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World Jewish Congress says anti-Semitism in Europe worst since World War II
Associated Press ^ | 4-23-02 | RAF CASERT

Posted on 04/23/2002 10:08:43 AM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer

Edited on 04/13/2004 2:40:11 AM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) --

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Germany; News/Current Events; United Kingdom
KEYWORDS: antisemitism; europe; worldwarii
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1 posted on 04/23/2002 10:08:43 AM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
I've never seen it so bad, judging from reports I see here.

I also think that there is something lurking behind it that no-one wants to discuss ( at least in Europe ) and that something is fear.
Fear of all those "unassimilated" Muslims who have flooded Europe.

2 posted on 04/23/2002 10:12:59 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: Justin Raimondo
Ever thought of living in Europe?
3 posted on 04/23/2002 10:14:28 AM PDT by Texaggie79
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
"There are Holocaust survivors who are telling their children: 'Look, this is exactly how it happened in the 1930s,' when anti-Semitic attacks eventually led to genocidal slaughter of European Jews by Hitler's Nazi regime," Beker said.

This kind of nonsense seriously compromises the credibility of groups like the WJC. The situation in Europe today is vastly different than in the 1930s, as evidenced by the fact that the suspects in these attacks are not Germans, or French, or Dutch, but Arabs.

If the WJC really wanted to address the problems the Jews now face in Europe, they would go out support the anti-immigration platforms of right-wing candidates all over Europe. The fact that they haven't done so tells me that their heads are still in the sand.

4 posted on 04/23/2002 10:15:06 AM PDT by Alberta's Child
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
More Muslims/Arabs in Europe than ever. There you have it.
5 posted on 04/23/2002 10:18:45 AM PDT by vance
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
Looks like the Opecker Princes have gotten their money's worth by investing in anti-Semitism in the Euro Trash countries since the 1970's.

Every petro $ the Opecker Princes get from us and the rest of the world has a % going to finance anti-Semitism Socialism throughout Europe and over her. Then of course they finance terrorism in Israel, Europe and here.

This why Shorty Mullah Da$$hole is so critical to the Opecker Princes. By blocking our drilling for oil in Alaska, Shorty Mullah Da$$hole increases our dependence on Opec Oil. That means more of our petro$'s flow to the Opecker Princes.

Then the Opecker Princes invest those petro$'s in anti-Semitic groups in Europe, around the world and here. Their strategy is two fold. First you have the political strategy as seen by the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and here, all which is funded by our petro $'s. Second they fund the murders who would kill every Israeli and American if they could.

The day we stop being dependent on Opecker Oil, is the day that this funding of hate and terrorism by the Opecker Princes will start to dry up. It is that simple!

6 posted on 04/23/2002 10:19:30 AM PDT by Grampa Dave
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To: Alberta's Child
You are right about that with the exceptions that the liberal elites really do believe that Isreal is a "shitty little country" and the Euro left has totally allied themselves with the arab/palentinian cause because it is anti-western, chic, and filled with emotional hatred.

I do agree with your statement that the WJC (William Jefferson Clinton?) lacks credibility when it supports certain politicians and not others.

7 posted on 04/23/2002 10:22:47 AM PDT by KC_Conspirator
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To: backhoe

The Jewish Population of the World

United States 5,800,000
Israel 4,847,000
France 600,000
Ukraine 400,000
United Kingdom 300,000
Hungary 80,000
Belarus 60,000
Germany 60,000
Belgium 40,000
Italy 35,000
Netherlands 30,000
Sweden 18,000
Switzerland 18,000
Latvia 15,000
Romania 14,000
Spain 14,000
Austria 10,000
Denmark 8,000
Poland 8,000
Greece 5,000
Yugoslavia 2,500
Croatia 2,000
Norway 1,500
Finland 1,200
Ireland 1,000
Portugal 900
Bosnia-Herzegovina 600
Luxembourg 600

9 posted on 04/23/2002 10:30:52 AM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer
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To: KC_Conspirator
You may be reading more into this than necessary.

1. European governments today are generally "anti-Israel" for one reason -- political expediency. The simple truth is that there are far more Arabs in Europe today than Jews.

2. Europeans have historically been "anti-Israel" because the creation of Israel was a historical anomaly -- At a time in history when European nations were abandoning their colonies (under pressure from the U.S., by the way), Israel was established as a state that wasn't even a viable one due to its location, proximity to avowed enemies, lack of natural resources, and reliance on outside assistance.

3. Ironically, I would bet that Americans are more likely than Israelis to have a negative view of Europeans. Europeans make up an enormous portion of the tourists that visit Israel -- hardly a sign of anti-Semitism.

10 posted on 04/23/2002 10:32:01 AM PDT by Alberta's Child
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
Keep in mind that Israel exists because of European anti-semitism. The modern Zionist movement began when Theodore Herzl watched the Dreyfuss trial and realized that Jews had no future in Europe. Until 1933 Germany was the most philo-semitic country in Europe. Europeans are using their Moslem populations as an excuse for the renascent anti-Semitism. Believe me, it is home-grown, not imported, and has never been far from the surface.
11 posted on 04/23/2002 10:49:00 AM PDT by jalisco555
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
The executive committee of the World Jewish Congress demanded better protection by authorities. Secretary-general Avi Beker said 360 anti-Semitic incidents in France over the past two weeks heralded worse to come for Jewish communities in Europe.

Why Jewish leaders do not see this obvious connection? Instead of fighting against Le Pen they should fight against Muslim immigration.

13 posted on 04/23/2002 11:13:25 AM PDT by A. Pole
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To: Oldeconomybuyer

United States    5,800,000
Israel           4,847,000
[RUSSIA          ...]
France           600,000
You skipped Russia!
14 posted on 04/23/2002 11:16:49 AM PDT by A. Pole
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To: Pinlighter
I don't know what planet you live on, but it sure is not the planet Earth

Well, men are from Mars so perhaps you're right. However, I do know that European anti-semitism predates Moslem immigration by centuries. The French ambassador to the UK who called Israel a "sh!!ty little country" went unpunished for his remarks because he reflected the views of his government. The various European governments who are turning a blind eye to the growing anti-semitic violence are staffed by Europeans, not Moslem immigrants. I could go on and on. I believe that a deeply embedded, cultural characteristic is reasserting itself. I truly hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am.

15 posted on 04/23/2002 11:21:34 AM PDT by jalisco555
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To: Alberta's Child
Interesting point, but here's something that many people have not noticed about pre-WWII history in Europe: The influence of the Muslims on the holocaust and their contribution to the anti-semitism that led to it.

I think if someone does some digging they will find Hitler had the support and in fact partnered with the Muslims in Europe and the Middle East in prosecuting his 'final solution.'

16 posted on 04/23/2002 11:24:28 AM PDT by fogarty
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To: A. Pole
Probably because of the foolishness of most Jews who are still leftists...this way of thinking is unfortunately ground deep in the modern Jewish culture, which has abandoned hope of a literal Messiah and instead invested those hopes in a salvation by government. Funny that large governments are the very ones that not only treat Jews with contempt but also treat all of their citizens with the same measure of dehumanization. So the hope in government is counter-productive.
17 posted on 04/23/2002 11:24:42 AM PDT by =Intervention=
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To: backhoe
Fear of all those "unassimilated" Muslims who have flooded Europe.

That's a large part of the reason for Le Pen's success the other day, IMHO.

18 posted on 04/23/2002 11:31:29 AM PDT by beckett
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To: jalisco555
The various European governments who are turning a blind eye to the growing anti-semitic violence are staffed by Europeans, not Moslem immigrants.

Just wait when there are more Muslims in Europe! Calling Israel by names is a much smaller problem than sucide bombers. Bringing more Arab Muslims will make Europe more "diverse" and more Semitic, but after while Jews as well as Christians will be forced out.

It is easy to play on the Christian feeling of guilt. Try to do it with Muslims. Good luck and be careful.

19 posted on 04/23/2002 11:32:32 AM PDT by A. Pole
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