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Joe Biden Can’t Be President ^ | MAY 3, 2020

Posted on 05/03/2020 8:32:00 AM PDT by Helicondelta

The latest evidence comes from his Morning Joe interview. While everyone focused on the Tara Reade issue, this sequence went mostly unnoticed. Biden claimed that 600,000 Americans had been killed by the coronavirus–off by a factor of ten. He repeated the claim twice before Joe Scarborough gently corrected him:

Maybe Biden isn’t following the news these days. Maybe spending his entire adult life in Washington has dulled his mind to numbers. (Billion, trillion, who can tell the difference?) Whatever the cause, Biden’s oft-demonstrated mental vacancy disqualifies him from the presidency.

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To: JusPasenThru

I’ve been saying this too. Sorry for what she went through but Tara Reade doesn’t matter. The press is now latching onto Tara Reade because they know they will be able to dismiss her case but in the meantime, they are using it as a red herring to mask the cognitive disabilities of old blowhard Joe while quietly hoping the DNC comes up with a new plan.

41 posted on 05/03/2020 9:43:26 AM PDT by Hatteras
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To: USS Alaska

Ask him if he believes in Open Borders like all good Democrats do.

If he says yes, offer to help him take all the Exterior Doors off his House and make a sign to put in his front yard that says, Bienvenidos, mi Casa es su Casa.

42 posted on 05/03/2020 9:48:40 AM PDT by Kickass Conservative (Kill a Commie for your Mommy.)
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To: Helicondelta

43 posted on 05/03/2020 9:48:49 AM PDT by Bon mots
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To: rx

I knew the fix was in when both Rush and Glenn Beck went on a jihad against any caller who raised the subject.
They got to everybody.

44 posted on 05/03/2020 9:49:11 AM PDT by Lurkinanloomin (Natural Born Citizens Are Born Here of Citizen Parents_Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
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To: Hojczyk

It will be O’s 3rd term with ANY black VP.

45 posted on 05/03/2020 9:52:16 AM PDT by Does so (Call it the CCP-virus...The Corona-virus dies in Summer's sunlight! But next spring's Chinese virus?)
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To: Helicondelta
Not sure if it is old age setting in or that has lied for so long he expects everyone to believe his words.

Lies, more lies and damn liar.

46 posted on 05/03/2020 9:53:42 AM PDT by eartick (Stupidity is expecting the government that broke itself to go out and fix itself. Texan for TEXIT!)
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To: Enlightened1

“Here comes Hillary.”


Not a chance. She’s got more baggage than a chinese suitcase factory. She’s still officially under investigation for the 30K emails. The Steele dossier (fusion gps, etc). The Benghazi disaster. The 2016 election circus (coughs, passes out, spazzes out, has some anonymous black doctor follow her with on-the-fly drug injections, calls Trump a Russian asset, D. Brazille gives her town hall questions in advance, L.Lynch meets Bill on the airport tarmac, she owns the DNC, Uranium one... She steals funds from the Haitian people. The corrupt clinton foundation.

I don’t know how many people have forgot about just the stuff i mentioned...but if i remember, i guarantee a whole lot of others do also. She will never hold any political office in the USA ever again.

47 posted on 05/03/2020 10:07:44 AM PDT by know.your.why ( If love is blind then marriage is an institution for the blind)
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To: KarlInOhio
Here comes Hillary. Riding in on her pale horse.

This Hillary?

Or this Hillary?

48 posted on 05/03/2020 10:09:31 AM PDT by BwanaNdege ( Experience is the best teacher, but if you can accept it 2nd hand, the tuition is less!)
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To: Helicondelta

Isn’t mental vacancy a requirement for the democrat party.

49 posted on 05/03/2020 10:11:00 AM PDT by Vaduz (women and children to be impacIQ of chimpsted the most.)
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To: Helicondelta

The Demorats and liberal have repeatedly stated and loudly....”ANYONE” but Trump”.

Therefore to expect them to even care if Biden’s sane or not makes no difference. They’d vote for “ANYONE” but Trump.

50 posted on 05/03/2020 10:16:13 AM PDT by caww
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To: caww

Biden bragged to the CFR that he has spent more time in the private office of China’s Xi Jinping than any other US official. There are no records of what was discussed since the only other person in the room was Xi’s interpreter.

What plans were discussed to trade US sovereignty and economic growth for empty promises of “democratization” and human rights in China? Will Biden ever be questioned on his 25 hours of private meetings with Xi or the 3 hours of phone calls he had with Ukraine’s President Poroshenko that lead to the firing of the prosecutor? Transcripts anyone? His infirmity is the least of the problems he presents to our country if he is elected.

51 posted on 05/03/2020 10:33:23 AM PDT by Dave Wright
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To: Lurkinanloomin; generally; rodguy911; All

“They got to everybody,” you say...[Rush, Beck, and...]

Butterdezillion wrote:

In early 2010 I requested from the Hawaii DOH copies of the transaction logs for Barack Obama’s computerized birth record (which would only show the actions taken by the HDOH, such as who entered the record and when, and when all and by whom it was accessed since then and why). I mentioned that this information is used if an audit is necessary so it has to exist, and after putting me through delays and excuses, they said they couldn’t disclose it because it would interfere with their duties.

About that time HDOH Director, Chiyome Fukino, pressured a HI state legislator to introduce the “Vexatious Requestor” bill to allow agencies to ignore some UIPA (HI’s FOIA) requests. Shortly after that US Rep. Neil Abercrombie resigned so he could manage his run for HI governor – an election he was expected to win easily – at a time when his vote was needed for Obamacare. It was his leaving that required the Obama regime to bribe Ben Nelson with the “Cornhusker Kickback”. For some reason, he desperately needed to be in HI making sure he got elected. At that time AZ was pushing a bill to require documentation of Presidential eligibility to be on the ballot, and as soon as Abercrombie was elected he appointed a different HDOH Director and boasted loudly that he was going to find a way to get Obama’s long-form disclosed (a claim that faltered when he told a HI reporter that he had been investigating to find Obama’s long-form and had actually found something written down in the archives…)

But below the surface in 2010 even more was happening, which I only became aware of last year. A whistleblower has come forward and in return for immunity has sworn in deposition that he was hired by John Brennan to hack the HDOH database so that Obama’s regime could alter the transaction logs and make it look like the record existed all along. Literally alter history (the written record), leaving no trace.

Between February and August of 2010 I made other requests of the HDOH and got documentation that showed some of the actual manipulation that was done to the HDOH database. The birth record for Virginia Sunahara had been removed from the database at the point that my request for a copy of it was processed, even though her birth is listed in the birth index and there is a long-form BC for her. And two guys who were adopted had their non-valid BC’s (having their birth names rather than their adoptive names) listed in the birth index, showing that the publicly-accessible birth index had been altered to include legally non-valid records.

In late July, I was put into contact with Terry Lakin’s legal team for his court-martial, because the evidence I had would overcome the presumption of regularity for the HDOH’s computerized records and force the actual ORIGINAL birth record to be scrutinized and examined for genuineness. The day after I was put into contact with Lakin’s team, the sheathing on the wiring of my husband’s van was removed, causing sparking near the engine which blew out all the electronics except the headlights, and could have caused an explosion of the engine. A few days later my daughter’s computer (which I was using because my own was not functioning properly) was hit with a Trojan and died. A few days after that Lakin’s judge decided that combat orders in a foreign country can be lawful even if a lawful Commander-in-Chief didn’t approve them; the CINC’s authorization is “irrelevant”.

Only somebody who was snooping on my computer would know that I had just been put into contact with Lakin’s team, and within two days my husband’s van was in danger of blowing up. The judge very shortly thereafter destroyed Lakin’s ability to even defend himself, by ruling that underlings can lawfully authorize foreign combat that Congress only allows to be authorized by the President. The man who has the power to snoop, make hits, and influence military judges – and who knows there is a reason all that was necessary - may well be the man who hired a hacker to get rid of the records that I requested: John Brennan, who oversaw the sanitization of Obama’s passport file through his company from Jan-March of 2008 and was rewarded for it by being appointed National Security Director.
Fast forward to 2013. In late November, if I recall correctly, Mike Zullo, head of AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse which has been investigating forgery and fraud for Obama’s birth certificate and draft registration form – with whom I have been and am working, announced on Carl Gallups’ radio program that they have “universe shattering evidence”. He was referring to this whistleblower, who revealed that Brennan had also hired him to hack the phone calls and emails of Joe Arpaio and Chief Justice John Roberts – along with 30,000 Arizonans, to hide that it was a political hit job. So, the regime was listening in on Sheriff Joe and by the fall of 2013 knew that he had a whistleblower who had sworn that he was paid to hack the HDOH database literally to alter history.

Then on Dec 11, 2013 the HDOH director – whom I had just exposed on my blog as being the critical piece in the fraud perpetrated by Obama’s people – supposedly died of fright (acute cardiac arrhythmia due to hyperventilation caused by fear of the water) after the Cessna she was flying in experienced catastrophic engine failure and ditched in the water. Immediately people questioned the timing, and there were discrepancies in the stories. I spent quite a bit of time researching, with the help of a pilot on Free Republic.

I stumbled my way into writing publicly about it, when I commented that I didn’t think the casket had Fuddy’s body in it. I was immediately hit by personal attacks beyond anything I had experienced before – especially by a “Zola” who submitted comments on my blog. My blog administration was hacked and the hacker played games with me in real time. Zola threatened to “get visuals” from my computer to try to prove I was a liar – which would require hacking my computer – and shortly after that I found out that an email in my “Sent” files only appeared to be the email I had sent; the headings were correct but when I clicked on it, the content of the “sent” email was not what I had sent . I had Bcc’d my colleague on the email when I sent it so I was able to get it back from him, and I took a photo of the computer screen showing what that email’s content had been changed to. I asked an IT-PhD friend of mine about that, and he said that’s not a virus/Trojan; that’s a hacker, and it seems that they hacked the actual ISP.

Zola threatened to bankrupt my family through libel lawsuits. She claimed to have unlimited money and time, and to be able to have an IT department at her beck and call (Does that sound a little bit like John Brennan’s people?). She falsely claimed that I had said I wanted to kill my children, and said she reported me to CPS and was going to have my children taken away. She said all kinds of things that I recognize as psyops. I told her it was a waste of time to read her comments so I wasn’t going to. Shortly after that “somebody” hacked my site’s blog administration and turned off email notifications and enabled anonymous commenting.

And then I did the unthinkable: I posted “What Do You See?” on YouTube – a video showing that I had saved the actual mp4 file of ABC’s footage of the Puentes video showing the Fuddy Crash, and slowed down the frames and brightened them up so people could see what was whizzing past. A bunch of people and equipment that should not have been there.

I’ve asked myself why Zola bothered to threaten me after hacking my blog administration and shutting off the email notifications for posts needing to be approved. Why threaten me if I wasn’t even going to see the threat? That piece of the puzzle fell into place when I learned that false-flag attackers—much like Islamist terrorists such as Osama bin Laden—give people a warning before attacking, thinking that the blame for the attack then falls on the one who failed to heed the warning, relieving the attackers of “bad karma”. A hostage-taker can say the hostage “asked for it” if they didn’t do as they were told, and the black-ops and mafia-type threats made to political opponents (or to media members such as Sean Hannity, Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings, Sharyl Attkisson, etc.) are a way of holding hostage those who could otherwise expose the crimes.

It’s an extremely effective psyop. Most people think that if you mind your own business no harm will befall you, so it’s your own fault if you take on the beast. As I type my husband is begging me to let this all go.

Contrast that with the American Founding Fathers’ deeply-held conviction that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that vigilance in “taking on the beast” is the only way that a just nation can survive. As I type it is Memorial Day; I have asked myself a thousand times whether this country deserves the price my family has paid. Did the mind-your-own-business-and-be-safe America, in the words from “Saving Private Ryan”, “Earn this”?

Those who know nothing of what I’ve been through chide me because I am a “crazy conspiracist” who believed the threats; those who do know chide me because I didn’t believe the threats. But the truth is, I never received them until it was too late. I was never meant to receive them. They were only sent in the first place to pay lip service to “karma”. I don’t know about karma, but I have a feeling that the Lord of the Universe is neither appeased nor amused.

The next day—unbeknownst to me because email notifications were turned off –Zola submitted a comment saying that I had gone too far; I was destroying my husband’s career and she was afraid there would have to be “job loses”. She said if I said anything more about the Fuddy crash she was going to go to the elders of the church where my husband is a pastor and tell them what an embarrassment I am with all my crazy talk.

Problem (for her) is that I don’t talk about my research in “real life”. The church people have no idea what I’m doing. That tactic would not work to get my husband “fired”.

But about 5 weeks after her threat my daughter, husband, and I all began showing what I now realize are signs of heavy metal poisoning. At about the same time some families in the church began complaining to our church body’s District President that Nathan (my husband) is incompetent. Eventually their push to get rid of Nathan involved withholding offerings so that Nathan would either quit or see the church go bankrupt. (It seems like the ringleader bought influence with the elders by putting more in the offering so they would give his complaints special consideration; I’d be interested to see where the money came from…)

From that point on, my 14-year-old daughter saw doctor after doctor dealing with effects that I now know are classic chronic arsenic symptoms. The specialists realized there was something compromising her system but couldn’t figure out what. And at the same time my husband’s brain function was going downhill.

In late November of 2016, a former SEAL and author said on this website that they have poisons that will administer slow doses and thus mimic medical conditions in such a way that you can’t prove it was poison. When he said that, things began to click into place. When my liver levels were elevated I asked my doctor if heavy metal poisoning could explain that. She said yes, and I realized I needed to find out what had been done to my family and me.

My husband qualifies as disabled now, with a full-scale IQ of 74 and Working Memory Index of 66. The neuropsychologist says it’s not Alzheimer’s and is most likely either frontotemporal dementia (which has since been ruled out by an MRI) or heavy metal poisoning. Nathan is in the process of going on disability and will resign his call to this congregation. It took just over a year for Zola’s threat of making my husband lose his job to be fulfilled.

In spite of home urine tests for arsenic that showed chronic levels of elevation in my husband and daughter, my husband’s urine tests by the GP showed not even a trace of anything. But a provoked urine test by a D.O. has shown the provoked levels of lead to be 24 times the unprovoked level. My daughter, Tabitha’s, was 13 times. Mayo Clinic says up to a 6-fold increase with a chelator is normal; higher than that indicates high lead exposure. So, these are high levels of lead that are stored in their body tissues. Tabitha also had above-reference levels of antimony, and both had thallium and cadmium as well.

Lead has two routes of exposure: inhalation and ingestion. I’ve tested the dust in our house and vehicles, and it is lead-free, so we are not inhaling lead. That leaves ingestion. I tested our water and it is lead-free. That pretty much leaves food. I tested several ceramic dishes and they are lead-free. So, it seems that the lead is in our food but not from leached lead in our dishes. Our other three children and I have not been tested yet so we don’t know if we’ve all been exposed. We’re trying to afford the tests.

After the question of poisoning had arisen, my husband mentioned that he had tried to call me one day last July, to tell me he thought he had been poisoned by something put into a can of soda-pop that he’d had at the church and taken with him and drunk in the car. He hadn’t been able to reach me at the time because my TracPhone was out of minutes. The bad taste he had wouldn’t be from lead, because lead has no taste unless it’s in paint chips, when it would be sweet. But we don’t know what other poisons might be in their bodies because their bodies’ ability to detoxify (push the poisons out in the urine) is compromised. The janitor at the church is the wife of the ringleader who sought to get rid of my husband; her sister-in-law began the push to get rid of him right around the same time as Zola’s threat.

Tabitha also had one morning during the summer of 2016 – before I had any suspicions of poisoning - where she woke up with a taste and sensation that led her to tell me that she thought she had been poisoned.

Zola is part of an online group called “The Fogbow”, which mocks “birthers”. Someone in that group saw me when I testified for Nebraska’s Eligibility Bill at a state legislative committee hearing in 2011. I had to give my name to testify, and Facebook had switched the default setting to “Public” without me realizing it because I never did anything with Facebook after my daughter set me up with it. So, they found out all about my family, my address, etc. and imagined what a terrible person I am. But one person there knew that my kids are Honor Roll students. The only way they could know that is if they live here or take the print version of the local paper. So, there is at least one Fogbow person–if not two–who is from around here or has connections to the area where I live.

And if this gets taken down, we may see how this website, too, has been “gotten to.”

52 posted on 05/03/2020 10:37:41 AM PDT by rx (Truth will out!)
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To: rx

And pelosi signed the verification of eligibility form which went to 50 secretaries of state to put him on the ballot.

53 posted on 05/03/2020 10:40:03 AM PDT by stuckincali
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To: stuckincali

Oh, indeed! There’s lots more. The question is whether, with the pressures exacted on media and the misinformation that’s constantly being fed to the public, will there be sufficient appetite to see the full story be exposed, explored, and prosecuted.

We’re far, far from that now, but mine is ever a prescription (rx) for hope. (Truth will out!)

54 posted on 05/03/2020 10:46:44 AM PDT by rx (Truth will out!)
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To: Dave Wright

Anything Biden says can’t be trusted....certainly not in his condition today.

55 posted on 05/03/2020 10:54:21 AM PDT by caww
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To: Helicondelta

Here’s something to think about.

The author, and Democrats in general, do not have to worry about Biden’s competency, or, for that matter, WHICH Democrat gets elected in November.

This is because, just as was true in November 2016, they had, and they will have, an entire shadow government ready to move into place on Inauguration Day. Hell, half of their people are probably serving in the Trump Administration right now.

The people who would have been in Hillary’s cabinet are standing by, ready to serve Biden or his replacement. They have been scheming THEIR ENTIRE LIVES to take power, and what to do with it when they get it.

It is said that an incoming President appoints 5000 officials to run and administrate the executive branch. I bet you that the names of 4500 of them are already known and vetted.

Donald Trumo and his team did not understand this at all. The day Jared Kushner was allowed to fire Chris Christie and Steve Bannon is the day the election of 2020 was in my opinion decided.

56 posted on 05/03/2020 10:57:38 AM PDT by Jim Noble (There is nothing racist in stating plainly what most people already know)
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To: Bon mots

“They will do a last minute switcheroo with a Cuomo/Obama ticket. Michelle Obama as VP. The Republicans will have wasted months damaging a sinking ship while a shining new, unblemished ship is preparing to sail out of port.”

They may well pull a switcheroo, but I don’t think the attacks on Biden have been a waste of time. And I’d hardly call Cuomo/Obama ticket new or unblemished. Just think of all of the wonderful Cuomo quotes there are on record. “America was never that great” being one. Trump being a former New Yorker likely has plenty of inside info on Cuomo and Cuomo has the distinction of presiding over the state worst hit by Wuhan virus—they’re going to start to ‘sanitize the subway system only now?

And besides making school lunches inedible what accomplishments does Michelle O bring to the ticket?

57 posted on 05/03/2020 11:03:36 AM PDT by hanamizu
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To: Helicondelta

Please, everyone lay off of Joe until after the nomination.

58 posted on 05/03/2020 11:08:16 AM PDT by Jeff Chandler (BLACK LIVES MAGA)
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To: Helicondelta

59 posted on 05/03/2020 11:10:24 AM PDT by dead (Trump puts crazy glue on their grenades and they never know it until after they pull the pin.)
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To: Helicondelta

Joe is is as dead as Ginsberg but the DNC will somehow pull a Trump state like Michigan or Pennsylvania to steal 2020. The fallback is to get back the Senate so Trump will be lame duck for 4 years.

60 posted on 05/03/2020 11:22:33 AM PDT by shanover (...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
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