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Democratic Party gives new meaning to "spontaneous combustion"
Written by Dr. McCoy
| 9-30-02
| Leonard McCoy
Posted on 09/30/2002 3:07:55 PM PDT by bonesmccoy
As a physician, I've often read stories about spontaneous human combustion with alot of skepticism and some humor. But, the antics of the Democratic Party's politicians and officials is unique in proving that it is possible for human beings to spontaneously blow. In fact, the hot air coming from these people is so voluminous that one wonders if FDA, EPA, and HHS may need to investigate linkages between global warming and the spontaneous democratic combustion.
Let us review the remarkable events of the last few days.
Al Gore in San Francisco

Daschle on Senate Floor

Look at Grand Dragon Byrd... asleep again??? tsk tsk!

Ted Kennedy: "I haven't seen any evidence (on Iraq)"
3 Democrats and Baghdad: Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., shakes hands with Iraqi Health Minister Omaid Medhat while fellow House Democrats David Bonior of Michigan, left, and Mike Thompson of California, right look on at the Health Ministry in Baghdad Friday, Sept. 27, 2002.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif., listens to a question at a news conference held at a hotel next door to the one hosting the California Republican Convention, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2002, in Garden Grove, Calif.
Former President Clinton, left, looks on as Rhode Island Democratic gubernatorial candidate Myrth York, right, talks to fellow democrats during a fundraiser Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002 in East Greenwich, R.I. 
With that guy looking over your shoulder...Don't that jus' give you the Willie's???
Torricelli: I quit!

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Editorial; Government; Political Humor/Cartoons; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: democraticparty
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With this historic week, one wonders what's next. The Democrats just don't understand that people are fed up with lies.
To: bonesmccoy
To: bonesmccoy
I'd call it spontaneous decomposition.
To: bonesmccoy
It is amazing how the Rats in high elected positions or recently out like the Goron have started to implode, explode or suffer from spontaneous combustion the past two weeks.
It is like President GW wrote a self destructive DNA script for all of them and injected them with this self destructive DNA script when he made his Iraq speech at the UN, a couple of weeks ago.
Are we finally seeing the end of the 60's generations and their pyschotic hold on America?
Lets hope so!
May more of them continue to self destruct in the weeks and months to come. As each one self destructs, America and the world become a better place to live in.
To: bonesmccoy
There's a simple explanation: It's all the methane they generate.
posted on
09/30/2002 3:28:20 PM PDT
To: bonesmccoy
Once you determine that you have to hide the fact that you prefer Marxist Socialism over Republican Democracy, everything you say from that point on is pretty much a lie.
posted on
09/30/2002 3:31:40 PM PDT
To: bonesmccoy
The Democrat leaders have long had limitless faith in their ability to peddle lies to the public and generate irrational outrage among their constituents. After all, they have owned the establishment media and the educational system for decades.
But if the flailing and histronics of the past week are any indication, that faith is developing a few cracks.
To: bonesmccoy
The Democrats just don't understand that people are fed up with lies.Well, why do they keep voting for liars and traitors?
To: bonesmccoy
I think that shade of lipstick accents the Torches tie
kudos to him.
posted on
09/30/2002 3:33:35 PM PDT
To: bonesmccoy
Let us not count our chickens before they've hatched!! The criminality, filth and corruption of the democrats knows no bounds. They've got the unions, the blacks and the media on their side and can leverage them into tens of thousands of phantom votes. Stay alert!! They have so much personal wealth to lose whent hose under the table payments stop that they'll fight hard to keep them.
I do enjoy the thought, however, of a Republican Senate where judges will be approved, not on their support of communist principles, but because they are conservatives. Think of the roll the traitor Jeffords might play in such a Senate. In fact, Jeffords is probably having a tough time reading the tea leaves right now. If he thought the dems might lose the Senate, he'd want to make a deal right now. That's the kind of guy he is.
posted on
09/30/2002 3:56:41 PM PDT
To: bonesmccoy
The meltdown continues.
To: bonesmccoy
To: bonesmccoy
The demonRAT party has always been the party of criminality. We are seeing major fallout from 8 long years of the head criminal getting away with crime after crime from possible murder to extortion, bribery, vote fraud, campaign finance fraud, illicit drug use, to who knows what. The Federal DOJ under the other criminal Reno, allowed these bastards free reign; her main job was to protect the executive branch and the Senate RATS from prosecution.
At the same time, she ran roughshod over what little remains of Constitutional protections in the Waco fiasco, the Ruby Ridge murders, to the infamous Elian raid. And the real madness is that still, after all that crap, roughly half the voters pulled the lever for Gore in the last election, and probably the same will pull the lever for these crooks, malcontents, criminals, perverts and lunatics in this election.
"Suppose two-thirds of the members of the national House of Representatives were dumped into the Washington garbage incinerator tomorrow, what would we lose to offset our gain of their salaries and the salaries of their parasites?" - H. L. Mencken
posted on
09/30/2002 4:45:11 PM PDT
posted on
09/30/2002 4:45:41 PM PDT
To: bonesmccoy
You forgot Harkingate in Iowa.
posted on
09/30/2002 4:51:02 PM PDT
To: Tacis
Agreed let us not count our victories before they are won but d**n it is fun watching the Dems having caniption fits all over the place :-) As for the senior gas bag/booze hound from the Marxist republic of Mass. its not suprising that he can't see any evidence from inside his booze bottle.
As for those three traitors in Bahgdad well the people of this country that know they are there veiw them as favorably as Jane Fonda & her little trip to Hanoi the GOP needs to get moving on equating the Dems of Congress with those folks in this country that hate this country the hardcore leftist/Muslim fundamentalist.
To: ottersnot
brings new meaning to "flaming" ... doesn't it?
To: Deb

Harkin: Gee... I guess it didn't get by FR"
To: 45Auto
Your reply is an excellent summary of the criminal rats and what 8 years of Jake Reno did to this country with no controlling legal authority for the elite rats at the top of their pyramid scheme.
To: Tacis
"Let us not count our chickens before they've hatched!!"
Thank YOU!
This election isn't over by a long shot.It's driving me Crazy hearing everyone talking about Republicans taking control of the Senate.Even Sean Hannity is saying it!
posted on
09/30/2002 6:05:21 PM PDT
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