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Global Ethics, World Government & the NEA
Education Reporter ^ | May 2002

Posted on 06/06/2002 6:56:57 PM PDT by TaxPayer2000

Global Ethics, World Government & the NEA

By Dennis Cuddy

In 1932, the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association (NEA) published its Tenth Yearbook subtitled Character Education. The Department of Superintendence was one of many subdivisions of the NEA at that time which have since been spun off into separate organizations.

Character Education presents the NEA's plans to use America's schools to undermine traditional values in pursuit of the goal of world government. Most people assume the NEA adopted its radical resolutions and objectives fairly recently. Those who believe that the redistribution of wealth, global interdependence, world citizenship, the loss of morality and the weakening of the church's influence, as well as educational initiatives including sex education, situation ethics, School-to-Work, universal preschool, and Marc Tucker's "cradle to grave" system, are relatively new should read on.

Here are direct quotations from the NEA's Character Education, published in 1932:

  • "Relativity must replace absolutism in the realm of morals as well as in the spheres of physics and biology."  
  • "If the individual is to be happy in the contemporary order, he must be open-minded with respect to new values and new arrangements."  
  • "Loyalty to the family must be merged into loyalty to the community, loyalty to the community into loyalty to the nation, and loyalty to the nation into loyalty to mankind. The citizen of the future must be a citizen of the world."  
  • "Also, within the limits of a particular society, individualistic and competitive impulses must be subordinated increasingly to social and cooperative tendencies." 
  • ". . . interdependence rather than independence is the rule of life . . ." 
  • "Under the condition of freedom and plenty generated by industrial society, the youth of the country are abandoning the severe sex taboos of the past; the sanctity of the marriage relationship is being challenged; the dogmas and ceremonies of the church are losing their power." 
  • "The church seems never to have been able to win either the masses or the statesmen of the Western nations to the Christian way of life . . . . The position of the church today is one of confusion and uncertainty. It has lost much of the authority with which it at one time was clothed . . . Only when it employs the outworn dogmas of the past and appeals to certain of the traditional prejudices of the people does it appear to have confidence in its own pronouncements."  
  • "This analysis shows a need for statements of objectives which . . . stimulate the creation of new moralities in accord with our changing society. . . The old structure passes. Religion, morality, business, family, school, and state change." 
  • "Until we have a more equitable distribution of property and income in this country, great numbers of families will remain totally unfit agencies of character education."  
  • "Emotional conditioning does determine a great deal of one's attitudes toward persons, things, and ideals, and is responsible for a large part of one's outlook on life. Conditioning is therefore a process which may be employed by the teacher or parent to build up attitudes in the child and predispose him to the actions by which these attitudes are expressed."  
  • "An eminent teacher of ethics, Professor George Herbert Palmer (said): 'Many here (New England) carry a conscience about with them which makes us say, How much better off they would be with none!'" 

  • "The objective of character education is to teach the child that he will do the best possible thing in each situation, old and new." 

  • "Presumably the person which has specialized in child psychology and other sciences is better prepared to engineer a group of boys and girls in certain socialized activities than is the lay parent."  

  • "Education must be redirected if it is to become the chief means whereby society will attempt to remake itself." 
  • "School life will begin with the nursery school and extend to include adult education in various forms." 
  • "It may come to be, in this changing world, that society will come quickly to support and control a program of education extending, for the individual, from the cradle to the grave . . . As need arises, it will offer the individual opportunity to change quickly or slowly from one vocation or profession to another." 
  • "The question of demand and supply of workers in the various professions and occupations may in time also become a part of our social planning."

Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D. is a political analyst, former educator and Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education. He is the author of NEA: Grab for Power .

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Government; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: educationnews

1 posted on 06/06/2002 6:56:57 PM PDT by TaxPayer2000
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To: *Education news;madfly

2 posted on 06/06/2002 10:07:10 PM PDT by Libertarianize the GOP
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To: TaxPayer2000
Anybody here still supporting "globalism?" Bought your tinfoil hat yet?
3 posted on 06/06/2002 10:32:37 PM PDT by brat
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To: TaxPayer2000
Were have we heard this before ? Did't the persons name start with a M or something like that?
4 posted on 06/06/2002 10:43:41 PM PDT by quietolong
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To: lil'freeper
Very scary stuff. Just more evidence of why the government should have no role in educating the citizenry. I believe ALL schools should be private. Introduce the market place to education and our country will become the best educated in the world.
5 posted on 06/07/2002 6:18:44 AM PDT by big'ol_freeper
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To: Libertarianize the GOP
6 posted on 06/07/2002 10:09:03 AM PDT by madfly
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To: Free the USA; Seamole; Fish out of Water; Carry_Okie; 2Jedismom; 2sheep; 4Freedom; Aliska...
7 posted on 06/07/2002 10:11:13 AM PDT by madfly
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To: madfly
"Loyalty to the family must be merged into loyalty to the community, loyalty to the community into loyalty to the nation, and loyalty to the nation into loyalty to mankind. The citizen of the future must be a citizen of the world."

"We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
so let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me"

8 posted on 06/07/2002 10:24:24 AM PDT by Carolina
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To: Eska
Read it.
9 posted on 06/07/2002 10:32:03 AM PDT by Carry_Okie
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To: TaxPayer2000
* "Also, within the limits of a particular society, individualistic and competitive impulses must be subordinated increasingly to social and cooperative tendencies."

I find this kind of thing rather funny. According to current theory, the entire universe came to be as it is in all of its glory without directed or cooperative tendencies coming into play. The current political, social, and economic powerhouse known as America exists because of individualistic and competitive impulses which are the opposite of directed or cooperative tendencies. Yet people always think that directed and cooperative "evolution" is the best way to go.

Why? One would think that it is obvious by now that directly designing such a complex system as a functioning society is beyond human capacity. Allowing one to emerge is a far superior approach.


10 posted on 06/07/2002 11:39:44 AM PDT by ArGee
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To: Carolina
"We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
so let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me"

"We are the worms, out on the sidewalk
We make the squishy sound beneath your feet
so watch where you walk!


11 posted on 06/07/2002 11:41:12 AM PDT by ArGee
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To: TaxPayer2000
Character education from the that's an oxymoron!'s quote time kids.....

Peter Hoaglund - former Nebraska Senator and Humanist member of the Nebraska Board of Education said this in 1983 … "Fundamentalists have no right to indoctrinate their children in their beliefs. We are preparing their children for the year 2000 and life in a global one-world society and those children will not fit in!

John Dunphy in The Humanist 1983 said “The battle for man-kinds future must be won in the classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of a new faith that will replace Christianity.”

12 posted on 06/07/2002 12:34:31 PM PDT by patriot_wes
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