I don’t understand your need to run me down as a Free Creature for making true statements about non tax payment by some large corporations, and Buffets comment on our tax system. I’m sure a number of these corporations which are paying no tax, are NOT making up for it by selling stock and paying Capital Gains tax. It almost sounds as if you have a need to defend large corporations which are well defended by their lawers and CFOs.
I’m not running you down. OK? Buffet’s comments were inaccurate and misleading. But I have no personal animus against anyone. Buffet is in the business of buying and selling equity. When he or his corporation makes a capitol gain, he pays capitol gains tax. The corporations whose stock he buys and sells pay income tax at the corporate rate, which is lower than the personal rate, because the employees, both great and small, pay personal income tax working for this corporation, and the stockholders pay personal income tax on the dividends they receive, if any.
I’m not “defending” a corporation, I’m just stating facts, which are stubborn things, as am I. If you are so certain that there are these corporations who supposedly don’t pay any tax, give me their names. Then we can both argue about facts, rather than our respective intentions and motivations.