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To: bray; All

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:21

When you blow away all the smoke, mirrors and pyrotechnics from the impeachment all that will be left is Uranium One. This entire three year Kabuki Theatre was nothing more than a smokescreen to cover the bribes Hillary and Barak received from Russia for our most rare and sensitive resource, uranium. Hunter Biden is simply a loose end who was getting a taste from some small players related to the Russian deal. At what point does his dad nod his head and let the cabal tidy him up.

The Russian/Ukraine scam was simply plan B for the cover-up of the sale of our Uranium to our biggest enemy on the planet, Russia. This is simply a grand plan to be used only if Hillary was not able to continue the most corrupt administration in the history of America. This was $150 million dollar scam on America in exchange for the most important strategic resource in the world making the Clintons and their associates very, very rich. After she became President everything would have continued to be hidden and she would become a multi-billionaire.

The Dems always want to talk about greed on Wall Street and the Banking or Insurance industries, but there is nothing more wealth building than corruption and graft inside Moscow on the Potomac. This hundred mile circle has made more millionaires per capita than any other city. Not from producing anything or providing services, but finding new and more devious ways to be bribed for scratching backs and nobody did it better than the Clintons.

The Clinton Foundation was set up supposedly for the purpose of being a charitable foundation and soon became a money laundry of massive proportions. The most direct payment is any charity which uses your name to promote funds pays you 15% directly for the use of your name. When you are talking about $150 million that is a quick $22.5 million legally and nobody knows how much more went out the back door.

This fund has over $3 Billion pledged to it according to the WaPo which is around $450 million for the Clinton’s name although it is questionable how many of those pledges will be met now. The greed of the Clintons is well documented so there is no question when she was offered the $20 million plus bonuses what she would do.

She then pulled every favor in the book and most likely arranged for numerous bribes to numerous Democrats including Barak Hussain and the deal was done. Obama was supposed to be a monumental move for the Dems taking America their way for decades so the entire city became part of the deal. The CIA and FBI were the dirty cops who swept this deal under the rug and any illegality was ignored as we gave our most dangerous resources to the Russians. There were numerous calls, texts and emails to Mueller and others in the FBI on her phones that needed destroying.

The entire DC establishment assumed Hillary would continue the nightmare, but a funny thing happened on the way to the coronation, Trump. It is not like they were not prepared, they had a plan B which was to frame Trump with a fake dossier to set him up if it was necessary. This was installed during the election by the media to establish the Russian connection if necessary.

Once she lost the election which she likely knew was a very real possibility a week before since they knew the real polls, not the ones given to the media. This is when they began the Russians stole the election fantasy. They installed all the pieces necessary to attempt a coup, but more importantly to protect the Clinton Family Laundry which was the funding mechanism for the DNC. It became all hands on deck from the FBI to the media to protect the Clintons in their time of need.

Now we see exactly what the entire operation looked like.
Everyone in DC is guilty from top to bottom on this scandal which looks bigger and bigger by the day. All of the scandals are incorporated into this one Clinton money grab. We now know what was in all of those destroyed e-mails and why she kept her own server to keep any record of Russian contact. There is no question now what the subject matter was and why this had to be hidden no matter what and why she had the server and computers wiped.

The FBI was deeply involved with the destruction of the evidence of the e-mails and hard drives as well as the hiding of the details of the Uranium One deal. The people who were in charge of the Federal Bureau of Incompetence were Mueller, Comey and Rosenberg who were desperate to hide their guilt in the treasonous sale of our uranium to the Russians. They found a way with the leaks of classified information as well as a pushing out of Sessions authority in the Justice Department and installing Rosenberg as the appointer of the Special Counsel.

Once Rosenberg chose Mueller for SC they knew they were home free as far as covering up their crimes and harassing President Trump. He would have unlimited power from that point on and had protection from any questions by Rosenberg as well as the DNC and ABDNCBS. The media would keep the investigation pointed at their despised President Trump. They are the biggest part of the Resistance movement and the Russian fraud was their ticket to an impeachment.

So now we have one of the most corrupt people inside the Beltway being passed off as objective and in the prime spot to hide his own guilt. He also is able to cover for his partner in crime Jim Comey. This is a scandal that goes from one end of DC to the other and is attached directly to Putin and the KGB. This is the deepest penetration inside our gummit we have ever seen and once again the DNC is using smoke and mirrors to hide their crimes. This operation was started before the Hillary loss and has been executed better than they could ever hope.

The entire scandal has been exposed and is becoming more and more clear who was involved and how deep. With the internet there is no hiding stories and scandals like the old days under Bill Clinton although they can still shape it on the Establishmedia. The problem for the establishment there is a new media which may take longer to get the truth out, it is persistent and better funded than before. This means soon everyone will hear how the pieces all go together as there is not multiple scandals but one interconnected from the Uranium One, e-mail erasing, FBI cover-up, dossier and now the corrupt Special Counsel.

The swamp is well stocked with old alligators like Nazi Pelosi and they are trying to eat the new gator hunter. You can bet all of Barr’s investigations keep heading to the same destination which is Uranium One. They are using all of their tricks and swamp fog to keep the moonshine stills running at full speed.

There is only one person standing in their way and he is freezing them with his spotlight which is why he was impeached. Problem for them is he or his voters don’t care about their Peachmint games. The fake Peach Fo Fi was only one more corrupt trick in their bag. Patriots are seeing a new day as the swamp is being exposed for what it is and how it works.

Nobody said it would be easy but the water is receding and the corrupt predators are losing their hiding spots as the rest of America is beginning to see Hunter, Hillary, Barak and their swamp for who they are and a shiny dome of Uranium is poking out of the mud.

Pray America wakes

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 12/22/2019 4:35:50 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (The prisons do not fill themselves. Get moving, Barr!)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.


This day will go down in history.  It is the day that a bunch of lying scheming congress critters removed a duly elected president from office.

Yes I voted for President Trump and believe I shall do so once again.

They had no right to do what they did.  There had already been a two year investigation by Alzenheimer-ridden Mueller and they came out and publicly said they found nothing.

THEN President Trump makes a phone call to the president of the Ukraine and asks if he will investigate the possible corruption by the Bidens.  Oh yeah...THOSE GUYS!

Hunter Biden had no experience at pretty much anything except for making babies.  Yet he gets some $83,000 a month and we are to believe it is a coincidence that his father was America's Vice-President at the time?

But the Democratic party too received millions from the very corrupt Ukraine to better elect their candidates.

So they impeached the guy.

One week before Christmas.

This is the meanest thing ever happened in this country that I used to love.

Now the fine, fine Nancy Pelosi says she doesn't know when she'll turn it all over to the senate.

They'll pay for this, believe it.


Lefties Slam Gorsuch's 'Merry Christmas' Greeting as ‘GOP Talking Point’

How DARE Justice Gorsuch dare wish a Merry Christmas in public?  I got an idea...


Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch drove social media lefties into a frenzy on Tuesday all because of a little innocuous Season's Greetings on the Fox News Channel. The Trump nominated Supreme Court Justice wished the cable news network a “Merry Christmas” and inclusivity-obsessed progressives flipped their collective wig, accusing the statement of being a "talking point of the GOP.” Host Ainsley Earhardt introduced the Justice, saying, “A rare live interview. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Good Morning to you.” Gorsuch responded with an earnest “Merry Christmas!” to which Earhardt replied, “I love that you say that!” BBC commentator Amee Vanderpool began the kvetching. Her partisan ire for the conservative SCOTUS Justice prompted her to compose one of the most senseless tweets of all time: “Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch just appeared on Fox and Friends this morning, making a point to parrot the ‘Merry Christmas’ talking point of the GOP.” Really?


Father of Hunter Biden Says No One Wants Their Kids to Grow Up to Be Like President Trump

Heh.  Well we all would be so proud of a son like Hunter Biden, wouldn't we?  The guy makes over $83,000 and doesn't have to do any work.

We would not want sons like Don Jr. or Eric Trump or goodness, even Baron.

We want sons like Hunter!!!! 

He does know how to make babies.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Monday said nobody wants their children to grow up like President Donald Trump. As his son Hunter Biden faces allegations of drug abuse, soliciting prostitutes, and participating in an influence peddling scheme at a Ukrainian gas company, the former vice president assailed Trump's character while speaking at a New York City fundraiser. "The American people, including the senators who are going to vote to acquit him, know no one wants their kid to grow up like him," Biden said. David Rutz breaks down the most important news about the enemies of freedom, here and around the world, in this comprehensive morning newsletter. "No psychiatrist or anyone in the association can talk about the fact that this president has a serious problem," Biden said. "Narcissism is a mental deficiency. And it means you cannot tolerate any criticism at all…. Whether he's a narcissist or not, some people think he's a narcissist." Biden has repeatedly defended his son's business dealings, saying Hunter "did nothing wrong." When asked about his 49-year-old son, Biden has said the attention should be on Trump's phone call


Tools for the job.


Senators coming out of hidey holes, 12/17/19

As I write this it is impeachment day.

I am very bummed about this.  I don't know how those people can punish a president duly elected by the people, even if elected by the smelly Walmart shoppers.  A president, I add, who has done a wonderful job.  El Baghdadi is dead.  The stock market has risen 10,000 points since he was elected.

And he committed no crime.

I am ashamed of my country today.

Below a few Senators now coming out of their hidey hole.:

...Chuck Schumer

...Trent Lott

...Majority Leader Mitch McConnell


George Conway, Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight re-election

Gotta love the Never Trumpers, a group of Conservative types who vow to never endorse or support President Trump.

Lovely folks, these people  I once thought Jonah Goldberg was a wonderful writer.  Now I want to ask Lucianne Goldberg, former bestie of Linda Tripp, what the hell she did to her son!

And that George Conway guy, a fat ugly slob over-shadowed by his wife Kellyanne, is a big zero on the horizon.  He brings nothing to the party.


Rick Wilson, Jonah Goldberg, Christine Todd Whitman, Bill Kristol,The principals include former John McCain adviser Steve Schmidt, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich adviser John Weaver, former New Hampshire GOP chair Jennifer Horn, veteran Republican operative Rick Wilson and George Conway, a conservative attorney and husband of Trump's chief counselor Kellyanne Conway.


Political Cartoon

 photo trumpsleepwithpelosi_zpsj6t1zvff.jpg


Letter from President Trump to Speaker Pelosi

I would have done the same thing had I been a President unfairly impeached.  This letter will go down in history.  God bless Nancy Pelosi, it's how she will be remembered.

For the history books

Link to letter below.


FISA Court Slaps FBI

So it turns out that there really is a FISA court, the same ones that authorized surveillance of ELF from the movie.  All based on the very perfect submissions from the FBI, all honest folks.


In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC] strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.

The order, from the court's presiding judge Rosemary M. Collyer, came just a week after the release of Horowitz's withering report about the wiretapping of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

 "The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the [Office of Inspector General] report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above," Collyer wrote in her four-page order. "The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."


Time for a smile

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6 posted on 12/22/2019 4:44:44 AM PST by Fishtalk
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To: bray
Well written and brilliant expose of how the hard left uses
Projection to fulfill all their problems. Doing something dirty, illegal, or insane on the left is everyday business for the dirty dems.its what they do. How to COA? Simply project it over to our side and claim that we are doing it!! Great idea if you have a driveby media behind you that will cover your every lie.
Problem is sooner of later the lies don't wash and the truth starts coming out.That's where bray and the gang start uncovering the real truth and you get today's expose by the man who knows what the hard left is doing.
If it all seems bit crazy than check out the following.
Recently The lying dems in the House finished creating fantasy tales about our President.

Dazed and Confused
To rodguy911 | 12/22/2019 3:11:38 AM PST sent
Do the past few years leave you dazed and confused? What just happened? Did we witness impeachment or something else? Impeachment is supposed to be about high crimes and misdemeanors.Is that what just happened for the past three years or maybe longer? Who is Donald Trump? Why does all of the left and some of the right hate him so much? What did he do to cause it?
Are there clues in history to tell what is really going on? Or, are you like me just a bit dazed and confused?

Did it all change after WWII? Was the creation of new intel departments that answered to no one anywhere the beginning of what we are witnessing today?
Did Ike try and warn us? “Beware of the MIC”—Military Industrial Complex.Did he see it all happening before his very eyes? Did Ike and JFK witness unregulated industries with an unmandated bent to take over the world at any cost using any methods? Did JFK try and stop it?
Was LBJ part of the cabal? Was he in on the JFK assassination from the start? Was Nixon a player or just a convenient excuse to get back to business as usual for the cabal.Jimmy Carter was lame but Reagan was hated.Was Reagan’s agenda slowed or stopped in his second term by 41?
Was 41 part of the problem? Was the race between 41 and Bubba simply to see which side of the cabal won since both were in reality owned by the cabal?
What was 911 really all about? Who was Barak Obama and who ran him? Who controlled him and how did history lead up to Donald Trump? Why are the cabal players so afraid of him?
Back to square one. Was going after Trump really about impeachment or something else? Was this a standard impeachment where a President raids his opponents office to steal political intel and gain a political advantage?Was this about sex and a potus who could never be trusted who lied all the time and was totally controlled by the cabal?
So what did we just witness? Why was it so bizarre that many are left dazed and confused? What is Donald J.Trump really all about?
How far back does the legend or truth of the Illuminati takeover of the world and the US go?

“Mike Rothschild
196.7k views26 items
Which presidents are in the Illuminati? The office of the President of the United States has long been suspected of being influenced by the Illuminati. The shadowy, mysterious, yet seemingly all-powerful group has been linked to virtually every American president, from George Washington to Barack Obama - and to almost every decision they’ve made while in office.

Conspiracy theorists see the number of presidents who have been Freemasons as indicative of Illuminati influence in the White House, as the two groups are closely linked. But Illuminati presidents have also been non-Masons, including almost all post-war office holders. The power and prestige of the office is thought to be under complete control of the Cabal, with all wars, economic situations, foreign policy crises, and environmental disasters staged by the Powers That Be.

Why would they do this? To make money, of course. And to cement their control over the masses, who are kept ignorant that their leaders are puppets and their elections staged. Of course, none of this might be true, the Illuminati might not exist, and maybe presidents are just normal people with a desire to lead. But what fun would it be to exist in a world without all-powerful puppet masters controlling our every move?

Are there clues here.What influence do the masons,bildebergers,trilateral commission or other like the groups 41 was a member of:
The elder George Bush has been described as a Globalist, a member of the Bohemian Club, Skull and Bones, CFR, and the Trilateral Commission. He also served as the director of the CIA - an arm of the government heavily infiltrated by Masons - from 1976 to 1977.
Is Rothchild a member of the well known bankers,I don’t know.Is everything he states in his piece gospel? Who knows?

The heirs to the Rothchild dynasty do not list Michael as an heir so maybe it’s just a name coincidence,hard to say.
Who are these people?Far different from us evidently.
Back to why DJT is being attacked/impeached/targeted for destruction.
If you haven’t figured it out yet what happened the past three years had little to do with impeachment and everything to do with a mandate.
An obvious mandate to put the cabal/illuminati back in power in one of the most powerful offices of the world: the US Presidency.They lost that power the day Donald Trump was elected and are desperate to get it back.
Why are they so desperate? Jimmy Carter never bothered them. After an assassination attempt on Reagan in his first term they more or less left him alone in term two,why go to such extremes with DJT?
The answer is Trump is the first potus to ever target them!!
DJT is the first patriot to be in the office of Presidency since RR.He is our best if not last hope to quell the mission of the Illuminati which is world wide control of billions of people and trillions in worldwide assets.
The local cabal of those primarily on the left but also on the right such as goober Graham,Mitt Romney,the former John McCain and so many others like the Bush clan is to do the bidding of those in power. Whether it be through an arab spring creating chaos and disorder throughout the mid east and North Africa or through bizarre social programs like obamacare which took over 1/6 of the economy after compromising those in power who could have stopped it.The mission is the same:maintain social disorder and the power of the Illuminati at any and all costs.
So what we have seen is a three year(if not more)battle waged by the left and some on the right to unseat DJT. Why? Trump is for law and order and the success of the U.S. instead of eight years of destruction witnessed during the Obama regime.
It’s really that simple.
The agents of the cabal are doing whatever they can however they can,wherever,whenever to unseat DJT.They must regain the power of the US presidency that they lost when Obama/Hillary were defeated in 2016.
For the cabal the results of the 2016 election can not stand. Their mission is and always has been: disruption/ chaos and destruction of the American way.
What is the American way?
It’s what we have seen since DJT took office.
Unemployment disappearing,the economy growing like mad.The stock market gaining 10,000 points,refusal of the chicoms and others to dictate worldwide trade terms,new agreements with major trading partners:#1 and #2 Mexico and Canada,no more unfair agreements like NAFTA,less taxation, less regulation,building a border wall to secure the safety of US citizens,war on gangs such as MS13,revitalization of our military,better deals for our vets and on and on and on.

I could go on but you see what real Americans want and you also see what those who hate America want.They want
the big hand of all govt. all the time leading to eventual Illuminati control of assets and people.
DJT won’t stand for that and he opposes it with every fiber of his body and mind.
So we see the fake impeachment of Donald Trump was created solely to reverse the 2016 elections and regain power for the cabal/Illuminati.
This is what impeachment 2019 has been about.
Not “high crimes and misdemeanors” but instead “made up crimes” that appear and disappear as one loses popularity the other miraculously takes it’s place.
It’s all BS but with a willing tainted Mockingbird Press it’s doable.
So here we are at the end of the year.The hard left has impeached Trump even though we can’t tell if it was legal or not since Piglosi won’t turn her impeachment docs to the Senate. She knows she has lost and is desperately trying to eek out a win or some semblance. In good ol' cabal fashion she's dictating to the Senate what they will do or else!Good luck with that!
Cabal lackeys never negotiate. They always demand/threaten with the fear of losing everything or death as the penalty for disobeying their demands.
Problem is they have taken on DJT who has 4D wisdom and is so far ahead of these bozos it’s not even funny.
They will lose.
Eventually, the deepest of states will lose as well.They don’t know who they are fooling with,but they will find out.

9 posted on 12/22/2019 5:01:11 AM PST by rodguy911
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To: bray

Great summary of the real story. Probably why Hillary peeking her head out from under the rocks as she knows a pseudo candidacy will be covered by the MSM as “ Biden Proof” as how does anyone dare to accuse a potential presidential candidate of corruption.

Always felt Obama was part of the scheme by choosing her for SOS giving her the platform for Graft O Rama.

57 posted on 12/22/2019 6:41:18 AM PST by patriotspride
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To: Alas Babylon!

Bookmark Post 5 for Historical References

143 posted on 12/22/2019 8:42:13 AM PST by fedupjohn (Waiting for Trump's new Caribbean Resort "Club Gitmo" to open for business!)
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