To: Mama_Bear; Billie; ST.LOUIE1; coteblanche; FallGuy; B4Ranch; amom; Geezerette; A+Bert
"I'll just have to be content to not know what I don't know. :-(" 'Tis best fer the unsuspecting, you understand...don't worry, the Effete Elite shall make it Right and Good fer the lowly ones...MUD
To: Mudboy Slim; Mama_Bear
'Tis best fer the unsuspecting, you understand...don't worry,
the Effete Elite shall make it Right and Good fer the lowly ones...MUDA+Bert and the rest are the "Effette Elite"? ROTFL!!!
Good one, eh, fuzzy! : ) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson