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Dem suicide: Let’s count the ways
The Hill ^ | 10/2/02 | Dick Morris

Posted on 10/02/2002 9:30:11 AM PDT by Jean S

How many ways have the Democrats, circa 2002, developed to commit suicide?
It took Bill and Hillary Clinton two years of diligent effort to blow their chances of reelecting a Democratic majority in 1994. For all of 1993 and 1994, they labored hard to develop a tax package and a program of healthcare reform which would destroy their party’s chances in the mid-term elections. Now, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (S.D.), Al Gore, Clinton, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and even Jimmy Carter have joined forces to destroy their party’s prospects in just a few short weeks.

Why on earth did Carter and Clinton decide, last month, to challenge President Bush to explain his policy on Iraq to the American people? What were they thinking? When the Democrats followed their lead like lemmings over a cliff, did they leave their brains behind? What induced the party to stand in the way of the 10-ton Mack truck Bush was driving, building up national momentum for a strike against Iraq?

After a year of skillfully hugging Bush on terror and saying, “Me too,” when Bush acted decisively to attack the Talliban, the Democrats suddenly decided to throw the terror issue into the partisan mix for the 2002 election. It is the dumbest mistake they have made in eight years.

Like most errors Democrats and Republicans make, it comes from listening too hard to their own extremists who comprise their much honored “political base.” These relics from the Vietnam War reflexively oppose military action even when the case for intervention is obvious and clear, as it is in Iraq.

They have not learned the lesson of Sept. 11 that America is not secure behind its ocean, and that the likes of Saddam must be stopped before they acquire terrifying weapons.

Now, to compound the error, the Democrats are holding firm to their policy of insisting that the staff of the new Homeland Security Department be governed by civil service rules and protections. If the Democrats’ policy on Iraq is beholden to the party’s minuscule peace wing, their views on the Homeland Security Department are governed by their labor allies who would drag the party down to defeat rather than show some inkling of common sense.

What a time for labor to assert a defense of bureaucracy and civil service rules? Imagine the myopia to demand these procedures at a time when the nation is under attack! It is breathtaking in its misreading of the American voter.

For those of limited imagination, here’s what the GOP negative ad will sound like:
Operator (in a tired nasal voice): “Homeland Security, may we help you?”

Woman phoning in a tip: “The people in the house next door are hiding bombs in their basement. I think they are planning to do something. They come from some Mideastern country.”

Operator: “Hold the line please, I will switch you to Bombs and Demolition.”

Woman: “Hello, some young Arab men just moved into the house next door and I have seen them carrying weapons in and out at all hours of the night. I’m worried they may try to hijack a plane.”

Operator: “Hold the line. I’ll transfer you to Hijacking.”

Announcer: “Sound crazy? But that’s what the Democrats want to do to Bush’s Homeland Security Agency. They want union rules and civil service rules to stop the president from shuffling the employees to where they are needed.”

Operator: “Suspicious Aliens, may we help you?”

Announcer: “President Bush says give him the flexibility to transfer manpower to where it is needed to meet threats as they arise. The Democrats want the same old bureaucratic rules to run the show.”

Operator: “Nuclear Power Plant Protection, hold the line a moment.”

Announcer: “No more bureaucrats. No more business as usual. Just Homeland Security. For our homeland.”

Unless the Democrats want this ad or worse showing up in swing districts and states next week, they had better get some sense and rein in their union proclivities and give Bush what he wants on Homeland Security.

Can the Democrats eradicate the dovish stench their Iraq positioning is leaving in voters’ nostrils? Not likely. Certainly not before November.

If Bush delivers a prime-time speech to the nation, simulcast on all the networks, making the case for an attack on Saddam Hussein, the Democrats’ chances in November will decline even further. And they will have nobody but themselves to blame. What are these guys using for brains?

TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
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1 posted on 10/02/2002 9:30:11 AM PDT by Jean S
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2 posted on 10/02/2002 9:34:07 AM PDT by Mo1
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To: JeanS
What induced the party to stand in the way of the 10-ton Mack truck Bush was driving, building up national momentum for a strike against Iraq?

More like a 40-ton Mack truck going downhill at 80 mph.

3 posted on 10/02/2002 9:34:11 AM PDT by Paleo Conservative
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To: JeanS
"What are these guys using for brains?"

They are sitting on them.
4 posted on 10/02/2002 9:56:44 AM PDT by Faeroe
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To: JeanS
"...they labored hard to develop a tax package and a program of healthcare reform which would destroy their party’s chances in the mid-term elections."

Morris conveniently overlooks the anti-gun policies of the Dimocrats that guaranteed that EVERY gunowner would vote against them on election day.
The Clintoon himself didn't miss this point.

5 posted on 10/02/2002 9:57:08 AM PDT by Redbob
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To: Paleo Conservative
Announcer: “No more bureaucrats. No more business as usual. Just Homeland Security. For our homeland.”

That is a great idea for an ad. I would include the word "America" in there as well, complete with a picture of Jim McDermott, "a democrat", consorting with our enemies in Iraq.

6 posted on 10/02/2002 9:59:54 AM PDT by KC_Conspirator
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To: JeanS
Morris may be overlooking money as a reason for what the democrats are doing. When it was announced that the Saudis had hired two big DC democrat law firms for their "public relations" campaign, the tactics became clear. These firms aren't doing any legal work for the Saudis, they function to launder money. These firms partners are heavy donors and fundraisers for the democrats. This is what they have to sell - not legal services, but influence.
7 posted on 10/02/2002 10:01:49 AM PDT by thucydides
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To: JeanS
I don't much care for Dick Morris...

...but I like that ad!


8 posted on 10/02/2002 10:04:11 AM PDT by BibChr
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To: JeanS
The problem is:

When the Dems screw up, they still often win.

When the Republicans screw up, they almost always lose.

The Dems are still the majority Party.
9 posted on 10/02/2002 10:12:19 AM PDT by The Person
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To: JeanS
This is great.

Dick Morris writing the ad for us.

Absolutely brilliant ad.

Do we have enough sense or guts to run it?

Of course not!!!
10 posted on 10/02/2002 10:15:36 AM PDT by The Person
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To: KC_Conspirator; ohioWfan; Howlin; Miss Marple; Dog; mystery-ak; Mo1; PhiKapMom; mtngrl@vrwc; ...
Announcer: “No more bureaucrats. No more business as usual. Just Homeland Security. For our homeland.”

Great line. Hope the GOP uses it.

11 posted on 10/02/2002 10:18:43 AM PDT by Wphile
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To: KC_Conspirator
Right. Perhaps say over a picture of Dems in Iraq:

"While the Democrats in Congress are visiting Iraq and saying that we should take Saddam Hussein at his word, the Democrats in Washington are trying to stop America from having a Homeland Security Office, unless its work rules are controlled by unions, not the President or the Excutive Branch."
12 posted on 10/02/2002 10:21:07 AM PDT by The Person
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To: JeanS
how about adding some succyncholine to

13 posted on 10/02/2002 10:24:35 AM PDT by TheRedSoxWinThePennant
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To: JeanS
I think they should just get out the tainted kool aid and have a guzzle party.
14 posted on 10/02/2002 10:37:46 AM PDT by mass55th
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To: Wphile

15 posted on 10/02/2002 10:37:54 AM PDT by Miss Marple
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To: JeanS
As I have been saying-" The Democrat Party of today is an amalgam of kooks, racists, hate mongers, crooks and thugs."

They have no one with any moral standing to lead them out of the cesspool.clinton and McAuliffe, like Pied Pipers, have taken the Democrat Party over the cliff. There have to be some Democrats left, who are sickened and repulsed by the corrupt leadership of the Democrat Party-but, until they step forward and disavow their leadership's tactics , every Democrat will be tarred with the same brush. Our new Cosa Nostra- The Democrat Party.
16 posted on 10/02/2002 10:44:51 AM PDT by Wild Irish Rogue
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To: JeanS
"What are these guys using for brains?"

Well, for eight years they used a bent johnson.

17 posted on 10/02/2002 10:47:05 AM PDT by Feckless
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To: Miss Marple
Great Toon!

 Even better thread. As much as we can revile Dickie Morris for his total lack of character(read mercenary) he has an incredible amount of political brain power.The one guarantee we have is everything Morris says points directly at the negatives each party displays. Always worth reading: educational even when we hate what he has to say about conservatives and entertaining when he talks about libs.

 Thanks for the post.

18 posted on 10/02/2002 10:51:09 AM PDT by Borderline
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To: KC_Conspirator
“No more bureaucrats. No more business as usual. Just Homeland Security. For our homeland.”

Homeland security? We need a department of homeland security? What, may I ask, is the purpose of the FEDGOV? What have the DoD, NSA, FBI, and the CIA been doing all this time? Isn't this their job?

I guess the FEDGOV has been too busy working on our urban breeder programs, and tracking every dime an American makes and shaking down foriegn banks into breaking thier laws to scare the $**t out of US citizens whom like to ski Switzerland or dive the Caymans.

Priorities! We give these morons $2T/yr to protect us, and they have not because of negligence.

Why are there not more dead Arabs? It's been almost 13 months, and the Administration has yet to put a price tag on what happened 9-11-01.

19 posted on 10/02/2002 11:05:54 AM PDT by Orion
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To: JeanS
As much as I want to hope Morris is right, I'm skeptical. There are still tens of millions of people out there who will blindly vote Democrat because of this shop-worn stereotype: "The Democrats are the party of the people and the Republicans are the party of big business." There are millions upon millions of people with their hands out for their share of the American pie the Dems love to divvy up. There are millions more for whom 9/11 was just another TV show. And still more who don't follow political news much, if at all, and don't know the issues we discuss here on FR daily.

McDermott should be tossed out on his ear by his constituents in November, but it won't happen. In NJ, the Dems will succeed in their gambit and their voters will rush to Lautenberg's side like so many lemmings.

The Republicans are probably going to keep their House majority, thanks more to redistricting than anything else. It's a toss-up as to who gets control of the Senate, but whatever happens there also will not be because the Dems have self-destructed.

20 posted on 10/02/2002 11:17:35 AM PDT by Wolfstar
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