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BREAKING - South Korean newspapers report North Korean nuclear test ^
| 10/18/02
| AP
Posted on 10/17/2002 9:05:03 PM PDT by Diogenesis
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To: Diogenesis
The latest Chapter of the Clinton legacy
posted on
10/17/2002 9:08:37 PM PDT
To: Diogenesis
Now Japan can put in the screws and officially announce that they have 100 nuclear warheads which happen to fit on their space rockets.
To: Diogenesis
Heavy discussion right now on CNBC Capital Report!
To: Travis McGee
Perhaps it's time for Japan to launch those 100.
posted on
10/17/2002 9:10:39 PM PDT
per loin
To: Travis McGee
One problem Kimosabe!
Tanto no got arrows!
To: Diogenesis
We must remember to thank "The Zipper" klintoon and "Peace-a-peanut" karter for doing so much to secure Korea's nuke program....
To: bonesmccoy
The Japanese are smart, have a "peaceful" nuclear industry, and have their own space launch rockets.
They are not naive enough to have counted on the US nuclear umbrella forever.
To: Diogenesis
What kind of "test"?
posted on
10/17/2002 9:14:14 PM PDT
To: <1/1,000,000th%; 11B3; 2111USMC; 2Jedismom; 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; A Ruckus of Dogs; AdA$tra; ...
Important Bump:
========= North Korea =========
In North Korea, one of their rockets from a September, 1998 television frame grab.

In North Korea, the Yongbyon nuclear plant

By satellite image, the Yongbyon nuclear plant.

To: Travis McGee
Travis, I talked to my brother tonight who works for the state department. He told me that most of the evidence we presented to N. Korea dates back to 1998 and that the convincing evidence was Spy photo's This story is bunk. There are too many nations who can detect a Nuclear test and this would of been "Breaking News" the day of the test.
posted on
10/17/2002 9:16:06 PM PDT
To: Diogenesis
IF there were a test and IF it was successful, the Japanese knew about it when it happened.
To: Diogenesis
I got question guys
North Korea okay I know it is Communist country is this same country that people are starving to death HELLO their children are dying of malnutrion where do they get all these money
To: MJY1288
Yes, seismographs would have easily detected this if it happened.
posted on
10/17/2002 9:19:44 PM PDT
To: Diogenesis
Kinda hard to hide an underground nuclear test... so yeah, I'd say they knew that everone else knew.... so why try to hide it anymore?
To: SevenofNine
"where do they get all these money"And the answer is.............. Bill Clinton, courtesy of we American Tax payers.
posted on
10/17/2002 9:20:55 PM PDT
To: Travis McGee
They've got lots of plutonium already.
posted on
10/17/2002 9:21:03 PM PDT
To: Diogenesis
Isn't that the missile they call 'Duc Dong'?
To: SevenofNine
From us, the American taxpayers, courtesy of William Jefferson Clinton. A million bucks a month.
posted on
10/17/2002 9:22:18 PM PDT
To: SevenofNine
North Korea okay I know it is Communist country is this same country that people are starving to death HELLO their children are dying of malnutrion where do they get all these moneyIt's funny... these communist regimes don't care that their people are starving as long as they can perfect their weapons of mass destruction.
posted on
10/17/2002 9:22:58 PM PDT
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