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The Ineducable Left
First Things ^
| February 25, 2001
| Brian C. Anderson
Posted on 02/25/2002 6:47:29 AM PST by aculeus
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posted on
02/25/2002 6:47:29 AM PST
To: aculeus
>>...the military actions of the democratically elected U.S. government...
I would say the "court-appointed" government.
posted on
02/25/2002 6:58:31 AM PST
To: midge
I would say the "court-appointed" government.You sound like Russian Olympic Officials.
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To: midge
midge n.1.Any of various gnatlike flies of the family Chironomidae, found worldwide and frequently occurring in swarms near ponds and lakes.
2.Any of various similar dipteran insects, such as the biting midges of the family Ceratopogonidae.
3.A little person.
To: aculeus
Wow! This Negri nutter makes Raimondo sound like the voice of reason. There ought to be some kind of award for that.
To: aculeus
I'd like to thank you for posting this, before we get too carried away swatting midges...
To: aculeus
"Hardt and Negri seek to update Marxs Capital for the era of economic globalization. In doing so, they plunder every imaginable recent source of academic foolishness, from postcolonialism to Queer Theory to French poststructuralism, and wed it to Marx, Lenin, and even Mao, making the book a kind of uptotheminute manual on how to get tenure in todays university. Empires pages brim with the sciencefictionlike neologisms that typify much contemporary academic writing: agentic, biopower, deterritorializationwords that give those who wield them the sense of gaining Shamanlike access to hidden realms" It is safe to assume that neither Hardt nor Negri knows how to change a car tire.
To: midge
I take it you like the book.
posted on
02/25/2002 7:11:20 AM PST
To: aculeus
"The great industrial and financial powers, the authors warn, produce not only commodities but also subjectivities: individuals whose very needs, social relations, bodies, and minds respond to the markets call."
In my years of business consulting, people can tell me in GREAT DETAIL the things they don't want and don't like (sometimes I fit in that catagory and I would dare say many freepers are the same.. only because human nature is human nature whether you are a liberal or conservative) When I ask them "So, what do you want", I usually hear silence.
So, What does this guy want????
To: midge
"I would say the "court-appointed" government." Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha, Bush won, get over it dork!
posted on
02/25/2002 7:16:39 AM PST
To: hellinahandcart;midge
midge does make a good point but probably not in the way he intended. We do have somewhat of a court appointed government. Affirmative Action, the right to an abortion, the blocking of school choice and many other atrocities have been done by the courts, not by our elected representatives.
To: mutchdutch
What does this guy want????A dictatorship of the proletariat, or more specifically, an oligarchy in which the enlightened, superior-intellect inhabitants of academe rule over their social and intellectual inferiors. In name, no doubt these authors and their colleagues and friends.
Same old story, same old song.
To: midge
Stand still while aim this can of Raid.
posted on
02/25/2002 7:25:18 AM PST
To: Cincinatus;mutchdutch
What does this guy want???? To sell you a pig in a poke. A paper tiger. A utopia, a "nowhere" beyond the rainbow, where wishes are horses.
To: Cincinatus
Then, a few years ago, after nearly two decades in exile, an unrepentant Negri returned to Italy to serve a reduced sentence. The bookjacket claim that he is currently an inmate at Ribibbia is wildly exaggerated. In fact, Negri serves his time under partial house arrest at his lovely booklined apartment in a tony Rome neighborhood. He must sleep there at night, but he is otherwise free to come and go as he pleases, and regularly receives fawning journalists and academics seeking the masters wisdom. If I am a very good girl, perhaps God will reward me by allowing me to be convicted of "armed insurrection against the State" in Italy.
I wonder if the four guys arrested with cyanide and maps of the water tunnels under our embassy will also get tony apartments in Rome...
To: hellinahandcart ; dighton ; Orual
I'd like to thank you for posting this, before we get too carried away swatting midges... Midge is okay. There's no such thing as bad publicity and no such thing as a negative bump.
posted on
02/25/2002 7:47:10 AM PST
To: aculeus
Hardt and Negris contempt for the bourgeois men and women who go to work, attend Mass, raise their kids, and generally live respectable, productive lives is itself contemptible. That's a point I wish the right would have the courage to make more often. Stop trying to respect these monsters of the academy. When they say they intend to destroy you, take them at their word and act accordingly.
To: aculeus; dighton
Midge is okay.
She's an absolute doll.
posted on
02/25/2002 7:50:33 AM PST
To: aculeus
Midge is okay.OMG, I'm having a flashback to the early sixties. That's what we used to say about the "Midge" doll--"Midge is okay, but Barbie's prettier".
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