1 posted on
09/26/2002 7:32:51 PM PDT by
To: tomball
But Babs says Sadom did not bomb the WTC!
2 posted on
09/26/2002 7:34:58 PM PDT by
To: tomball
he United States has "solid evidence" senior al Qaeda operatives have been in Baghdad, Iraq
The dots are being connected and the picture of doom is being drawn for the Dems.
4 posted on
09/26/2002 7:40:28 PM PDT by
To: tomball
The Al Quaida with Osama and the Taliban in charge had to kill nearly 3,000 Americans before we decided to take them out.
Ask the Democrats how many Americans will Saddam have to kill before we decide to take him out?
To: tomball
Rumsfield looked frightened and scared. Judging from the press conference, it appears that there is no solid evidence.
To: tomball
Saddam did declare a jihad during the Gulf War. When the world didn't see an immediate uprising, or gathering of forces, I think we all kind of shrugged it off as a futile effort on Saddam's part. Now, however, I think they merely bided their time, met and made their plans in secret. Iraq and several other mid-east countries provide fertile ground for the Bin Laden's of the world and they all need to feel our wrath, starting with Iraq.
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