Posted on 10/18/2001 10:47:46 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
'Arab terrorists'
crossing border
Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico
By J. Zane Walley
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.comCOCHISE COUNTY, Ariz. -- The U.S.-Mexican border here is the most heavily used corridor for illegal alien traffic on America's southern boundary. With its difficult topography that is folded, creased and convoluted, it is a land that yields well to smuggling. The Huachuca, Chiricahua, Dragoon and Whetstone Mountains are riddled with hundreds of deep canyons, caves and arroyos that offer superb concealment for the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that annually cross here.
The numbers of unauthorized immigrants smuggled across this porous border dumbfound the imagination. To date, the U.S. Border Patrol has apprehended 158,782 illegals in 2001. By the Border Patrol's own admission, it catches one alien in five, and admits that around 800,000 have slipped across the U.S. line this year. The local ranchers, who have been watching the border for several generations, strongly disagree. They contend the agency only nets one in 10, and estimate that in 2001 over 1.5 million unlawful immigrants have crossed into America in what the Border Patrol calls the Tucson Sector.
Many border ranch-owners are validly apprehensive of speaking about their desperate situations because of likely retribution by narco-militarists (drug runners) and coyotes (smugglers of humans). Unsolved murders and arsons are alarmingly ordinary in Cochise County, so pure fear keeps locals from speaking on the record.
Line of illegals moving across a ranch on the Cochise County, Ariz.-Mexican border. Photo by Donald Barnett, Bisbee, Ariz.The foot traffic is so heavy that the backcountry has the ambience of a garbage dump and smells like an outdoor privy. In places, the land is littered a foot deep with bottles, cans, soiled disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, panties, clothes, backpacks, human feces, used toilet paper, pharmacy bottles and syringes (the drug runners inject stimulants to keep their energy up).
U.S. Border Patrol agents are doing the best they can, considering their sparse numbers and the impossible terrain they patrol in four-wheel-drive vehicles, quad-runners and on foot. Agents of the Border Patrol have their other fears besides being ambushed by rock-chucking illegals and confrontations with assault-rifle-armed narcos: They are not allowed to speak about what they cope with each day.
As one agent who spoke anonymously said, "Look, I can tell you a lot of stories, but I have to remain unnamed or I will be blackballed and might lose my job." Then, worriedly, he added, "I have a family depending on me."
Another agent, of supervisory rank, stated, "The smuggling traffic of Mexicans has really slowed. We are experiencing a tremendous increase in OTMs" border lingo for "other than Mexicans." When queried about the ethnic make up of the OTMs, he answered, "Central and South Americans, Orientals and Middle-Easterners." Middle-Easterners? "Yeah, it varies, but about one in every 10 that we catch, is from a country like Yemen or Egypt."
Border Patrol spokesperson Rene Noriega stated that the number of other-than-Mexican detentions has grown by 42 percent. Most of the non-Mexican migrants are from El Salvador and other parts of Central America, she said, but added that agents have picked up people from all over the world, including the former Soviet Union, Asia and the Middle East.
Pick-up truck load of mixed-nationality illegals destined for Tucson or Phoenix, Ariz. Once in those cities, an organized pipeline disburses them across America. The "trucking" is generally handled by street gangs. Photo by Donald Barnett, Bisbee, Ariz.Arabs have been reported crossing the Arizona border for an unknown period. Border rancher George Morgan encounters thousands of illegals crossing his ranch on a well-used trail. He relates a holiday event: "It was Thanksgiving 1998, and I stepped outside my house and there were over a hundred 'crossers' in my yard. Damnedest bunch of illegals I ever saw. All of them were wearing black pants, white shirts and string ties. Maybe they were hoping to blend in," he chuckled. "They took off, I called the Border Patrol, and a while later, an agent, Dan Green, let me know that they had caught them. He said that they were all Iranians."
According to Border Patrol spokesperson Rob Daniels, "Ten Egyptians were arrested recently near Douglas, Arizona. Each had paid $7,000 to be brought from Guatemala into Mexico and then across the border."
According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, hours after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, an anonymous caller led Mexican immigration agents to 41 undocumented Iraqis waiting to cross into the United States.
The Associated Press reported that Mexican immigration police detained 13 citizens of Yemen on Sept. 24, 2001, who were reportedly waiting to cross the border into Arizona. The Yemenis were arrested Sunday in Agua Prieta, across the border from Douglas. Luis Teran Balaguer, assistant head of immigration in the northern state of Sonora, said, "The evidence indicates that they have nothing to do with terrorist activities."
Group of unauthorized immigrants take a rest break on a trail that winds across the Barnett ranch near Douglas, Ariz. Amateur photographer Donald Barnett alerted the Border Patrol and was there for the bust. He noted, "There were people in this batch from Brazil, Salvador, Costa Rica and some Arab countries."The Agua Prieta, Mexico newspaper, El Ciarin, clearly did not agree with Balaguer's assessment. The editor, Jose Noriega Durazo, claimed in a front-page El Ciarin headline, "ESTUVIERON AQUI TERRORISTAS ARABES!" (The Arab terrorists were here!) El Ciarin quoted Agua Prieta police officials as identifying the 13 Yemenis as terrorists. Reportedly, the Mexican immigration police returned the Yemenis to a federal detention center near Mexico City, but new information would indicate that they were "released" and returned to Agua Prieta.
Carlos X. Carrillo, assistant chief U. S. Border Patrol, Tucson Sector, told WorldNetDaily in a telephone interview Monday that nine Yemenis were reportedly holed up in a hotel in the border town of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, across the border from Douglas, Ariz.
"We have passed this tip to the FBI," said Carrillo.
When pressed for more information, he said he could not confirm the number of OTMs or Middle-Easterners apprehended while crossing the American/Mexican border. "We are under OP/SEC and cannot divulge this," the chief said. (OP/SEC is a counter-intelligence acronym for operations security.)
A Border Patrol field patrol agent, who spoke anonymously, confirmed the presence of the nine Yemenis. The agent said, "They can't get a coyote to transport them and they are offering $30,000 per person with no takers."
On Oct. 12, a Mexican national, associated with the hotel in Agua Prieta, abandoned it and moved to Arizona -- to hide out. Speaking on condition of anonymity, he told WND: "There were 13 Arabs there when I left. They were paying the coyotes 30 to 50,000 bucks, apiece, to transport them safely into the U.S. I became so frightened I left. They are genuinely bad hombres." Since Carrillo had reported only nine Arabs at the hotel, it is unclear if the missing five Yemenis made it into the U.S. as reported.
Like most ranching families on the Arizona-Mexico border, the Winklers live behind protective bars. "We are having steel gates like this made for all our doors." says Doris Winkler as she peers through an armored entrance. "We never know what kinda of people will try to bust in our home." Photo provided by the Paragon Foundation.Potential terrorists, stealing across the border, had been predicted well in advance of the World Trade Center disaster. In a May 1, 2000, Report to Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, the General Accounting Office reported, "Alien smuggling is a significant and growing problem. Some are smuggled as part of a criminal or terrorist enterprise that can pose a serious threat to U.S. national security."
Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., in an Oct. 9 speech to the House of Representatives, stated, "It's almost incredible to recognize, as part of the overall strategy this government is going to employ to deal with the issue of terrorism, that we would not concentrate heavily on securing our borders and try to do everything humanly possible to stop people, who have evil intent, from coming into the United States."
Terrorists are well aware that the 4,000-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico is easy to cross, with its vast unmonitored stretches. Their crossing directly into Arizona is of special concern. Arizona appears to have been the home of a "sleeper cell" of Osama bin Laden's worldwide terrorist organization, with a select group of operatives living quietly in bland apartment complexes and obtaining flight training, in preparation for the Sept. 11 attack. The organization's known history in the state goes back nine years. Terror experts say the activities of at least three part-time Arizona residents fit the pattern of the al-Qaida terrorist network.
Sealing the border is a daunting task. Perhaps the most valuable asset that the Border Patrol has is the aid of rural Cochise County citizens. Many have attempted to help, in accordance with Arizona law. Through that legal process, landowners may execute a citizen's arrest for individuals or groups trespassing on their property. However, even that has been nullified. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, backed by the American and Mexican media, have characterized citizens who have legally detained aliens as "racist xenophobic vigilantes."
Not a cattle or game trail, but a well-defined human path across the IGO ranch. Photo provided by the Paragon Foundation.Rural citizens here have met with savage recriminations for exerting their legal rights. Immigration advocacy groups howl in protest, as does the Mexican government. Their lawyers have demanded that the ranchers be prosecuted for false arrest, kidnapping, intimidation, criminal assault and violation of civil rights anything lawyers can come up with to advance their clients' interests. Illegal immigrants have now sued some Cochise County citizens in American courts.
Ben Anderson, a retired U.S. Army colonel who lives in Sierra Vista, Ariz., has made a detailed study of the border danger since the flood of illegals began through Cochise County in 1997.
"There is only one way to handle this," the colonel says firmly. "In a world now filled with biowarfare agents, backpack nuclear devices and chemical weapons like Sarin gas, we must militarize the border. There is no other way to stop the flow."
Reporter's personal note: "I do not see how the folks living along this border keep going. I am a former U.S. Marine sergeant, and yet the presence of so much apparent violence spooked me. In researching this story, I went backcountry on quad-runners with a goodly couple, Larry and Toni Vance. The first thing they asked me was if I brought a sidearm. When I said, 'no,' they promptly gave me a wheel-gun to strap on. To tell you the truth, that lump of metal was comforting. It's not wise to travel unarmed in a war zone."
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J. Zane Walley is a spokesman for the Paragon Foundation, Alamogordo, N.M., which made this article possible. The Paragon Foundation is "dedicated to preserving the constitutional principles established by the Founding Fathers." Citing Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, Paragon notes: "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union, a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion." The Paragon Foundation can also be reached at 1-877-847-3443.
For Education And Discussion Only. Not For Commercial Use.
I know this was meant in jest but personally I'm not in favor of giving the illegal mexicans a d@mn thing except a hard kick in the @ss.
I much prefer telling corporations like Chrysler who moved their truck production to Mexico that we are going to slap a 150% import duty on their mexican made trucks until the Mexican gvn't seals their own border and cooperates in shutting down the illegal traffic.
Also we should deport all captured illegal mexicans to Haiti, not Mexico..that may give them a reason to rethink their desire to sop up our largess.
Amnesty measure is priority in House
Bush lobbying U.S. Congress on amnesty for Mexican illegals
Texas Illegals Get Tuition Break
Houston Community College to admit (illegal) immigrants at same tuition as Texans
California - In-State Tuition OKd for Migrants
295 Students in National Guard Denied Tuition Aid [NYS ran out of money for qualified, new guards]
Court Says INS Must Free Immigrant Ex-Cons
Immigrant aid program gets federal boost
Cal. Assembly passes immigrant care bill
Kolbe to introduce bill to pay hospitals for immigrant care
If you were running for office, how'd you like to have a million extra voters on your side?
Unions Push (Illegal) Immigrant Labor Rights
[Los Angeles] Council calls for [ILLEGAL] immigrant rights
Democrats hail Bush's immigrant-amnesty plan
Food stamps for immigrants is 'troubling'
Bush's food stamp plan called ethnic pandering
Bush blasts anti-immigrant forces .....wants more immigration
"You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror."
George W. Bush - Source
This is not just a war on terrorism
Iraqi reportedly smuggled hundreds from Middle East across Mexican border
The New York Times
Oct. 25, 2001 10:05:00
EL PASO - An Iraqi-born smuggler led hundreds of illegal immigrants from the Middle East across the Mexican border into the United States in the 1990s, prosecution documents filed in a federal conspiracy trial here say.
The Iraqi, George Tajirian, who forged an alliance with a Mexican immigration officer, smuggled Palestinian, Jordanian, Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni and other undocumented immigrants through Mexico and into the United States, sending them to wade across the Rio Grande or pass border checkpoints with counterfeit travel documents from Greece, Mexico and other nations, the prosecutors said.
Tajirian appears to have had no political or other agenda, and prosecutors have provided no evidence that any of the people smuggled by him had terrorist ties. But prosecutors said he had paid little heed to whether his clients were criminals, merely raising his smuggling fees when he became aware of such complications.
The record of prosecution proceedings against Tajirian and Angel Molina Paramo, the Mexican official who prosecutors say was a major confederate, suggest that the Mexican border has been a thoroughfare for hundreds of Middle Eastern migrants crossing illegally into the United States.
Tajirian, who is a naturalized Mexican citizen, was arrested in Miami in 1998, pleaded guilty to smuggling undocumented foreigners in a plea agreement that erased conspiracy and other charges, and is serving a 13-year sentence. Molina was extradited to Texas this spring. A federal judge here accepted his guilty plea last week, also the result of a plea bargain, and sentencing is set for next month. Tajirian's wife, who is a Mexican citizen, and a fourth suspect, a Lebanese woman who ran Tajirian's travel agency in Quito, Ecuador, are fugitives.
The documents pertaining to Tajirian's smuggling operations were presented to the court as part of the case against Molina and the two fugitives. Among the documents was one in which prosecutors said they collected evidence on 132 illegal immigrants Tajirian smuggled into the United States from 1996 through 1998.
The prosecutors estimated that since he began to build his smuggling organization in 1980 he had led more than 1,000 Middle East natives across the southwest frontier.
Tajirian showed "no scruples" in deciding whom he would smuggle into the United States, Assistant U.S. Attorney J. Brandy Gardes wrote in a brief before Tajirian's sentencing in 1998. One citizen of Yemen whom Tajirian brought to the U.S. in December 1997 was wanted for genocide in South Yemen, the prosecutors said. Tajirian, the prosecutors said, was aware of this and, accordingly, raised his fee. A Syrian native who was smuggled across the frontier in September 1996 had a criminal record in Germany.
"The tightening of our borders and our internal security," Gardes wrote, "is a priority and the desire of the American public. The defendant's criminal activity, through its sheer magnitude and cavalier attitude, struck deeply at these goals."
In documents presented to the court, prosecutors said Tajirian routinely charged clients $10,000 to $15,000 or more. They documented earnings of $230,000 from 1996 through 1998, and estimated that he grossed as much as $2 million during that period. Prosecutors say Tajirian is 60 years old. He says he is 70.
Statistics gathered by the Immigration and Naturalization Service suggest that citizens from countries with majority Islamic populations seek to gain entry to the United States illegally much more frequently at the Canadian border. Last year, American agents detained 254 undocumented immigrants, from 16 Middle Eastern countries, Sudan, Pakistan and Malaysia, at Canadian border checkpoints, according to the INS statistics.
By contrast, at the Mexican border, agents detained 90 undocumented immigrants last year from countries with majority Islamic populations: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan and Pakistan. The Mideast migrants were moving in a human tide that was overwhelmingly Latin. Some 99.9 percent of the 1.64 million undocumented immigrants detained at the southwest border last year were from Mexico and 16 other Latin countries.
The documents presented here detail more than any other case the nature of the smuggling pipeline by which illegal Middle Eastern immigrants cross the Southwestern border.
Tajirian, who was born in Baghdad, came to the United States and settled in Detroit, where he was convicted in the late 1970s for illegal possession of visas and served eight months in prison. Almost immediately after his release, Tajirian began building his smuggling network, prosecutors said.
He recruited Middle Eastern clients in Jordan, Syria, Palestine and Greece, the prosecutors said, and he established travel agencies in Havana and Mexico City as well as Quito. In a typical smuggling transaction, Tajirian would recruit his clients, arrange lodging for them in Greece, Havana, Quito and Mexico City, and eventually arrange for local smugglers in northern Mexico to bring them into the United States, usually at El Paso or Laredo in Texas or through Tijuana, south of San Diego.
Bush Issues Veto Threat for Mexican Truck Ban
Bush Determined to Let Mexican Long-Haul Trucks on U.S. Roads
Bush to Open Country to Mexican Truckers
This Should answer ALL of your quesions regarding Pres. Bush's Mexico / Canada border policy
Tom Ridge seeks 'fast lane' on US-Mexico border / Mexico pushes for Continental integration
U.S. Security Chief Says Mexico Border Control Outdated-Proposes Express Route For Low risk Crossers
Ashcroft Warns of Terrorism by Truck
The next wave of attacks will come from truck bombs
U.S. Encourages Immigration From Terror-Sponsor States
Human Events
By Joseph A. D'Agostino
The Week of October 1, 2001
The U.S. State Department runs a quota system designed to encourage immigration from all seven countries on the departments own terrorist watch list.
The "Diversity Immigrant Visa Program" has the goal of issuing highly prized permanent residence visas to 50,000 foreign nationals from countries that send relatively few immigrants to the United States. These visas are specifically designed to increase the diversity of the U.S. immigrant pool and are in addition to the employment- and family-based permanent visas that are granted each year.
All seven of the nations listed by the State Department as "state sponsors of international terrorism"Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Sudanare included in the program. "This was a program created by Congress," said a State Department official, and "1995 was the first year we had it."
Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which requires the State Department to run the program, was sponsored by Sen. Teddy Kennedy (D.-Mass.) in 1990 and signed into law by President George Bush.
Countries that have sent 50,000 or more immigrants to the United States in the last five years, such as Britain, Canada, mainland China, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, Pakistan, and the Philippines, are excluded from the program.
Applicants to the diversity program "still have to meet the same requirements as other applicants for permanent residence visas," a State Department official said. "Those requirements include copies of police records, interviews."
The application requirements, the official said, enable State to screen out dangerous people such as terrorists. "No one country may have more than 7% of the visas, but there is no minimum," she said. "No country is guaranteed to be able to have applicants approved under this program." Applicants enter a lottery each year, she said. Requirements include a high school diploma or a history of skilled work experience.
Thirteen million people filed applications for the 50,000 slots available next year. Of these, three million applications were ruled invalid. Of the ten million remaining, 1,703 people from Iran were awarded visas, 117 from Iraq, 67 from Syria, 26 from Libya, 757 from Cuba, none from North Korea, and 1,820 from Sudan.
Rep. Tom Tancredo (R.-Colo.), chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, had already introduced legislation to abolish the program before the September 11 attacks. Now he says he will include its abolition in the immigration reform package he plans to introduce after the House has passed the Presidents anti-terrorism package. He said he expects that it will be difficult to get this reform package to the House floor.
Jack Martin, special projects director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), said he doubts that terrorists use the diversity immigrant visa program because obtaining permanent residence visas is such a long process that includes a more thorough background check than that involved in getting a temporary visa (for business, tourism, or study).
© Human Events, 2001
Let's repeat that. "After" the World Trade Center attack. "Between late October and December 1, the State Department granted nonimmigrant U.S. visas to at least 7,000 men from countries in which al Qaeda is active."
Preparing for The Next Pearl Harbor Attack (re: Homeland Security)
Legalizing millions of illegal immigrants in the US is tantamount to legalizing illegal immigration into the US!!
The issue of the White House backing legal immigration from Mexico and legalizing illegal immigrants from Mexico is what cost the White House backed candidate Riordan the primary election for governor in California last week. Californians are already overloaded with a tax burden to support illegals in schools and welfare. They voted for Simon, the conservative candidate that spoke out against the White House bad immigration policies and proposals endorsed by Riordan.
They also know that terrorists come in through Mexico into California who could blow up LA or poison food and water there with small pox, anthrax, chemicals, and dirty radiation bombs.
In my opinion the Bush administration is either stupid or hypocritical or both for promoting the very immigration that aides and abets the terrorists coming into the US that the administration claims they are trying to stop by having Americans give up more of their freedoms.
The Bush immigration policies and proposals in my opinion end up being a game of "chicken" played with the safety of Americans. Bush sends in NEST and Delta Force teams to search for nuclear devices the very cities that Bush allows terrorists to enter with the nuke devices because of his bad immigration policies and proposals. INS has admitted the INS can not keep track of all the legal or illegal immigrants or students or workers with visas allowed into the US some of whom can easily (and have been) terrorists coming through Mexico and Canada. Bush immigration policies and legalization of illegals would absolutely swamp an undermanned INS, the border patrol and the FBI and CIA making it impossible to adequately screen these people for terrorists.
I hope that Bush is not so stupid as to deliberately allow terrorists with weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) come into the US as immigrants from Mexico so the FBI and CIA can follow them around and to catch them just in time before they release WMDs?? The FBI and CIA say they tried this failed approach with their informant Ali Mohammed (set up Alqaeda cells in US for Bin Laden to do WTC and Kenyan and Tanzanian attacks) and Mohammed Atta (9/11 hijacker pilot the FBI followed since before 1999 in the US).
Louis Freeh bragged before COngress in May 1995 that the FBI was allowing and helping known Abu Nidal terrorists to enter the US with student visas (the FBI took advantage of a weak and overloaded INS in my opinion) so they could track their movements for years into Abu Nidal cells in Dallas , LA and Virginia. Abu Nidal met with Saddam Hussein and Hezbollah and ALQaeda and Islamic Jihad representatives twice last year to coordinate and cooperate on a global scale.
Danny Defenbaugh the SAC of the FBI in Dallas had the FBI follow AlQaeda cell members (including Bin Laden's secretary el Hage and Ali Mohammed) in and out of Dallas for years starting in 1997 using Dallas police officers.
The problem with these failed policies of following these terrorists around for years without arresting or deporting them is that the FBI and CIA lose track of them and get double crossed (so they claim, but they keep on with the same failed policies anyway). Abu Nidal (3 cells according to Freeh), AlQaeda (5 cells according to Bob Woodward of the Wash Post) and Hamas (OKC cell who planned the 1993 and 2001 WTC attacks) cells are still allowed to operate in the US so the CIA can follow them around and but then lose track of them right before their next terror attack with WMDs.
Part of the world government plan according to their proponents is to eliminate sovereign national borders at any cost by open immigration (and making illegals legal) so long as they can monitor your every move with precision (national/international ID card) and you pay a global tax to pay for it. One theory is that using terrorists to infiltrate as immigrants (made legal) into the US is a way to keep a loaded gun pointed at US citizens to coerce them into giving up more freedoms, their borders and for accepting a global tax and world government for their protection(?).
From: Ranch Rescue Texas (Jack Foote)
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 5:22 PM
To: David Stoddard (Mr. Dave Stoddard is a former Border Patrol Agent 29 year service)
Subject: ALARMING Info, please pass it along
I am not one to be an alarmist, so please take what follows very seriously.
About an hour ago, at about 0930 Texas time on Saturday 9 Mar 2002, one of our members, who I know to be a reliable source, phoned me at home from Georgia with some alarming information. He is an attorney who has the ear of a high-level INS official in his state, and . The INS guy told our member to let the members of Ranch Rescue know about this.
The following has not been made public for obvious reasons. The jail space in Georgia is full, mostly with aliens, many of whom are of Middle Eastern origin. The INS cannot beg, borrow, or steal jail space from anywhere in the state right now. The INS official's description of the FBI was "panicked". They know that something big is about to happen.
Cochise County, Arizona was mentioned by name as the source for the sudden influx of Middle Eastern aliens. . The number of Middle Eastern aliens that are being caught in Cochise County has skyrocketed, but the BP and the INS are deliberately concealing the numbers for fear of a public panic. This appears to be an army being put in place within the USA, using Cochise County as the conduit. The FBI's analysis is that there is an event coming that will be larger than 9-11, but they don't have any way of stopping it. The event will most likely be someplace other than Cochise County, but that's the route these terrorists are using to get into the USA. The immediate threat is to the landowners in the rural parts of Cochise County, as the feeling is that the terrorists that are coming across right now are very determined and well-funded. They ain't coiming here to work at the car wash, Mildred. Any landowner who happens to run across these types is going to face a very real threat.
These aliens are well-funded enough to have begun a widespread campaign of buying up real property, both in the border areas and elsewhere, using quick-claim deeds to avoid having the transaction become visible to the government. They are avoiding the usual taxes associated with real estate transactions by foreign nationals, and thus avoiding official scutiny.
There exists right now a very real danger to the rural landowners in Cochise County, as well as a threat to the rest of the USA from the large numbers of aliens that are coming through that county. Where this is heading I do not know, but I assure you that it means that something big is coming.
For our Good, of course.
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