks for his keys back.
The question from the cops, "Why did you throw your keys?"
To: E=MC<sup>2</sup>
According to radio 970, paper ballots are now ILLEGAL in Florida...but hey, why should that make a difference to demonrats??? I think the station erroniously said paper ballots when it meant punch-card ballots. Unless something happend and I didn't hear about it, most of Florida still uses optical scan machines.
To: FreeTally
In fact, a friend of mine just voted early here in North Florida and it was an optical scan machine, because they had punch-cards last time around(which were made illegal).
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