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To: Richard Axtell
All of these arguments regarding some mythical seperation of church and state grossly fail in one crucial aspect. These so-called readers of the Constitution don't understand proper English, nor do they know the definition of the plain English words used in the text.

The statement "Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of religion..." does not even imply a seperation of church (or religion) and state. The two words "an establishment" means that Congress shall not infringe on any established religion.

If the Founders wanted to have "seperation" of church and state, they would have used "the" in front of the word "establishment", instead of "an". This country was founded by Christians with Christian values in mind, a fact so stated by a number of the original founders.

To try to seperate our goverment from the religious values that were the foundation of creating it, is simply the masturbatory dream of illiterate Socialists.

8 posted on 06/29/2002 1:12:25 PM PDT by wcbtinman
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To: wcbtinman
"an establishment" means that Congress shall not infringe on any established religion.

What facinates me is the irony of having people who oppose things like voucher money (to parents) for religious schools turn right around and claim a constitutional need to regulate those religious schools because of the money.

If that isn't infringing, I don't know what is.

10 posted on 06/29/2002 1:49:30 PM PDT by Tom Bombadil
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