To: gubamyster
Great article.
2 posted on
10/01/2002 12:19:04 PM PDT by
Sally II
To: gubamyster
Stupidity does not deserve a response.
One that would dignify it in the first place.
If its at a cocktail party, simply say: Move over
and let the big dog eat. Then shove the liberal
out of the way and kipe some horse doovers.
3 posted on
10/01/2002 12:19:34 PM PDT by
To: gubamyster; CapandBall
Love it.
4 posted on
10/01/2002 12:32:12 PM PDT by
To: gubamyster
Rich people who want to get richer do not run for president or vice president. They don't take jobs as secretary of defense or treasury secretary. And, for that matter, they don't run for senator like John Edwards and Jon Corzine. Such people may have selfish motives, but greed for filthy lucre isn't one of them. Rich people do not readily go into politics to get rich. HOWEVER, a primary motivation for most who get into politics is financial gain! Liberal Democrats are of the opinion that to get rich, governmental influence in needed. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson