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To: Saundra Duffy
Blame-it-on-the-victims bump
18 posted on 09/30/2002 4:02:03 PM PDT by flyervet
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To: flyervet
A Canadian Christian Replies to a Homosexual Activist
By Robert A. Jason

The following is a letter sent by Canadian writer Robert Jason of Fonthill, Ontario, to a homosexual activist, Randy Brandt:

Dear Randy Brandt:

First of all, allow me to introduce myself to you and to all the good people you have sent this sadly ill-informed and dangerously mischievous letter.

Above all, I am a humble follower of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I’m happily married to the same wonderful woman for 42 years, and we are blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren. Lastly, I’m a retired history teacher with a master’s degree in history.

My "retirement," however, has turned into a full-time job writing letters to newspapers, politicians, et al, on social/moral issues, like the family, education, crime, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, and trying my two bits worth to stem the spiritual and moral decay in our beloved country.

Retirement gives me enough time to do lots of reading, thinking and soul-searching on the fundamental questions of life.

In fact, retirement gave me lots of time to do thorough research on homosexuality when, after retirement, I kept on seeing constant and relentless letters in a local Niagara newspaper by a local homosexual activist who spouted propaganda, disinformation and blatant untruths (like yours). And he railed against Christianity and traditional family values that built this great country. And if any citizen dared to defend themselves and their values, this activist would shout them down with personal insults and vague accusations of "homophobe" and "hate," etc. (very much what you are trying to do). This is a common tactic of activists to suppress healthy debate and free speech in a free and democratic society. I was outraged. I resolved to do extensive research on homosexuality, and I wrote my very first letter to the editor and have not looked back ever since.

Let me rebut your pronouncements one by one. You say, "It is sad to see those who call themselves Christians relying so heavily on fear and hate." No, it is the reverse. It is indeed sad to see those who call themselves Christians relying so heavily on homosexual propaganda and the homosexual agenda rather than relying on clear Christian teaching of the Bible. You have taken the easy way out and embraced the secular world and its morally relativist, postmodern thinking. It takes guts to stick to Biblical virtues in our morally bankrupt world.

Real Christians believe in the Biblical principle of "Love the sinner, hate the sin." We make an intelligent, rational, clear distinction (which you do not) between homosexuals as fellow human beings created in the image of God with all the basic rights of any citizen, and homosexuality as a BEHAVIOR that is unnatural, unhealthy, and harmful to society. We love homosexuals as fellow human beings. In fact, we love them enough to beseech them to change their destructive ways for their own good and become whole again through Jesus Christ. There are legions of organizations composed of "ex-gays," like "Exodus International," who do a very successful and laudable job of reaching out to their fallen brethren and turning them back into whole, happy heterosexuals again. We do not hate homosexuals as human beings, but we are decidedly opposed to the forcible acceptance of their unhealthy behavior and the imposition of special rights like the adoption of our innocent, vulnerable, impressionable children, and "gay marriage," etc. We oppose homosexuality as a destructive behavior just as we do smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism and other socially disapproved behavior. We do not hate smokers, drug addicts, alcoholics and the like, but we do hate their behavior that is not only injurious to their practitioners but to society as a whole.

"Love Thy Neighbor," Yes! "Love Thy Neighbor’s Behavior," No!

Next, you say, " When one goes back and reads the Christian arguments against the abolition of slavery and against female suffrage, they bear an eerie resemblance to the arguments of those who propagate discrimination towards gay people (WRONG AGAIN - NOT AGAINST ‘GAYS’ BUT AGAINST THEIR BEHAVIOR —RJ) today. Good grief! You should be ashamed of yourself for making such an outrageously false statement.

If you know history, it was the early Christian Church that stopped slavery, inequality of women, abortion and abandonment of unwanted children, and perversions that were rampant in the Roman Empire. Christian emperors like Constantine and Justinian enacted just laws abolishing abortion and abandonment, and against slavery, and granted equitable rights to women and elevated the status of women considerably. It was only after the discovery of the Americas that slavery, for example, crept back into Christendom, introduced by non-Christians and "Christians" who did not believe their Scriptures.

And it was, once again, real Christians like William Wilberforce who ended slavery in the British Empire, and American Christians (three quarters of the abolitionists in America were Christian clergy) who abolished slavery in the New World. It was the Christian Lord Shaftesbury who did yeomen’s service for the poor. The Wesleyan Revival in Britain raised moral and material standards in the land. The early feminists for equal rights for women were all Christians who succeeded in getting equal votes for women so that they would be able to stay at home and raise their children in a healthy, loving, nurturing environment rather than being forced to work outside in a "career" in order to feed the insatiable greed of the "Industrial Revolution."

But your comparison of homosexuals to women, for instance, is based on the grotesquely false premise that homosexuals were "born that way" and that homosexuality is somehow innate, genetic and fixed. The majority of women, blacks, Asians and other "visible minorities" would be offended to be lumped in with homosexuals and their immoral lifestyle. It is wrong to compare homosexuals to an immutable and unchangeable condition of race or sexuality. Women and people of various races "were born that way." Homosexuals are not.

The whole homosexual agenda is built on a shaky foundation of homosexuals being "born that way." It is a house built on sand. We must deal with this matter in some depth and dispatch this monstrous hydra once for all. Here are the facts provided by experts with years of experience in the field:

Dr. Elizabeth Moberly, world-renowned psychologist: "No one has yet proven a direct link between genetic and hormonal research and homosexual orientation. There is no evidence for it."\
Masters & Johnson, famous sexologists: "The genetic theory of homosexuality has been generally discarded today. No serious scientist today suggests that a simple cause-effect applies."
Dr. R. Kronemeyer, New York psychologist (working among New York’s enormous "gay" population): "With rare exceptions, homosexuality is neither genetic nor the result of some glandular disturbance. Homosexuals are made, not ‘born that way.’ From my 25 years’ experience as a clinical psychologist, I firmly believe that homosexuality is a learned experience and that it can be unlearned."
Dr. Joseph Berger, assistant professor of psychiatry, University of Toronto (working among the largest "gay" community in Canada): "In my 20 years of psychiatry I have never come across anyone with ‘innate homosexuality.’"
Scientists, many of them homosexuals, have failed to find a "gay gene" after decades of trying. The well-known studies by such scientists as Dean Hamer, Simon LeVay, Bailey & Pillard, have proven to be a dead-end.

Even homosexual activists, such as the famous lesbian writer Camille Paglia, are forced to admit the truth. The brutally honest Paglia admitted: "No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous. Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait."

That homosexuality is not genetic is indicated by the high ratio of cures. Dr. Kronemeyer gives a rate of 80 percent of homosexuals cured of their disorder through therapy. Masters & Johnson give 71.6 percent — much higher than that for alcoholics or drug addicts.

Next, you say, dear Mr. Brandt, "The call of Christ is not hate and fear — it is to love unconditionally, and to accept those who are different from us, as Christ did." All nice-sounding, vague, nebulous phrases designed to lull an unwary Christian! Can you kindly tell, pray tell, where exactly did Christ say all this in the Bible? What exactly do you mean by "those who are different from us." Murderers, thieves, pedophiles, incest-fanciers, bestiality-practitioners, for example, are "different from us." Would Jesus love them unconditionally? Or would He love them as persons but hate their behavior? Wouldn’t He seek to change their hearts and minds and conduct and bring them into the Kingdom of God? Did not Jesus throw out the moneychangers from the Temple? Why did he not love them unconditionally, as you claim? How do you explain, for instance, Jesus’ action when he commanded the woman caught in adultery to "sin no more." Sounds very much like conditional love to me.

Finally, you say, "I am attaching a short article entitled "Homosexuality and the Bible" by [John Shelby] Spong." You conveniently neglect to inform us who J.S. Spong is and why we should take Mr. Spong seriously. Well, I’d better supply the necessary information. Spong is the notorious Episcopal bishop from New Jersey who has denied virtually all the basic tenets of our Christian faith and who publicly labeled Apostle Paul a "self-hating gay man." It was Bishop Spong who sneered at the "primitive" Africans and Asians and other Bible-believing Anglicans around the world who overwhelmingly voted at the worldwide Lambeth Conference to uphold Biblical condemnations of homosexuality. With "shepherds" like Bishop Spong, it’s no wonder that the flock has gone astray. Anyway, I would rather be a "primitive" and pure like Jesus and other early disciples than to be a "sophisticated" and "enlightened" postmodernist like Spong who has embraced the secular humanism and moral relativism of this world with a passion.

Well, I am running out of space to analyze in detail all passages in Scripture that provide a general guideline for human sexuality and also which directly condemn homosexuality. So, here is the list, and it is up to you, dear friend, to make up your own mind:

Genesis 1:27; 2:24
Genesis 19:1-29
Leviticus 18:22; 20:13
Judges 19, 20, 21
Matthew 19:4-6
Mark 10:6-9
Romans 1:24-32
1 Corinthians 6:16
Ephesians 5:31
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
1 Timothy 1:8-11

Thank you.

In HIS service,

Robert A. Jason

Culture and Family Institute
an affiliate of Concerned Women for America
1015 Fifteenth St. N.W., Suite 1102
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 289-7117
Fax: (202) 488-0806
21 posted on 09/30/2002 4:48:27 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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