Posted on 02/17/2002 12:04:34 AM PST by OKCSubmariner
Hashim Alhussaini
14602 Stone Range Dr
Centreville , VA (703) 815-1220
Mohammed Alhussaini
5826 Trenton St
Detroit , MI (313) 849-4659
Muaid Alhussaini
6410 Orchard Ave
Dearborn , MI (313) 582-1081
Suaad Alhussaini
1243 Bay Area Blvd
Houston , TX (281) 990-8330
At least two or more Iraqis with the name Hussaini were brought to the US along with several thousand other Iraqis after the Gulf War by HW Bush with the later help of William CLinton. Many of these Iraqis served in Saddam Hussein's elite Republican Guard. I wonder how many of the Iraqis on your list also served in the Iraqi Republican Guard?
Michael Reagan has reported on his radio program that several of these Iraqis brought to the US comitted rapes,murders and robberies.
There is a group of ten Iraqis in an Iraqi mob that have been identified by the Federal terrorism task force in OKC but nothing has been done about them.
HW Bush and the CIA worked closely with Iraqi Isan Barbouti to acquire and transfer materials and technology for weapons of mass destruction to Iraq prior to the Gulf War and this included technology from OKC (TK7 rocket fuel booster). THe HWBush transfers are in the Congressional Record, read into the Record by Congressman Henry Gonzales. These have been posted on the FreeRepublic this year. Isan Barbouti's son Heider Barbouti of Houston Texas (IBI company) allegedly helped the Iraqi Alhussini after the OKC bombing according to an attorney and reporter close to the OKC bombing case.
Paul Bedard, editor of the Washington Whispers column for the US NEws and World Report, wrote that last year top Pentagon officials told him that McVeigh was an Iraqi agent found with Iraqi phone numbers in his possession. Bedard said the Pentagon was upset with what they believed was a coverup by the FBI of the Iraqi connection. At one time Bedard told me the original source of the information about McVeigh and Iraq came from Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz.
According to court documents, one of McVeigh's associates, Dennis Mahon, at the OK compound of Elohim City was paid thousands of dollars by the Iraqis before the OKC bombing.
The former ME operations chief for CIA counterterrorism, Vincent Cannistraro, told the FBI that the head of Saudi Intelligence told Cannistrao on the day of the OKC bombing (after it happened) that Sadddam Hussein had paid seven Pasistanis (ISI close to BIn LAden) to help do the OKC bombing. This is in Stephen Jones and David Hoffman's books on the OKC bombing.
There is a well established Hamas cell in OKC that is believed to have helped Alhussaini and the Iraqis. The same Hamas cell sponsored a terror conference in 1992 attended by former CNN reporter and terror expert Steve Emerson who produced the video "Jihad in America".
Emerson claimed that at the OKC conference the Hamas terrorists discussed plans for the first and all subsequent attacks on the WTC. To this day the FBI has not moved against this Hamas cell which has ties to the Holy Land Foundation in Dallas represented by GW Bush attorneys. The FBI have told local news not to even report on the existence of the Hamas cell in OKC even though their presence with bomb experts was publicly confirmed in May 1995 by the former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Dave McCurdy, in his letter which was published in the Oklahoma Gazette.
In Dallas, the FBI and FBI SAC Danny Defenbaugh (Inspector for the OKC bomb task force) have been tracking members of Bin Laden's terrrorists, AlQaeda, connected to the Hamas cell, the OKC bombing and the 9/11 hijacker pilots since at least 1998. Some of the pilots like Atta (met with the Iraqis in Praque and paid by the Pakistani ISI)were trained near OKC in flight schools known about in detail by the FBI since 1999.
The head of the US MArshals, Eduardo Gonzales, put out an alert on MArch 25, 1995 to all US MArshals at all Federal Buildings (including the bombed Murrah building in OKC) for a ME assisted attack due to a Fatwah issued in conjunction with the holding of defendents in the first WTC attacks which were planned in the OKC Hamas sponsored conference in 1992. The alert was described in an article by Robert Rudolf in the Newark Star Ledger in March 1995. The Federal judge in OKC,Wayne Alley, was warned by the US Marshals, stayed away from the Federal building in OKC after April 4, 1995 and had his granchildren taken out of the Murrah building day care center. The Alley story was reported in an interview Alley gave to the Oregoinan newspaper in 1995.
I go with 2.
I would also wager that TWA 800 and the Centennial Park bombing at the Atlanta Olympics come under the same cover-up.
Here's a link to the story on DoD officials who are aware of this possibility - McVeigh's Ghost - Top Pentagon Officials Say Iraq Involved in OKC Bombing
has anybody ever dug up and posted the Newark Star Ledger article by Robert Rudolf?
Newark Star Ledger archives are fee based.
The story, by Star-Ledger correspondent Robert Rudolph, continued:
The Star-Ledger has learned that U.S. law enforcement officials have received a warning that a "fatwa," a religious ruling similar to the death sentence targeting author Salmon Rushdie, has been issued against federal authorities as a result of an incident during the trial last year of four persons in the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York.The disclosure was made in the confidential memorandum issued by the U.S. Marshals Service in Washington calling for stepped-up security at federal facilities throughout the nation ....
According to the memo, the information about the threat was obtained from an unidentified "informed source" who said the death sentence was specifically directed against U.S. Marshals Service personnel....
The Marshals Service memo said the agency believes that "there is sufficient threat potential to request that a heightened level of security awareness and caution be implemented at all Marshals Service-protected facilities nationwide."
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