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Look who's getting hoaxed now
"Streisand alert)
WorldNetDaily ^
| October 1, 2002
| WorldNetDaily
Posted on 10/01/2002 2:28:41 PM PDT by Jacob Kell
Barbra Streisand wasn't the only one caught citing phony William Shakespeare passages to make a point about the immorality of President Bush's saber-rattling over Iraq.
Internet pioneer Matt Drudge nailed Streisand for reciting made-up Shakespeare lines before thousands at a National Democratic Gala in Hollywood Sunday.
"To make her case not to go to war against Iraq, Streisand quoted extensively from William Shakespeare but the quotes were from a William Shakespeare hoax that has been circulating on the Internet," Drudge reported.
But check out the latest cartoon from three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Paul Conrad at MSNBC. There you will see one the media's most celebrated editorial-page artists falling for the same hoax.
Ironically, Streisand told the crowd in Hollywood: "We have the facts on our side, the truth on our side."
"You know, really good artists have a way of being relevant in their time ... but great artists are relevant anytime," she said leading up to the recitation of the bogus Shakespeare lines. "So, in the words of William Shakespeare, 'Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. ... And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader, and gladly do. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.'"
Conrad, too, faithfully recorded those precise words in his cartoon, distributed to newspapers nationwide by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
Streisand was still recovering from a scoop broken by Drudge days ago that revealed her confidential memo to congressional leaders one rife with spelling errors. Streisand explains on her website that she dictated the memo to one of her employees.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Political Humor/Cartoons; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 3rdgradegrammar; airisfree; barbrastreisand; bs; bsbarbrastreisand; eaglebeak; fool; forgotmyspellcheck; hollywoodleft; shrew; streisand
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Typical Hollywood left folly.
To: Jacob Kell
Actually, Barbara has been teaching spelling to disadvantaged minority children in evening classes in a storefront school in Beverly Hills.
Recent stories about her claiming that she can't spell are completely untrue.
posted on
10/01/2002 2:41:53 PM PDT
To: Jacob Kell
BS:- Hmmmm.... let's see. How can I make the biggest ass possible out of myself in the shortest amount of time?
I know, I'll write a 3rd grade letter to congress and quote false Shakespear in front of millions of people. That should remove all doubt that I'm a complete bleating idiot.
posted on
10/01/2002 2:50:11 PM PDT
To: Jacob Kell
In no way am I supporting Babs...but many a Freeper have I seen here posting Urban Legends. I studied a lot of folklore and Mythology in school and I still often get caught by a doozy... (Babs REALLY got caught passing on a doozy...) Actually, I love it when urban legends "make it big time"!!!!
Now pass this on to five friends, a message will pop up with a phone number to call. Call the number and Bill Gates will give you $50. A friend of mine did it several times and got a check for $12,434!!!!!!
posted on
10/01/2002 2:50:17 PM PDT
To: Jacob Kell
To: Notforprophet; Jacob Kell
Babs doesn't care, the "truth is the truth" no matter WHO wrote it! LOL Isn't this the same environmental-leftie who keeps the air-conditioning ON in her NY apartment YEAR ROUND just in case she visits and doesn't want to wait for it to cool down? What a leader! sheesh
posted on
10/01/2002 2:55:59 PM PDT
To: Jacob Kell
From BS Bab's own
But now the Internet comes along as a way to talk to people directly.. without having to rely on the lack of integrity of certain journalists who would rather print a story without checking. The really good journalists check out stories in advance. Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech are blessings, the very foundation of our democracy. For this reason, they shouldn't be abused.
She just a bag of wind, signifying nothing.
posted on
10/01/2002 2:56:24 PM PDT
To: Jacob Kell
I am certainly no Shakespeare expert, but I can telling by reading those lines that they weren't written by him.
To: Notforprophet
posted on
10/01/2002 3:01:25 PM PDT
To: Portnoy
Plus, everyone knows it was George Carlin, not William Shakespeare, who wrote it.
To: Freemyland
People also fell for the false Nostradamus quotes regarding George W. Bush.
The left doesn't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
posted on
10/01/2002 3:03:37 PM PDT
To: Notforprophet
First Hitler, then Caesar, next they'll be comparing President Bush to Bubba Clinton!
posted on
10/01/2002 3:05:12 PM PDT
To: Freemyland
Plus, everyone knows it was George Carlin, not William Shakespeare, who wrote it. I thought it was Ted Nugent?
posted on
10/01/2002 3:06:50 PM PDT
To: weegee
I dunno... the Left reveres BJ Clinton, they'd never compare GW Bush to their "Big Dog".
To: Notforprophet
What imbeciles these Liberals are! They love to look down their noses at the "common people", but they are so ignorant that they cannot recognize that this "Caesar" text is nothing like Shakespeare's writing. I'm not surprised that they were not aware that the "quote" appears nowhere in
Julius Caesar, because that would mean these vicious idiots would have to actually have read the play.
What a hoot! I hope Babs and the Cartoon Boy stay good and red in the puss for weeks!
posted on
10/01/2002 3:11:53 PM PDT
To: Jacob Kell
"You know, really good artists have a way of being relevant in their time ... but great artists are relevant anytime,"
And lo, I sayeth unto thee, thy remaining artists who come hither to babble on as thou doest, ain't never relevant, ...never ever.
To: weegee
I"m trying to fine the original occurrence of the made-up quote...
I seem to recall a similar quote being tossed around in the vietnam era by anti-war folks. I don't think it is a recent invention.
This quote has appeared all over the web this year...propagated in blogs and newsgroups and passed around the anti-war circuit (with varying attributions) with headings like "truer words never spoken?"
They got the never spoken part right.
Shakespeare didn't write it, and it's not from any writing of Julius Caesar, nor any of the ancient or modern biographies of note that might attribute it to him.
(It's not from "The Prince" or other work of Machiavelli, either, BTW)
posted on
10/01/2002 3:14:24 PM PDT
To: SarahW
Someone said that there were nearly 1000 matches on Google for this quote. Good luck in your quest.
posted on
10/01/2002 3:16:40 PM PDT
To: weegee
The earliest use I have found is
posted on
10/01/2002 3:26:50 PM PDT
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