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Boston Globe | 11-1-02 | Mia T

Posted on 11/01/2002 5:25:32 AM PST by Mia T


YOO-HOO Mrs. clinton:


...Hillary Rodham Clinton, a New York Democrat, told the crowd that years ago the ambitions of women who wanted to vote or run for public office were described as ''unbecoming.'' Clinton drew roaring applause when she said she found Romney's comments ''unbecoming.''

Camps spar over Romney word choice

Gender issue raised on 'unbecoming'

Stephanie Ebbert and Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff




 by Mia T

Cotwithstanding the best efforts of hillary clinton, the Senate of the United States, Doris Kearns Goodwin and those 400 other hog-and-bow-tied-save-clinton retrograde-obsessing historiographers, and, of course, Betty Friedan, the rape of Juanita Broaddrick by bill clinton became perhaps the defining issue of his impeachment trial. The rape was quickly if quietly reduced by the House of Representatives--the only impeachment participant that history will view kindly--to the obvious. How can a rapist be a fit president? (How, indeed.)

I revisit this issue in The Real Danger of a Presidential Fake: Post-9/11 Reconsideration of The Placebo President. Nine-eleven has clarified for thoughtful democrats what Juanita Broaddrick, Eileen Wellstone, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers and clinton's "ministering to hundreds of troubled young girls"--the wife's euphemism for the ad nauseams--apparently did not: clinton putrescence was not "just about sex."

Even as bill clinton, the person, quickly fades into irrelevancy, 9/11 puts the lasting danger of the clinton presidency into sharp focus; and because the clintons have made it clear that they are not yet through with the trashing of the White House and the deconstructing our democracy, 9/11 renders the clinton rapes more relevant than ever.

Make no mistake. hillary clinton was never, ever some betrayed little wife. Not only was this wife aware of the sexual predation from day one, she aided and abetted the rapes and exploited the victims for decades. That is to say, to gain and maintain power, hillary clinton raped, too...

The clinton rapes, real devastation taken alone, synergistically affected, and ultimately became the metaphor for the depraved clinton presidency itself. Chalk America's first rape up to ignorance. What will America's excuse be if she allows the clintons to violate her again?

BRITISH JOURNALIST: Yes, Clinton Raped a Second Woman

source withheld | 4-3-02 | Doug from Upland

Posted on 4/3/02 10:04 PM Pacific by doug from upland

Coday I spent about 6 hours with a British journalist, now living in the U.S. We were joined for dinner by a mutual friend. The journalist, whose name I am withholding, has impeccable credentials and is in town for about a week on business. No, it is not Ambrose Evans Pritchard.

Both of these gentlemen did extensive research into the criminality of Bill Clinton. They have reviewed many documents from various law enforcement agencies and interviewed many people with first hand knowledge. Yes, it is as bad as we always have said it was.

Over dinner, I had the opportunity to grill my source and relive many of the Clinton moments. He was amazed when I brought up things he'd forgotten.

Mr. Source was very candid, and I wanted to share with you the biggest bombshell of the evening.

On this forum and at the FReeper Victory Brunch last year, I charged that Clinton raped another woman in addition to Juanita Broaddrick (and how many others, we wonder -- can you say Eileen Wellstone?). It happened during his first term as governor and the woman was treated at the hospital after being smashed in the face. Mr. Source confirmed what I had learned from another source. He interviewed a nurse who was at the hospital at the time. The woman said that the perpetrator, who hit and raped her, was none other than the Governor of Arkansas, William Jefferson Clinton. The doctor involved was scared to death and would not go on the record and be interviewed.

America, particularly you RATS, are you so afraid to face the truth? Do you feel it would make you look foolish? Would it erode the strength of the RAT party if everyone know they protected a rapist?

I guess those are silly questions. DemocRATS have no shame. It didn't matter that Clinton severely damaged our security, treated the White House like a whore house, committed perjury many times, and actually raped women. He's their guy and it is easier to blame those who brought the crimes to light than blame the criminal. Facing the truth would do too much damage. What disgusting lowlifes. All of them.

Oh, yes, I should not leave this out. Vince Foster did not kill himself in that park. Clinton personally knows the man who killed Jerry Parks. Clinton really was treated for a severe nose problem because of cocaine use. There really was a security tape showing Clinton going into Gennifer Flowers' apartment with his own key. Her audio tapes, in which he instructed her to lie, were not doctored. And my source outed David Brock on a radio show.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Massachusetts; US: New York
KEYWORDS: clintoncorruption; clintondemagoguery; clintonsbalkanize; corapistclintons; mittromney; unbecoming
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To: Cincinatus
Thanks Cincinatus!
21 posted on 11/01/2002 6:28:47 AM PST by Quilla
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To: Mia T
One of the great posts ever on FR, Mia. You might enjoy this -- I GOT HELEN THOMAS TO HANG UP ON ME. She hung up when I asked about Juanita Broaddrick.
22 posted on 11/01/2002 6:55:44 AM PST by doug from upland
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To: Mia T
Thank you and a hearty CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your posting.
23 posted on 11/01/2002 7:03:58 AM PST by B4Ranch
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To: Mia T
24 posted on 11/01/2002 7:04:34 AM PST by mcenedo
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To: Mia T
For two decades, for power, for all intents and purposes, hillary clinton both provided and pinned her husband's prey as he raped them, again and again.

Awesome post. Thanks for the obvious work for truth.

25 posted on 11/01/2002 7:14:39 AM PST by Taiwan Bocks
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To: chiefqc
There is a great deal of interest in how history is going to view Bill Clinton...Our first indication from the public does little to suggest that Clinton's image has become more positive in the 14 months since he left office. Just 51% of Americans now say they approve of the job Clinton did while in office, and a substantial 47% say they disapprove (the second-highest disapproval rating, behind only Nixon's). This marks a drop from the higher ratings he was receiving as he left office, and a slight drop even from his overall two-term average.

Clinton continues to drop in retrospective poll data. Only Nixon lower.

Gallup News Service

A C-SPAN survey of 58 U.S. historians has concluded that Bill Clinton is the president with the lowest 'moral authority' -- beating out Richard Nixon for last place, Monday's NEW YORK TIMES is set report.



clinton's ranking will likely get worse over time. Economic issues fade in importance over time. Moral issues presist and grow. (paraphrase)

------Douglas Brinkley, history professor, on Washington Journal discussing C-SPAN poll  

I think that history will view this much differently. They will say I made a bad personal mistake, I paid a serious price for it, but that I was right to stand and fight for my country and my constitution and its principles...

-----the First Psychopath

...[bill clinton], a man who will be regarded in the history books as one of our greatest presidents.

-----Al Gore at clinton's post-impeachment rally


It is not the strength but the duration of great sentiments that makes great men.



I suspect that, to spite us all, Arthur Schlesinger will live to 120
just so he can write the definitive clinton hagiography.

--------Mia T, Musings: Senatorial Courtesy Perverted

History Lesson
by Mia T
Someone--was it Maupassant?--
once called history "that excitable and lying old lady."
The same can be said of historians.
Surely it can be said of Doris Kearns Goodwin,
the archetypical pharisaical historian,
not-so-latently clintonoid,
(i.e., clinton is an unfit president;
therefore clinton must remain president),
intellectually dishonest,
(habitually doing what the Arthur Schlesingers of this world do:
making history into the proof of their theories).
The Forbids 400's argument is shamelessly spurious.
They get all unhinged over the impeachment of clinton,
claiming that it will
"leave the presidency permanently disfigured and diminished,
at the mercy as never before of the caprices of any Congress."
Yet they dismiss the real and present--and future!!--danger
to the presidency and the country
of not impeaching and removing
this admittedly unfit, (Goodwin)
"documentably dysfunctional," (NYT)
presidency-diminishing, (Goodwin)
psychopathic thug.
Doris Kearns Goodwin and those 400 other
retrograde-obsessing historiographers
are a supercilious, power-hungry,
egomaniacal lot in their own right.
For them, clinton validates
what Ogden Nash merely hypothesized:
Any buffoon can make history,
but only a great man can write it.


Weekly Standard writer Tucker Carlson has dubbed Princeton University historian Sean Wilentz "loser of the week" for his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week. The New York Times described his testimony as "gratuitously patronizing."
"Why would Wilentz risk his reputation to join the already bulging ranks of Clinton throne-sniffers?" Mr. Carlson asked Marxist historian Eugene Genovese, who guesses that "the pressure of time and the passions of the moment" got to Mr. Wilentz.
"As for why anyone would cite the Framers in defense of Clinton, Genovese seems baffled" Mr. Carlson wrote.
Mr. Genovese told Mr. Carlson: "I come from a rather tough working-class neighborhood where attitudes toward women left a great deal to be desired. ... But if anybody had said in the local pool room" some of the things President Clinton reportedly did to Monica Lewinsky, "the attitude would have been, 'That's degenerate. You don't do that to a girl, not even a whore.' The idea that the United States of America, the supreme world power, would tolerate a man in office who is a palpable moral degenerate -- the Founding Fathers would have choked."

The Washington Times---Inside Politics


Clinton's failure to grasp the opportunity to unravel increasingly organized extremists, coupled with Berger's assessments of their potential to directly threaten the U.S., represents one of the most serious foreign policy failures in American history

Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize



Bill Clinton may not be the worst president America has had, but surely he is the worst person to be president.*

---GEORGE WILL, Sleaze, the sequel


Had George Will written Sleaze, the sequel (the "sequel" is, of course, hillary) after 9-11-01, I suspect that he would have had to forgo the above conceit, as the doubt expressed in the setup phrase was, from that day forward, no longer operational.

Indeed, assessing the clinton presidency an abject failure is not inconsistent with commentary coming from the left, most recently the LA Times: "Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize."

When the clintons left office, I predicted that the country would eventually learn--sadly, the hard way--that this depraved, self-absorbed and inept pair had placed America (and the world) in mortal danger. But I was thinking years, not months.

It is very significant that hillary clinton didn't deny clinton culpability for the terrorism. (Meet the Press, 12-09-01), notwithstanding tired tactics (if you can't pass the buck, spread the blame) and chronic "KnowNothing Victim Clinton" self-exclusion.

If leftist pandering keeps the disenfranchized down in perpetuity, clinton pandering,("it's the economy, stupid"), kept the middle and upper classes wilfully ignorant for eight years.

And ironically, both results (leftist social policy and the clinton economy) are equally illusory, fraudulent. It is becoming increasingly clear that clinton covertly cooked the books even as he assiduously avoided essential actions that would have negatively impacted the economy--the ultimate source of his continued power--actions like, say, going after the terrorists.

It is critically important that hillary clinton fail in her grasp for power; read Peggy Noonan's little book, 'The Case Against Hillary Clinton' and Barbara Olson's two books; it is critical that the West de-clintonize, but that will be automatic once it is understood that the clintons risked civilization itself in order to gain and retain power.

It shouldn't take books, however, to see that a leader is a dangerous, self-absorbed sicko. People should be able to figure that out for themselves. The electorate must be taught to think, to reason. It must be able to spot spin, especially in this age of the electronic demagogue.

I am not hopeful. As Bertrand Russell noted, "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so. "

Mia T, hillary clinton blames hubby for terrorism

(SHE knew nuttin')

Meet the Press, 12-09-01



*George Will continues: There is reason to believe that he is a rapist ("You better get some ice on that," Juanita Broaddrick says he told her concerning her bit lip), and that he bombed a country to distract attention from legal difficulties arising from his glandular life, and that. ... Furthermore, the bargain that he and his wife call a marriage refutes the axiom that opposites attract. Rather, she, as much as he, perhaps even more so, incarnates Clintonism

Q ERTY3 co-rapist  bump!

it won't s-p-i-n  


Q ERTY2 "There isn't a shred of evidence."

HILLARY, YOU KNOW, KnowNothing Victim Q ERTY4 double bagel

They ARE space aliens

reckless rodham-clinton-gore reinvention-of-government schemata

W I D E B O D Y. low-center-of-gravity Dim Bulb, Congenital Bottom Feeder

Q ERTY3 zipper-hoisted

clinton zipper vitiated by obvious spilth

Humpty Dummies

Q ERTY6 utter failure IT IS OBVIOUS

4th-Estate Malfeasance (DEATH BY MISREPORT)

rodham-clinton reality-check BUMP!

26 posted on 11/01/2002 11:47:24 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
Thanksgiving 2000 Elian washed Bush ashore in Miami and gore-reno-clinton out to sea!

27 posted on 11/01/2002 12:43:19 PM PST by f.Christian
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To: doug from upland




Q ERTY6 utter failure


This misreporting actually endangers people's lives. By selectively reporting the news...

New York Post | 25 January 2002

She said the press corps followed a "golden rule that if it didn't affect the running of the country, they didn't need to report on it. We weren't protecting anybody."
As President Bill Clinton reached his last days in office, Thomas asked him what White House possession he would like to take with him.
His reply: the rock Neal Armstrong brought back from the moon. Whenever tension filled the Oval Office, Clinton said, he would point to the rock and tell those present to "chill out." The rock was 3.6 billion years old, he said; they needed perspective.
"I think the rock is still there, but I'm not sure," Thomas said.

Helen Thomas: Bush a Work in Progress

  "I think the rock is still there, but I'm not sure," Helen quipped. Her punch line to clinton's response to her question about a -- (only in Helen's mind) 'fantasy' -- clinton kleptocracy, was in fact 4th-estate CYA-ing disguised as a joke.

Ironically, unbeknownst to the always clueless Helen, the one-liner she was delivering was indeed a joke; it was the butt of the joke that was her misreport...

In the end,
if clinton's arrogant, ruthless, reckless nature is restored to him,
it seems the joke will be on all of us,
for it will be a victory for infinite victimhood and irresponsibility,
for seduction, for violence, for nihilism, for anarchy.
We will have set apart clinton as the hero
by making his victims less human than he;
we will have allowed clinton to carefully estrange us from his victims
so that we can enjoy the rapes and the beatings
as much as clinton himself does.


Mia T, 1.27.02,



New York Times Chairman/Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. admits to Brian Lamb:
  • "Times dropped ball during Holocaust by failing to connect the dots"
  • Times was able to endorse clinton by separating clinton's "policies" from "the man" [i.e., by failing to connect the dots!]


by Mia T, November 30, 2001

Calpractice and/or malfeasance by "compartmentalization" redux...

It appears that The New York Times doesn't learn from its mistakes. Will it take the Times another 50 years to understand/admit that by having endorsed for reelection a "documentably dysfunctional" president with "delusions" -- its own words -- it must bear sizeable blame for the 9-11 horror and its aftermath ?

(Note, by the way, the irony of Sulzberger's carefully worded rationalization of the clinton endorsements, pointing to clinton "policies," not achievements, (perhaps understanding, at last, that clinton "achievements" -- when legal -- were more illusory than real--perhaps understanding, at last, that the Times' Faustian bargain was not such a good deal after all).).

If we assume that the clintons were the proximate cause of 9-11 --- a proposition not difficult to demonstrate --- it then follows that The New York Times must bear sizeable blame for the 9-11 horror and its aftermath.


it won't s-p-i-n



Q ERTY2 "There isn't a shred of evidence."



HILLARY, YOU KNOW, KnowNothing Victim Q ERTY4 double bagel,


W I D E B O D Y. low-center-of-gravity Dim Bulb, Congenital Bottom Feeder





Q ERTY3 zipper-hoisted


(clinton zipper vitiated by obvious spilth)
Humpty Dummies

Q ERTY6 utter failure


Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS


4th-Estate Malfeasance (DEATH BY MISREPORT)



rodham-clinton reality-check BUMP!


Fraudulent Democrat Scheme Fails as Bush Soars
BUSH: NATIONAL SECURITY 1st PRIORITY. . ."I will not wait on events, while dangers gather."
it won't s-p-i-n
CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme Fails Again
Ollie North Laughs Ann Lewis Off Stage
Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS
Will Riefenstahl-esque "editing to perfection" resurrect the clintons?
Frankenstein, The Sequel:
'Black Hawk Down' Was Set to Blame Clinton for 9/11
hillary clinton, Congenital Bottom Feeder, Cowers Below Network Radar,
Continues to Subsist on Cozy Clintonoid Interviews of Colmes Kind
hillary's head revisited:
hillary clinton's brain (such as it is) II
Buddy Death Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers
 "The Daschle Scheme"
Analyzed and Annotated

28 posted on 11/01/2002 12:49:51 PM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T

Ugh ...all that Halloween candy is about to reappear!

29 posted on 11/01/2002 12:56:27 PM PST by Olydawg
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To: All
Romney's BECOMING website


30 posted on 11/01/2002 1:08:01 PM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
Good stuff as usual Mia T. Clinton the rapist and his partner now run the democrat party.

We must turn the tables on Nov. 5th! Send little Tommy Daschle to his room!

Pray that Algore keeps running in 2004 and HRC is sedated and duck-tapped.

It's the best of times, and the worst of times. ;^D

31 posted on 11/01/2002 1:31:11 PM PST by johnny7
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To: Mia T
Whew! That was rough. I'm lucky that I was never within a 100 feet of them ( i42, 97, and their spawn).


32 posted on 11/01/2002 3:26:49 PM PST by M Kehoe
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To: Mia T
Mia, I hope all the Clinton-worshipers who read this thread (you know they do) will take a good hard look in the mirror.
33 posted on 11/01/2002 7:53:38 PM PST by Faith
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To: chiefqc
History will have a lot to say about this trying time concerning the morally bankrupt klintons, and I'm sure it will not be very nice.

True....(also what will history say about Janet Reno?....Elian,Waco...)

Shameless Bump Here...GO JEB BUSH!!!

Have a nice day
34 posted on 11/02/2002 4:56:42 AM PST by firewalk
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To: Cincinatus
Wasn't Clinton involved with Walter Mondale's daughter, perhaps still is?
35 posted on 11/03/2002 3:51:22 PM PST by yoe
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To: yoe
Indeed. In fact, the cause of Monica's "going mental" psychotic episode outside the White House gates (which ultimately led to her banishment to the Pentagon) was triggered by Bubba being "in conference" with Eleanor Mondale:

Eleanor, at a White House Conference, sometime in the 1990'2.

36 posted on 11/04/2002 2:28:28 AM PST by Cincinatus
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To: Olydawg
Sorry about that. ;)
YOO-HOO Mrs. clinton:





37 posted on 11/04/2002 4:27:12 AM PST by Mia T
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To: All

BTW, the co-rapist can plainly see that Mitt Romney is an extremely attractive 2008 presidential candidate with immense crossover appeal.

That is why this mutant couldn't contain herself; she raced to Beacon Hill to defeat him at speeds seeming to defy the laws of physics; there she spilled standard issue, unbecoming, faux-feminist, clinton demagogic bile that effectively depredates and rapes all women.

Q ERTY3 zipper-hoisted PING!



Thou art arm'd that hath thy crook'd schemers straight.

Cudgel thy brains no more, the clinton plots are great.

Mia T, On Neutered and Neutering,

by Mia T and Edward Zehr (EZ)


38 posted on 11/04/2002 4:59:16 AM PST by Mia T
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To: All

BTW, the co-rapist can plainly see that Mitt Romney is an extremely attractive 2008 presidential candidate with immense crossover appeal.

That is why this mutant couldn't contain herself; she raced to Beacon Hill to defeat him at speeds seeming to defy the laws of physics; there she spilled standard issue, unbecoming, faux-feminist, clinton demagogic bile that effectively depredates and rapes all women.

Q ERTY3 zipper-hoisted PING!



Thou art arm'd that hath thy crook'd schemers straight.

Cudgel thy brains no more, the clinton plots are great.

Mia T, On Neutered and Neutering,

by Mia T and Edward Zehr (EZ)


39 posted on 11/04/2002 5:00:42 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Cincinatus
Have there been any other sightings since that time? Good looking gal! Thanks.
40 posted on 11/04/2002 1:22:59 PM PST by yoe
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