... expanded to include transphobic and biphobic bullying ...
Separate and distinct entities from "homophobic" bullying I suppose?
Each kink gets its own special phobia.
Of course they do. Birds of a feather.
Are the perverts still denying that they are trying to indoctrinate our children?
Why wouldn’t the Queer Church support the Queers? Where’s the news here?
This is total destruction of the Christian worldview in children for Satanism or paganism or whatever irrational “faiths”. Very anti-science, anti-Truth (God), anti-biology, and anti-reality. It is the Marxist aim all along for their “utopia” where Vice is Virtue, Slavery is Good, and Sodomy is Virtue and Boys are Girls, so that we can all be like the pagans again or like the boy in harems in Afghanistan-—removed from Reality and Mind Controlled—little serfs or slaves of the few ruling elites (our masters).
They are deliberately destroying all the concepts of virtue, individualism, identity and Natural Law which formed the Age of Reason, Modern Science and the US Constitution for Postmodernist Neo-Marxism (godlessness). No Objective Truth. No Natural Laws (Constitution). No “Justice” (virtue). Irrational man becomes god. As Dostoevsky stated, without God, everything is permissible—so now the psychopaths who control all our institutions and the World are forcing their perversions and tastes on little children—to groom and shape them for their NWO of slavery and orgies and sacrifices.
It took hundreds of years to flip paganism to Christianity but it only takes two generations to destroy all of history, all traditions and remove logic and reason in children for the NWO, back to totalitarianism and slavery and pederassty. The brainwashing systems, like Hollywood and MSM and Skools in the Western World work just as planned by the psychopathic Lucifereans whose rites are sodomy and baby-killing (sacrifice) have to be normalized in the mind of the very young.
Guise lines:
At the end of the hall, select two large closets. In one put all the queers. In the other put all the dykes. Since there is no such being as a trans sexual, no provision is required.
It would save money on building these schools. Wouldn’t need so many bathrooms.
The Church of England long ago left the flock of Jesus. Now they just play dress-up and pretend.