Might as well call it Trumpcare. They will.
oh my goodness. i’m only about 10 pages in. and skipping around. you have to reread obamacare to tell what’s in this. it’s working off obamacare.
just one section 134 (the BS bronze, silver, gold, platinum plans 4 sizes fit all section) tells you this is not immediate and not a true repeal. gotta wait until 2020 (oh good grief after the election). this is basically amending obamacare to fake a repeal.
for example *sunsetting* in sect 134:
“...(and such a requirement shall be applied as
if this section had been repealed).”
Section 1302 of the Patient Protection and Afford-
able Care Act (42 U.S.C. 18022) is amended
(1) in subsection (a)(3), by inserting and with
respect to a plan year before plan year 2020 after
subsection (e); and
(2) in subsection (d), by adding at the end the
(5) S
.The provisions of this sub-
section shall not apply after December 31, 2019,
and after such date any reference to this subsection
or level of coverage or plan described in this sub-
section and any requirement under law applying
such a level of coverage or plan shall have no force
or effect (and such a requirement shall be applied as
if this section had been repealed)..
Paul has the support of the 40 vote bloc House Freedom Caucus, and Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz vowed last week to oppose any proposal that did not meet the bare minimum of the Obamacare repeal passed in 2015. Paul, Lee and Cruz alone could potentially block any Obamacare proposal passed by the House if it does not meet their standards. Republicans would likely need 50 of the 52 GOP senators to vote for a repeal-and-replace bill, so the trio could sink any proposal they dislike, Politico noted Monday.linky
IMHO I think there will be a lot of changes to this bill by the time it comes up for a vote.
so far this look like an expansion of little tweaks for obamacare.
and what the hell is this messing with Social Security?
.Section 1937(b)(5) of the Social Security
Act (42 U.S.C. 1396u7(b)(5)) is amended by adding at
the end the following: This paragraph shall not apply
after December 31, 2019..
Obamacare’s replacement explained “We begin by repealing the awful taxes,
The GOPe completely accepted the Dumbocrat framing of this issue. “Oh, dear, we cant take health insurance away from 20 million people!” But yes, we can and we should. Nothing keeps most of them from figuring out a way to maintain their health without stealing tax dollars. If we “take away” the immoral, illegal and unconstitutional government-steals-money-for-you option, people would be forced to be creative. That is how it should be: Everybody looks out for himself and doesn’t ask for anything from anybody else. If you have faith in God, He will provide. And if He doesn’t, then God has His reasons. TRUST GOD, not the government!
From the summary:
Citizens AND Legal residents (ie. refugees, people on visas) are all eligible.
No change to purchasing insurance across state lines
No applying the antitrust laws to medical device and pharmaceutical countries.
No repeal of the mandate. no mention of repeal of the tax for non-payment - just allowing for a 30% price penalty for late enrollment.
No mention of the ‘death panels’ (and everything not mentioned stands.
No mention of all the other things ‘christmas treed’ onto the ACA - like government takeover of student loans
Definitely not a repeal - just a tweak. Republicans are cowards, afraid of the free market.
Repeal now.
Replace, well, maybe later. Or not. Don’t much care.
From the referenced article
"But in recent months, since President Donald Trump took office, GOP members of Congress have increasingly been confronted by constituents worried about the prospect of losing insurance gained through Obamacare [emphasis added]. CNBC: House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare
The MAJOR constitutional problem with federal government regulation of insurance is the following. A previous generation of state sovereignty-respecting justices had clarified that insurance policies are a contract, not commerce, regardless if the parties establishing a contract are domiciled in different states.
"4. The issuing of a policy of insurance is not a transaction of commerce within the meaning of the latter of the two clauses, even though the parties be domiciled in different States, but is a simple contract [emphases added] of indemnity against loss. Paul v. Virginia, 1869. (The corrupt feds have no Commerce Clause (1.8.3) power to regulate insurance.)
So regulating insurance is not in the scope of Congresss Commerce powers. The states would therefore need to expressly amend the Constitution to grant Congress the specific power to regulate insurance imo.
Corrections, insights welcome.
In fact, note that former Speaker Pelosi seems to have ignored a resolution for proposing a healthcare amendment to the Constitution to the states before she irresponsibly rammed Obamacare through the House.
H.J.Res. 30 (111th): Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States regarding the right of citizens of the United States to health care of equal high quality
A proposed amendment perhaps should include a provision that granted the feds the specific power to regulate INTRAstate healthcare insurance.
Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!
Remember in November 18 !
Since Trump entered the 16 presidential race too late for patriots to make sure that there were state sovereignty-respecting candidates on the primary ballots, patriots need make sure that such candidates are on the 18 primary ballots so that they can be elected to support Trump in draining the unconstitutionally big federal government swamp.
Such a Congress will also be able to finish draining the swamp with respect to getting the remaining state sovereignty-ignoring, activist justices off of the bench.
Noting that the primaries start in Iowa and New Hampshire in February 18, patriots need to challenge candidates for federal office in the following way.
Patriots need to qualify candidates by asking them why the Founding States made the Constitutions Section 8 of Article I; to limit (cripple) the federal governments powers.
Patriots also need to find candidates that are knowledgeable of the Supreme Court's clarifications of the federal governments limited powers listed below.
Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States. Justice John Marshall, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
State inspection laws, health laws, and laws for regulating the internal commerce of a State, and those which respect turnpike roads, ferries, &c. are not within the power granted to Congress [emphasis added]. Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
From the accepted doctrine that the United States is a government of delegated powers, it follows that those not expressly granted, or reasonably to be implied from such as are conferred, are reserved to the states, or to the people. To forestall any suggestion to the contrary, the Tenth Amendment was adopted. The same proposition, otherwise stated, is that powers not granted are prohibited [emphasis added]. United States v. Butler, 1936.
Five pages about lottery winners to be included or excluded. Face Palm. P. 11-16.
Lawyers have at gave this layperson a huge headache!
This will help small businesses...and part time workers who under obamacare couldn’t work over 29 hours or their employer had to provide insurance for them. My company’s employees suffered because of that dumb rule.
“And, it would eliminate the Affordable Care Act rule that currently requires employers with 50 or more full-time workers to offer them affordable health coverage or pay a financial penalty.”
as an example of how horrible this is, i’m looking at the tortured the way they’re trying to limit taxpayer funded abortion by cutting out sections of ACA. but in the end, they still have the allowance for abortion (rape, incest, or health). and then it looks like they go out of their way to make sure they’re supporting injury from abortion. ryan, mcconnell and crew are sick. anyway, so the gope will still drag us into the abortion business.
again, if the market wants non-essential services of this type. then let the public by it.
RyanCare is MASA, Make America Socialist Again
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
RyanCare my MASA! RyanCare my MASA!
Here are comments from Kevin Brady( house ways and means)on Hugh Hewitt’s show this AM:
Throw out their RINO-Care with them!
The feds have no constitutional authority to be meddling in healthcare.
Healthcare needs to be run by the free market economy which gave America the best, most affordable, most available healthcare in the world until the feds began rooting around and screwing it up.
Trump Says He Supports House Obamacare Replacement Plan
HHS Secretary Tom Price Explains President Trump’s American Health Care Act After Repeal Of Obamcare