No judges is the worst. I can accept a lot of their trash if they would confirm judges on a weekly basis. They are really doing a horrible job. We keep having Obama judges stopping Trump’s agenda. And not only Trump, but states trying to get things done. Another Obama judge just stopped abortion after 15 weeks. If we ever lose the Presidency, it is imperative that we have judges in place to stop the Democratic President.
Chuck Schumer said “It’s a good bill.”
When democrats have the majority they get what they want and throw republicans a few scraps.
When republicans have the majority the democrats get what they want and throw republicans a few scraps.
For this the country spends billions of dollars on federal elections?
This is disgusting. I wish that Trump would veto it, go on TV to explain himself, and blast both parties. I doubt that he will, though.
“the era of austerity is over” (schumer)
Only a politician (dummocrap OR republicrap) could call spending a trillion more than you take in austerity.
If that sonovabitch McConnell didn’t SUCK, I would be hard pressed to know just what the hell he does.
We are being sold out.
No wall funding, gun control, funds Planned Parenthood, Billions in additional welfare for gibsmedats - what a sucker deal.
Congress can now recess for good.
We no longer have a legislative branch - at least not the one the Constitution created.
Instead of legislating, they have created 100s of executive branch agencies that have a lot of autonomy to create and change rules/regulations. Congress just shovels money their way each year instead of appropriating money according to the will of the people. And instead of new legislation from elected representatives, we get new rules & regulations from unelected bureaucrats.
They’ve given up oversight of the executive branch in any meaningful sense and the same with declaration of war.
Confirmations are about politics and maneuvering around senate rules, not about the qualifications of the appointee.
The primary effort of congress each year is for one side to use house and senate rules to block anything useful while the other side spends all of their time trying to get around the blackades. But they don’t want to try too hard to get around the blockages because any real accomplishments are likely to upset a voter somewhere and individually their main goal is to avoid upsetting any group of voters while taking enough meaningless votes and making enough statements to the press to claim accomplishments in the next election.
I was hoping Trump could change some things. I was encouraged when he tried to make them take back some of their authority (e.g. DACA) rather than trying to take authority from them like most presidents. But it looks like they are dead set against doing their Constitutional job or accepting responsibility for anything. That’s the real Constitutional crisis the country faces, not the silly Trump scandals that so-called journalists obsess over.
The Re-jerkoff Party of globalist Free Traitor is doomed. Good riddance.
--Forgotten man
I like it
Beat them at their own game
You are a fighter
We MUST Cantorize the weasels and elect many more patriots that will side with the citizens and the rule of law.
Man, that’s even easier than a union job....
Then why do we vote for them?
They PLAN to turn the legislative branch over to the democrats next January.
Then why do we vote for them?
They are INTENTIONALLY working to demoralize us.
Then why do we vote for them?
We must THWART their plans by ELECTING and RE-ELECTING republicans across the country.
Voting isn't going to change a damned thing. You see, if we got our way, the elites on both the left and the right would lose theirs. They will NOT allow that to happen. Your vote for a Republican means nothing. They have proven this over and over and over again.
But we're supposed to just bend over and take it? Nope. Ain't happening. I'm already staying home later this year. Trump signs this spending bill, I'm staying home in 2020, too. I'm not the only one, either.