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The Moment You've All Been Dreading: FRiva Pics by Lowbridge
my camera ^
| 8/29/02
| lowbridge
Posted on 08/28/2002 11:28:18 PM PDT by lowbridge
FINALLY got my pics uploaded and ready for posting (Just in time for beddy bye so that I can get a nights rest for work tommorow)
Here is a sample. The rest (84 pics worth) are on my website:
Links to the other pages are at the bottom of each page.
lurkernomore! and HangFire (watch it HangFire! I saw her first! )
(This is my thread, so I'm getting in on the act. Got a problem with that? :-))
Katie, whoever that photographer is that said your face can't take a good picture, I'm gonna punch his lights out.
No, scratch that.
First I'm gonna show him my pics of you AND THEN I'm gonna punch his lights out. :-)
diotima at her cutest
My good buddy, RonDog and me.
Two examples of my favorite people in the whole wide world: HangFire and AnnaZ.
Me and AnnaZ
The sons of AnnaZ: Indigo and Hamlet
HangFire and me among the slot machines.
Nick Danger
anymouse and me
Our Sunday morning meeting

TOPICS: Miscellaneous; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: conference; friva; network; pictures; vegas
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And finally, God knows that before FRiva, we've had our differences that erupted into terrible flamewars, but in Vegas, we came together as the one big happy family we really are. All our differences were put aside for the good of the conference, for the good of FR, and for the good of the country. There are many reasons why we did this. Our sense of patriotism, our sense of decency to do the right things, our love for our fellow FReeper, etc. But the biggest reason why we all came through for the conference can be attributed to one particular person.
It is that one person who most of all was responsible for the great time we had, responsible for the goodwill we showed each other, kept us together as friends, put in a great effort to see to it that our spirits remained high before, during, and after the conference. And, more importantly, was always there for us no matter what.
And so, it is in that heroic spirit that I dedicate this thread to that one person:
posted on
08/28/2002 11:28:18 PM PDT
To: lowbridge
Good pictures. THanks.
To: Mercuria; AnnaZ; HangFire; Darth Sidious; Bob J; diotima; LurkerNoMore!; Syncro; sauropod; WIMom; ..
posted on
08/28/2002 11:36:30 PM PDT
To: lowbridge; diotima; Bob J; LurkerNoMore!; Nick Danger
Marking for my cablemodem at work tomorrow.
Heck, I definitely thought that last link would go directly to a picture of Bob J!
posted on
08/28/2002 11:41:49 PM PDT
To: AnnaZ
Such cute little boys!
To: lowbridge

What better way to convince the chicks back home that I'm cool, than to have my pic taken with uglybiker? :-)
Dude, everyone already knows your cool! (Havin' your pic taken with me only confirms it!)
This one, for some reason, reminds me of my drivers' liscense picture.
posted on
08/28/2002 11:49:26 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson; DoughtyOne; SC Swamp Fox; Fred Mertz; BADJOE; DCBryan1; floriduh voter; ...
posted on
08/29/2002 12:06:12 AM PDT
To: abner
Heck, I definitely thought that last link would go directly to a picture of Bob J! No offense, but I don't want to flirt with him! :-)
posted on
08/29/2002 12:07:49 AM PDT
To: lowbridge
WOW .. what great pictures .. thanks for sharing
posted on
08/29/2002 12:07:50 AM PDT
To: lowbridge
Thanks for the great pictures. We had a grand old time in Vegas. Will be looking forward to the next meeting.
To: goldenstategirl; AnnaZ
Such cute little boys! Aren't they .. they are so adorable
posted on
08/29/2002 12:09:20 AM PDT
To: lowbridge
Man ... if only those creepy guys could stay out of LNM, Anna and Dio's photo zones. You'd think there would be tighter security for super(dooper)models in Vegas.
To: AnnaZ
Indigo and Hamlet They'll love you anyway.
To: lowbridge

RedWing9 proudly displays the genuine Florida ballot autographed by Katherine Harris that he won as a door prize.
[Note: Not only the chad are dimpled}
To: lowbridge

rollee and spiralsue
Two new potential members of the Chicagoland Chapter who surprised us with their presence.
To: lowbridge

Joined at the hip?
To: lowbridge
Man, that's a well-fed bunch.
To: lowbridge
Thanks for the pix. You're a pretty doggoned good jackleg photog, you know that?
I hope to post more pictures myself soon, but I've got a radio I'm trying to fix that is kicking my a**. The shadetree repairguy's lament: "Maybe the *#(@*$! parts will be in TODAY!"
posted on
08/29/2002 5:20:53 AM PDT
To: lowbridge
Man, this "lowbridge" guy gets around!! Excellent pics brother! Thanks for chronicling it for us :-)
To: lowbridge
Amazing. Not one picture of Miss Slippy and I....
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