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DOJ Says No Credible Evidence That Any Florida Residents Intentionally Denied Voting Rights in 2000
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| 5/28/02
Posted on 05/28/2002 6:28:13 PM PDT by knak
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posted on
05/28/2002 6:28:13 PM PDT
To: knak; PhiKapMom; Miss Marple; deport; Amelia; McGavin999; JeanS
ESAD, Mary Frances Berry.
posted on
05/28/2002 6:30:03 PM PDT
To: knak
No one denied voting rights in Florida? What about the military?!! Sailors from the Cole had their votes thrown out and LIEberman went on three consecutive Sunday news shows to say he "hadn't heard."
posted on
05/28/2002 6:30:33 PM PDT
Comment #4 Removed by Moderator
To: rintense; terilyn; Fred Mertz; Dales; sinkspur; Utah Girl; mountaineer; Teacup; OneidaM...
Surprise, surprise.
posted on
05/28/2002 6:31:52 PM PDT
To: Dutchgirl
posted on
05/28/2002 6:32:12 PM PDT
To: MeganUSA
posted on
05/28/2002 6:35:01 PM PDT
To: Howlin
Thanks for the ping! Can someone explain to me why American citizens need to have the ballots written in another language or explained in another language? If you cannot read and comprehend English, then IMHO you shouldn't be an American citizen and you shouldn't be voting!
Wish they would have investigated the high rise apartments in those three South Florida counties to see how many voted in New York AND Florida to double vote! Bet there were more of them then people that were denied their votes!
posted on
05/28/2002 6:35:03 PM PDT
To: MeganUSA
Well, that will upset some demorats! If the Democrats ever join reality, then you would be correct. They're going to hold onto the idea that it did happen till the day they die. No amout of evidence or proof that it didn't will ever convince them they're wrong. They base their facts on feelings, nothing else.
To: PhiKapMom
Too bad the Dems will just not buy this report. Ashcroft & Co. have absolutely NO credibiity with them. Nice try, tho.
posted on
05/28/2002 6:39:30 PM PDT
To: knak
posted on
05/28/2002 6:41:39 PM PDT
To: knak
DOJ Says No Credible Evidence That Any Florida Residents Intentionally Denied Voting Rights in 2000 Did they look at military members and their dependents who are citizens of Florida but stationed elsewhere? I seem to recall bunches of them having their voting rights denied, in violation of federal law on the subject.
posted on
05/28/2002 6:41:43 PM PDT
El Gato
To: knak
James (Serpant Head) Carvile and Paul (Holloween Pumpkin Smile) Begala just ruptured a few blood vessils upon hearing this news
posted on
05/28/2002 6:42:29 PM PDT
To: PhiKapMom
I've learned my lesson. I'm a Florida resident, and I haven't missed an election since I was 18. On election day in 2000, the first thing I saw at the polling place was a station wagon, parked right next to the door, covered with obscene anti-Bush bumper stickers. When I took my daughter into the polling place, the volunteer helping her with "KidsVote" was wearing a big Gore button. I should have immediately called the local media and the Elections office and raised hell about blatant electioneering in a polling place.
Believe you me, if I see any irregularities this November (and I will have my eyes wide open) I am going to scream bloody murder.
To: knak
Hmmmm. lesssee. Only U.S. citizens are qualified to vote in U.S. elections. A working knowledge of English is (supposedly) required for U.S. citizenship. So WTF should any bi-lingual assistance be provided at the polls?
"Motor Voter" is just another turd the Clintoon gang dropped in the American punchbowl.
To: Dutchgirl
Joe LIEberman was too busy feeling deeply concerned to know.
To: redlipstick
Way to go -- SCREAM as loud as you can and I hope everyone you know and all Freepers do the same thing! Time to put an end to this charade of fair elections by the DemocRATS!
To: Galtoid
For Dems, Clinton is credible and Ashcroft isn't. Pliable reality and moral relativism is exactly what breeds INJUSTICE. ( OOPS!! I forgot, we can't agree on the meaning of what "is" is.)
To: Galtoid
LOL!!!!!! Talk about credibility! I suppose Reno had all sorts of credibility when she was Attorney General -- NOT! You want to know something -- I bet that Attorney General Ashcroft isn't losing one minute of sleep over whether the DemocRATS like the report or not! You see, he believes in the Rule of Law but then I forget -- DemocRATS do not believe in the Rule of Law as witnessed by the clintons and their lapdogs in Congress!
To: Howlin
The three counties Gore wanted counted and recounted and recounted were Broward, Palm Beach & Miami Dade right? So only one of the three were actually involved in the lawsuit. And didn't the recount show that Bush actually gained votes in Miami Dade once they re-counted more than just the precincts that were heavily democrat?
NOW I want to see the results of the suit that was filed in Missouri! And, where's the lawsuit over the votes for cigarettes in Milwaukee?
posted on
05/28/2002 6:49:32 PM PDT
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