A couple of greaseballs will assume room temperature due to the valiant efforts of a dumb animal.
1 posted on
09/05/2002 4:14:04 PM PDT by
To: sinkspur
That's one smart cockatoo! ;-)
To: sinkspur
Take it from Muttly. You can't trust birds. The guy was probably just innocently eating dinner, and the bird attacked. 'Splains the fork.
I oppugn this heroic bird report.
To: WindMinstrel
I thought you might enjoy this. Good birdie!
4 posted on
09/05/2002 4:22:10 PM PDT by
To: sinkspur; Orual; aculeus; general_re
Wow, great bird.
Cockatoos are large members of the parrot family known for being intelligent, affectionate and having boisterous personalities.
Some members are also known for their ability to bite one's finger off. In this case, fortunately, drawing blood proved sufficient.
5 posted on
09/05/2002 4:24:34 PM PDT by
To: sinkspur
Cockatoos are, apparently, the natural enemies of Jailbirds...
To: sinkspur
Oh, Oh, Robert Blake, we got your bird and it is a singing stool pigeon.
7 posted on
09/05/2002 4:37:04 PM PDT by
To: sinkspur
There's gotta be a Texas joke here somewhere.
8 posted on
09/05/2002 7:08:04 PM PDT by
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