Also, it appears to me there is both truth and partial truth in this article. The Kurds have good reason to distrust the U.S., first because the first President Bush allowed Powell to make the decision to leave Saddam in power, and then throughout the nineties because Clinton just abandoned them, and did so in a way leaving the Kurds distrustful of the CIA. Remember, there has been no real CIA presence anywhere for many years. The Democrats made the CIA afraid of its own shadow.
If anything the NYTimes reports here about what the Kurdish leaders said is true even a little bit, then I would suspect that the Kurds are trying to do some bargaining with the US government through our media. The President will have to decide what their bargaining points are worth.
BTW, I wonder if all the leaks about an invasion next year could be disinformation to cover plans for an earlier attack? Like maybe in October?