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F-16 Pilots Considered Ramming Flight 93
Aviation Week and Space Technology ^ | 9/9/02 | William B. Scott

Posted on 09/10/2002 6:38:53 AM PDT by PJeffQ

F-16 Pilots Considered Ramming Flight 93
By William B. Scott/Aviation Week & Space Technology
09-Sep-2002 9:24 AM U.S. EDT

Editor's Note: This is Part 3 of an ongoing special report on how the military responded to terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Earlier articles appeared in the June 3 and June 10 issues. For this segment, one D.C. Air National Guard F-16 pilot chose not to have her name used, so is identified only by her call-sign.

ANDREWS AFB, MD. -- With Pentagon in flames and hijacked aircraft threatening Washington, White House scrambled fighters with little or no armament.

Within minutes of American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon on Sept. 11, Air National Guard F-16s took off from here in response to a plea from the White House to "Get in the air now!" Those fighters were flown by three pilots who had decided, on their own, to ram a hijacked airliner and force it to crash, if necessary. Such action almost certainly would have been fatal for them, but could have prevented another terrorism catastrophe in Washington.

One of those F-16s launched with no armament--no missiles and no usable ammunition in its 20-mm. gun. The other two "Vipers" only had a full load of 20-mm. "ball" or training rounds, not the high-explosive incendiary (HEI) bullets required for combat, and no air-to-air missiles.

The Andrews-based 121st Fighter Sqdn. was not standing alert on Sept. 11, because the District of Columbia Air National Guard (DCANG) unit was not assigned to the North American Aerospace Defense Command air defense force. Norad had already scrambled three F-16s from their alert base at Langley AFB, Va., but they were about 12 min. from Washington when the Pentagon was struck at 9:37 a.m. (AW&ST June 3, p. 48).

The 121st squadron's day had started normally. Three F-16s were flying an air-to-ground training mission on a range in North Carolina, 180 naut. mi. away. At Andrews, several officers were in a scheduling meeting when they received word that the World Trade Center had been hit by an aircraft. Minutes later, after United Airlines Flight 175 slammed into the second WTC tower, a squadron pilot called a friend in the Secret Service "to see what was going on. He was told some bad things were happening. At that time, we weren't thinking about defending anything. Our primary concern was what would happen to the air traffic system," said Lt. Col. Marc H. (Sass) Sasseville, the current 121st FS commander. On Sept. 11, he was the director of operations and air operations officer--the acting operations group commander under the 113th Wing.

Soon thereafter, the Secret Service called back, asking whether the squadron could get fighters airborne. The unit's maintenance section was notified to get several F-16s armed and ready to fly. Anticipating such an order, Col. Don C. Mozley, the 113th Logistics Group commander, had already ordered his weapons officer to "break out the AIM-9s and start building them up." The missiles had to be transported from a bunker on the other side of the base, which would take a while.

"After the Pentagon was hit, we were told there were more [airliners] coming. Not 'might be'; they were coming," Mozley recalled.

Sasseville grabbed three F-16 pilots and gave them a curt briefing: "I have no idea what's going on, but we're flying. Here's our frequency. We'll split up the area as we have to. Just defend as required. We'll talk about the rest in the air." All four grabbed their helmets, g-suits and parachute harnesses, and headed for the operations desk to get aircraft assignments.

Another call from the Secret Service commanded, "Get in the air now!" Almost simultaneously, a call from someone else in the White House declared the Washington area "a free-fire zone. That meant we were given authority to use force, if the situation required it, in defense of the nation's capital, its property and people," Sasseville said.

He and his wingman, Lucky, sprinted to the flight line and climbed into waiting F-16s armed only with "hot" guns and 511 rounds of "TP"--nonexplosive training rounds. "They had two airplanes ready to go, and were putting missiles on Nos. 3 and 4. Maintenance wanted us to take the ones with missiles, but we didn't have time to wait on those," Sasseville said. Maj. Dan (Raisin) Caine and Capt. Brandon (Igor) Rasmussen climbed into the jets being armed with AIM-9s, knowing they would take off about 10 min. behind Sasseville and Lucky.

"We had two air-to-air birds on the ramp . . . that already had ammo in them. We launched those first two with only hot guns," said CMSgt. Roy Dale (Crank) Belknap, the 113th Wing production superintendent. "By then, we had missiles rolling up, so we loaded those other two airplanes while the pilots were sitting in the cockpit."

Inside, at the operations desk, Lt. Cols. Phil (Dog) Thompson and Steve (Festus) Chase were fielding a flood of calls from the Secret Service and the FAA's two area air traffic control facilities--Washington Center and Washington Approach Control. Thompson is chief of safety for the 113th Wing, and Chase is now commander of the new Air Sovereignty Detachment here. By then, Brig. Gen. David F. Wherley, Jr., the 113th Wing commander, was on-site, trying to determine whether the unit had authorization to launch fighters.

"By this time, [commercial] airplanes were landing, but there were still several unidentified ones flying. One was in the northwest [area], basically coming down the [Potomac] River," Thompson said. Later, they would learn that the FAA and Norad's Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) were tracking the hijacked United Flight 93, and feared it was coming toward Washington. Thanks to intervention by passengers, the aircraft ultimately crashed in Pennsylvania.

Maj. Billy Hutchison and his wingmen had just landed after being recalled from a training mission in North Carolina. When Hutchison checked in via radio, Thompson told him to take off immediately.

"Billy had about 2,400 lb. of gas; the other two [F-16s] were too light," Thompson said. "I told Billy to take off, but don't use afterburner to save gas. He took off with nothing--no weapons. I told him to 'do exactly what ATC asks you to do.' Primarily, he was to go ID [identify] that unknown [aircraft] that everybody was so excited about. He blasted off and flew a standard departure route, which took him over the Pentagon."

According to now-official accounts, an armed Norad-alert F-16 from Langley AFB, flown by Maj. Dean Eckmann of the 119th Fighter Wing Alert Detachment 1, was the first defender to overfly the Pentagon. At the time, Hutchison and his fellow "Capital Guardians"--as the 121st FS is known--were unaware that three other fighters were over the city.

MINUTES LATER, Sasseville and Lucky were in the air, roughly 6 min. after they had reached their F-16s. "I was still turning things on after I got airborne. By that time, the [Norad alert] F-16s from Langley were overhead--but I didn't know they were there," Sasseville recalled. "We all realized we were looking for an airliner--a big airplane. That was [United] Flight 93; the track looked like it was headed toward D.C. at that time."

The DCANG was not in the Norad or NEADS communication and command loops, so its pilots weren't on the same frequencies as Norad air defense fighters. The Andrews-based F-16s were launched by the Secret Service and someone in the White House command center, not Norad. At the time, there was no standing agreement between the Secret Service and the 113th Wing for the latter to provide fighters in response to an attack on Washington.

Hutchison made two loops up the Potomac, reversing course near Georgetown and the Pentagon, flying at 500-1,000 ft. AGL. Sasseville and Lucky were at 5,000-6,000 ft., "because I didn't want to get too low for a good radar angle, and not too high, so we could get somewhere fast," Sasseville said. He later conceded he was "making things up on the fly." Obviously, there was no precedent to draw upon. All the pilots were relying on their training and ability to think under pressure.

Hutchison was probably airborne shortly after the alert F-16s from Langley arrived over Washington, although 121st FS pilots admit their timeline-recall "is fuzzy." But it's clear that Hutchison, Sasseville and Lucky knew their options were limited for bringing down a hijacked airliner headed for an undetermined target in the capital city. Although reluctant to talk about it, all three acknowledge they were prepared to ram a terrorist-flown aircraft, if necessary. Indeed, Hutchison--who might have been the first to encounter Flight 93 if it had, indeed, been flying low and fast down the Potomac--had no other choice.

Sasseville and Lucky each had 511 rounds of ammo, but that only provided roughly a 5-sec. burst of the 20-mm. gun. And where should they shoot to ensure a hijacked aircraft would be stopped? Sasseville planned to fire from behind and "try to saw off one wing. I needed to disable it as soon as possible--immediately interrupt its aerodynamics and bring it down."

He admits there was no assurance that a 5-sec. burst of lead slugs could slice an air transport's wing off, though. His alternative was "to hit it--cut the wing off with my wing. If I played it right, I'd be able to bail out. One hand on the stick and one hand on the ejection handle, trying to ram my airplane into the aft side of the [airliner's] wing," he said. "And do it skillfully enough to save the pink body . . . but understanding that it might not go as planned. It was a tough nut; we had no other ordnance."

Still unaware that the 119th FW alert F-16s were overhead, patrolling at a higher altitude, Sasseville initially split the airspace into four sectors. He swept the northwest area of Washington--where the hijacked United Flight 93 was expected to be--and had Lucky guard the northeast area.

Approximately 10 min. after Sasseville and Lucky took off, Caine and Rasmussen launched, the first Andrews-based F-16s to carry both hot guns and live AIM-9 missiles. They worked the city's southern sectors. Soon, F-16s from Richmond, Va., and Atlantic City, N.J., as well as F-15s from Langley AFB, were arriving. The air picture was confused, at best, and radio frequencies were alive with chatter.

"The FAA controllers were doing their best to get us information [about unidentified aircraft], but we were used to working with AWACS and their weapons directors and controllers," Rasmussen said. Eventually, Washington Reagan National Airport was designated "Bullseye," and fighters were given range and bearing to targets from there.

Possibly the highest ranking pilot in the area, Sasseville "essentially declared myself the CAP [combat air patrol] commander and set up deconfliction altitudes so we didn't run into each other. There really wasn't time for niceties." For the rest of the day, a dozen or so fighters rotated in and out of the region, running intercepts on myriad helicopters and light aircraft.

"THEY WERE SNAPPING to targets everywhere," Thompson said. "A lot of light aircraft fly under the [controlled] airspace here, and they had no idea what was going on. What really scared us was Washington Approach broadcasting, 'Anyone flying within 25 mi. of the Washington Tacan is authorized to be shot down.' We kind of winced at that, because there are plenty of hard reasons to not shoot somebody down. We were really in an ID posture--and trying to really be careful."

A miracle of the post-attack hours on Sept. 11 was that no aircraft was shot down accidentally, a credit to the training and discipline of U.S. fighter crews. That fact is even more impressive when one considers many of those pilots had little or no experience with air defense techniques and protocols.

"We really didn't know the intricacies of Norad's mission--how it works," Thompson explained. "We've never been an air defense unit. We practice scrambles, we know how to do intercepts and other things, but there's a lot of protocol in the air defense business. We obviously didn't have that expertise, but it worked out fine. For the first three days, everybody seemed to be reasonably happy with our orchestrating the D.C. CAP. By day-four, we'd pretty much turned into a national asset" as Norad assumed control of CAPs nationwide.

On that first day, many of the pilots flying CAP over Washington, New York and other U.S. cities were faced with the very real possibility of having to shoot down or ram their fighter into an air transport filled with innocent passengers.

"I was asking myself, 'Is this when I have to make the million-dollar decision on my own?' But with smoke billowing out of the Pentagon . . . ," Rasmussen said.

"That's what we get paid to do, though. When young guys sign up, they may not see that the 'guts and glory' of fighter-flying may cost you your life. That day brought everything into focus."

In the afternoon, Sasseville and Lucky were flying their second mission of the day--armed with AIM-9 missiles now--when they were told to contact an AWACS aircraft in the area and "expect special tasking." They were directed to fly a 280-deg. heading for 140 naut. mi.--almost due west of Washington. Unable to communicate by secure or encrypted means, the AWACS controller lowered his voice and told Sasseville via radio they were going to "escort Air Force One," President Bush's aircraft.

Two Langley F-15s offered to go along, and Sasseville concurred. Soon, an AWACS controller reported a fast-moving, unidentified aircraft southwest of Air Force One, approximately 60 naut. mi. away, but on a "cutoff vector" to the President's Boeing 747. It was above 40,000 ft. and the 747 was "in the 20,000-ft. range," but Sasseville sent the F-15s to intercept the unknown aircraft. It was a Learjet that hadn't yet landed after aircraft nationwide had been ordered out of the air.

Sasseville and the two F-15s later joined on Air Force One, while Lucky positioned her F-16 about 10 naut. mi. in front of the 747. With the SADL data link system, she was able to monitor her location relative to Sasseville's SADL-equipped F-16 positioned on Air Force One's left wing. Another flight of F-16s from Ellington AFB, Tex., were about 5 mi. in trail. They had escorted the President from Offutt AFB, Neb., according to 121st FS officers.

Why the Washington-based F-16s were sent to shadow the President's aircraft back to Andrews AFB has not been disclosed. Apparently, someone in the Norad or Secret Service command loop had received information about a potential threat to the 747, prompting a request for additional armed escorts.

Surrounded by fighters, Air Force One descended rapidly toward its home base. Lucky made a clearing pass over the airfield, pulled up, circled back and joined on Sasseville's wing. All of the fighters remained with the 747 until the latter landed, then climbed and established a CAP over Andrews.

Despite being short of aircrews the next few days, the 121st flew continuously for about 63 hr., maintaining protective CAPs over Washington. They were aided by fighters from other ANG, Reserve and active-duty units, as well.

"We were generating airplanes faster than they could put 'em up," remarked Belknap. "And we still are."

TOPICS: Breaking News; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; US: District of Columbia; US: Maryland; US: Virginia
KEYWORDS: 9112001; airforce; andrews; f16; flight93; langley
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To: PJeffQ
Thanks for the post. Even if it was posted LAST YEAR as noted by Oldeconomybuyer, which by the way I think is being a bit tickey. But whatever. It is still interesting info.

I guess Oldeconomybuyer would prefer that you just bump the old post. But I have run posts before and quite often if you don't have the exact headline under which an article has already been posted, the computer won't find anything relating to your article that you want to post.

21 posted on 09/10/2002 7:32:28 AM PDT by AxelPaulsenJr
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To: HairOfTheDog
I'm still amazed that, over the years we've spent trillions of dollars on a military that cant ecen scramble a single armed aircrat 30 minutes after the capital of the country was attacked
22 posted on 09/10/2002 7:33:07 AM PDT by Blackyce
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To: Dog
I love the grahpic mind if I borrow it???

I had the same question. It's on my desktop now:)

I had heard that guys out of Ellington were involved in escorting AF-1. Ye-haw!

23 posted on 09/10/2002 7:35:16 AM PDT by isthisnickcool
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To: PJeffQ
My apologies. It was posted last night not last year.
24 posted on 09/10/2002 7:42:05 AM PDT by AxelPaulsenJr
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To: PJeffQ
Pick your favourite 20mm ammo here:
25 posted on 09/10/2002 7:46:51 AM PDT by MD_Willington_1976
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To: Blackyce
I don't fault our response at all.... That tastes bitter. We were hit with an attack we would never let ourselves imagine, and yet within hours we we developing a plan to deal with a completely new world. On 9/10, the is not a chance in Hell we should have ever considered shooting down an American airliner over our own country, and yet within 30 minutes we were ready to do just that. We can expect no more of ourselves.
26 posted on 09/10/2002 7:48:50 AM PDT by HairOfTheDog
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To: stlrocket
The next time you are on a commercial flight and look out the window and see this - maybe you should say a Prayer.

My first experience flying was from Los Angeles to San Jose. We had just reached flying altitude, the stewardess was up pushing her cart down the isles serving beverages. All of a sudden we dropped thousands of feet. I looked out the window and saw a needle nose jet (looked like and f-16) just barely go over the top of us.

Needless to say I don't fly anymore.

27 posted on 09/10/2002 7:51:15 AM PDT by Spunky
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To: PJeffQ
Sorry I don't buy this.

20-mm. "ball" ammunition will rip right through the engine / cockpit of any commercial aircraft. If they were armed with 20mm ball, any commercial aircraft could have easily been taken down.

28 posted on 09/10/2002 7:56:24 AM PDT by taxcontrol
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To: PJeffQ; Billie; Long Cut
Thanks for posting this incredible story. The skills and adaptability of our men and women in our current military is incredible.

Thanks to Billie for this great gif. This is what post 9/11/01 is all about:

29 posted on 09/10/2002 7:56:51 AM PDT by Grampa Dave
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To: PJeffQ
And one year later, pilots still unarmed, borders still open, possible tens of thousands of 'sleepers' living amoungst us. Unbelievable. P.C. is gonna be the death of us.
30 posted on 09/10/2002 8:12:32 AM PDT by Musket
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To: PJeffQ; SLB; Travis McGee; spectr17; harpseal; MonroeDNA
I'll share a personal e-mail with ya'll from a friend that flies KC-10's............

To make a long, long story short, here's the brief: I was actually flying that morning on my annual checkride. We took off single ship at 0810 and headed north to meet up with some cargo jets and do routine refueling training. We past NYC at 0825... I remember looking at the city and thinking, "yep, there's New York...same ol' same ol' " (if I only knew).

About that time, we started getting some strange vectors that we don't normally get for some traffic that the air traffic controllers were having problems with. Then a few minutes later, the FAA was broadcasting that all airborne aircraft need to secure their cockpits to the maximum extent possible..etc...etc.... Okay, that was something we had never heard before! Not much for us to do, but we had a clue something was up... a hijacking somewhere probably.

At 0845 (when the first bldg was hit, we were 50 miles north of NYC). Later, the FAA was insisting that everyone land asap, except military aircraft were to return to base immediately. We started heading south... Boston Center (air traffic control) then asked us the strangest question of the day... they told us we needed to proceed visually, that they were evacuating the bldg.

Now, we were at 23,000 feet and normally, you CAN'T fly visually above 18,000. The controller said we couldn't hit any other plane because we were the only ones flying in the NE of the USA. Which, was the weirdest thing!!!! Normally, the NE USA is one of the busiest airspaces in the world. Flying alone there, was something unimaginable (as was everything that day).

When we agreed to cancel our instrument clearance, the controller ended with, "well, I'm evacuating the bldg now, no one will be on this frequency, God Bless you".... Wait, Wait, Wait... what's that God Bless You stuff about? He never ended with that before! Now we're really wondering what's going on.

Right then, we look out and sure enough, there' s NYC with smoke filling the skies. We could see it clear as day. Abeam NYC we were told to make contact on a national defense frequency that I had only read about. Here's where it gets to the part that I probably shouldn't talk too much about... Needless to say... it was strange... we were doing procedures that I've done for years in the middle east but never dreamed of doing over the US.

We ended up refueling some of the fighters that scrambled to help, but were too late. While flying around we managed to find a AM radio station frequency on one of our radios which was telling the news... it was amazing listening to the radios about what was going on while looking out our windshield and watching NYC burn from the sky.

We finally landed back at XXXXXXXXXXXXX...etc....

Sorry to have to edit it a bunch but this gives ya a good idea as to view from the sky per does this article in the thread above.

Stay Safe ......

31 posted on 09/10/2002 8:16:05 AM PDT by Squantos
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To: Grampa Dave
Ping to #31....Stay Safe !
32 posted on 09/10/2002 8:18:33 AM PDT by Squantos
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To: PJeffQ
Well hey, F-16's shouldn't be armed. Neither should pilots of jet liners. Only Secret Service agents protecting Clinton should have guns! Come on guys, let's get our priorities straight! There might have been some eeeevil Conservatives in the Pentagon that needed to be killed. Pilots, well; can't trust them - many are former military. And passengers in planes; well most are rich capitalist conservatives!

Besides; how can we trust the military with real bullets?

Yep, the Clinton Legacy alright!

Makes me sick that the main-line media can't see it.


33 posted on 09/10/2002 8:25:42 AM PDT by
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To: Blackyce
I'm still amazed that, over the years we've spent trillions of dollars on a military that cant ecen scramble a single armed aircrat 30 minutes after the capital of the country was attacked

IMHO it isn't a matter of money, it is a matter of posture. We are on the same budget, with the same equipment, now and I betcha we can scrabble a few rather quickly.

34 posted on 09/10/2002 8:26:10 AM PDT by TankerKC
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To: Squantos
Thanks for the ping and your very interesting replies.

I can remember being at sea when JFK was killed. We got a US radio station which kept us posted on what was happening.
35 posted on 09/10/2002 8:28:41 AM PDT by Grampa Dave
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To: Tuco-bad
Maybe the White House should have made "the plea" PRIOR to Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon.

Planes were scrambled from Langley at 0924;
Flight 77 struck the Pentagon at 0938.

36 posted on 09/10/2002 8:39:20 AM PDT by Howlin
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
This article concerns Andrews; Langley scrambled planes by 0924; the Pentagon was hit at 0938.

There has always been this discussion about Andrews; the head of NORAD said that up until 9-11 fighters weren't stationed at Andrews; some of this article is wrong, and some of it is urban legend.

37 posted on 09/10/2002 8:42:35 AM PDT by Howlin
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To: Musket
Hey Musket - Have you seen this?



38 posted on 09/10/2002 8:52:54 AM PDT by stlrocket
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To: stlrocket
Liberals consider ir a better policy to shoot down hijacked airliners rather than let the pil;ots carry a weapon to whwart hijacking in the first place/
39 posted on 09/10/2002 8:54:44 AM PDT by southland
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To: Howlin
Planes were scrambled from Langley at 0924;
Flight 77 struck the Pentagon at 0938.

NORAD ordered planes from Otis scrambled at 8:30 a.m.

Andrews AFB is 5 miles outside of D.C.

Wonder how many people were "sleeping at the switch" on Sept. 11th.

My suggestions: No more military parades, no more air shows until we win the war.

40 posted on 09/10/2002 8:57:00 AM PDT by Tuco-bad
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