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Warning For Americans - A Warning For Americans - A Message From A South African ^
| 4-29-2
| Robbie Noel
Posted on 04/30/2002 7:07:24 AM PDT by GingisK
People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western world. Television, for example, came late to South Africa (but so did pornography and the gay* rights movement).
Today, however, South Africa may be the grim model of the future Western world, for events in America reveals trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed our country.
America's structures are Western. Your Congress, your lobbying groups, your free speech, and the way ordinary Americans either get involved or ignore politics are peculiarly Western, not the way most of the world operates. But the fact that only about a third of Americans deem it important to vote is horrifying in light of how close you are to losing your Western character.....
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Government; Philosophy
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A very interesting read, and most appropriate. I have watched American culture erode a great deal since the '60s.
posted on
04/30/2002 7:07:24 AM PDT
To: GingisK
South Africa is leaderless mob control, we have a bit to go to catch up to that situation.
posted on
04/30/2002 7:14:48 AM PDT
To: boomop1
Hmm if the Catholic Church become irrelevant there will be a moral vacume among Central and South America
what will fill it AZTALAN?...
posted on
04/30/2002 7:18:10 AM PDT
To: GingisK
I agree. The 60's was the turning point in American history.
From that point, the country started going down hill fast.
The 90's excelerated the horrors within society 100 fold, as if Satan and his demons had been cast down to earth having great rage, and knowing they have but little time.
His minions have invaded our schools, workplaces, and even our churches. A great battle is waging in the heavens today, with Satan in the lead. He will win for awhile, but when the world learns what he and his minions have done to them via plagues and total chaos, he will be cast into the firey abyss along with all those who follow him.
Thank goodness. No more liberals. Whew!
To: boomop1
"South Africa is leaderless mob control"
Just like the black community in the U.S. with their leadership in the form of Jesse (the Reverend) Jackson, Al Sharpton and Kwese Nfume (the felon) and last but not least that great guy and knife murderer, O.J. Simpson. Talk about the Muslim madrasses.
posted on
04/30/2002 7:26:52 AM PDT
To: boomop1
I think Europe has much more to fear from its' third world neighbors than we do. Many Mexicans and South Americans are much more moral and family oriented than Americans.
American society did suffer in the 60's. As a generation Xer, I can say that many of my peers find the Hugh Hefner and the playboy generation pretty cheesy. I think todays youth are much more centered and crave moral values.
posted on
04/30/2002 7:26:59 AM PDT
To: GingisK
Millions around the world want your good life. But make no mistake: They care not for the high-minded ideals of Jefferson and Washington, and your Constitution. What they want are your possessions, your power, and your status.Its amazing, and terribly disheartening, how even many 'conservatives' are blind to whats happening.
I wonder what kind of country my grandkids will inherit.
posted on
04/30/2002 7:27:36 AM PDT
To: GingisK
I always like the fact that only about half the people vote. Many of the other half don't have a clue as to what is going on or care. What good is it for them to vote?
To: joesnuffy
Hmm if the Catholic Church become irrelevant there will be a moral vacume among Central and South America There are many churches devoted to the Lord. If the Catholic church were to fold, the many other churches would cover he fort. I don't see those who seek the Lord suffering that much. Not all Americans are of the Catholic faith. Many are not. There are missionaries of other faiths helping those in spiritual and physical need. The Salvation Army is also where they're needed.
Not to sound crewel, but the world would go on anyway. The Lord would see to that.
To: GingisK
But woe to you if -- or more likely, when -- the rules change. White Americans may soon find themselves unable or unwilling to stand up to challenge the new political methods that will be the inevitable result of the ethnic metamorphosis now taking place in America. (An estimated 15 million illegal aliens are now in the US -ed) Unable to cope with the new rules of the game -- violence, mob riots, intimidation through accusations of racism, demands for proportionality based on racial numbers, and all the other social and political weapons used by the have-nots to bludgeon treasure and power from the haves -- Americans, like others before them, will no doubt cave in. They will compromise away their independence and ultimately their way of life.It's happening now. We on the right have been batteling this future for years. The left just doesn't get it. When we try to tell them they're destroying this once great country, they resort to the 'ol name callin' trick, and anaracy. ( good article)
To: mgist
I think todays youth are much more centered and crave moral values.If I believed what you say, there would be evidence that we're turning the corner. Unfortunately, as much as I want you to be right, I don't think you are. The evidence points to a continuing decline in values and morals.
posted on
04/30/2002 7:42:43 AM PDT
Mike K
To: mgist
The lack of republican leadership is turning this country into a one party system, some believe we are already at that point. We must get rid of the girly boy leaders, Lott for one believes getting along with his commie friends in the senate is a greater priority than doing what is right for the country.
We are on the path to what is occuring in South Africa, I may not see it but my kids and grandkids will, may God see fit to prevent this from happening.
posted on
04/30/2002 7:48:30 AM PDT
Comment #13 Removed by Moderator
To: GingisK
events in America reveals trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed [S Africa]Yeah, let's go back to the good ol' days when them dirty negroes would stay out of our nice white swimming pools ***sarcasm off***
To: rudeboy666
Yup, we definitely gotta put all those 'people' back in their place. The point is border control, not influx. Equality, not ultimate control. Jobs, not wages without work. This issue is the Constitution, and equal protections under the law. By ignoring the left, we also sell out the Constitution that keeps America sane.
Did you actually read the article? It's very good.
To: rudeboy666
Any comments on the content of the article itself?
posted on
04/30/2002 8:00:16 AM PDT
To: luckyluke
Yeah, let's go back to the good ol' days when them dirty negroes would stay out of our nice white swimming pools The article is a warning from Africa, but it also relates to all ethnicities. Our borders are wide open for those who come here for Americas "gift." Free housing, free food, free education, and all the other freebies. Eventually, the demand will be so great, America will buckle under the strain. That's the warning. It has nothing to do with slavery.
To: luckyluke
Rolling in the ol' bigot grenade... I guess we're all supposed to now scatter.
Seems Rob Noel at least has a point based on demonstrable fact. If you care to take issue I'd like to hear why you disagree.
posted on
04/30/2002 8:15:34 AM PDT
To: skeeter
If you care to take issue I'd like to hear why you disagree.OK, let me explain.
The attitude expressed is that things used to be good in S. Africa and they are now going downhill.
My point is that things were a lot worse there earlier than they are now.
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