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To: ClancyJ
VYet what I'm referring to is the fact that for one thing - Bush is highly intelligent.....


I see little evidence of this. I see evidence that people want to believe it, but I see no evidence of it.

98 posted on 05/19/2002 7:21:57 PM PDT by RLK
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I see little evidence of this. I see evidence that people want to believe it, but I see no evidence of it.

Then you have not looked past your own prejudice against Bush. Just how would a man of low intelligence win an election that was a sure thing for Gore? Just how would this man be able to come into office after the Clintons, turn off the spotlight to the Clintons and turn the nation to looking to the future? How would he be able to handle the China crisis. How would he even think to try for a tax cut and get it through? How could a low intelligence president even survive in office much less win 80% approval rating? How could that president put into place a smooth running efficient change in command without the funds being released, without approval of his nominees and with no knowledge of how to be a president (as you suspect)? How would he be able to bring us out of a recession, how would he be able to take strong action when faced with an attack on American soil? How would he possibly manage a war?

Answer? He doesn't. It takes an awful lot to be successful as a president, to win the trust and affection of the voters, to put dignity, honor, respect back into government and a low intelligence man just could not do better than eke out an existence with people covering his blunders.

A low intelligence president would not take on tough issues - he would bide time. There would be no decisions - there would be stumbling from one crisis to another.

Now - none of this is happening to Bush which is why so many of use respect this man, why we trust him and his team and why we totally discount the democrat claims of low intelligence.

Those that cannot see what this president has done, that he accomplished a great portion of his campaign promises in the first year, might relook at that low intelligence business themselves.

102 posted on 05/19/2002 10:26:05 PM PDT by ClancyJ
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