Just toss it in the garbage.
We demand FULL repeal. Not partial repeal and fix the rest.
“The battle for Obamacare Light”
A/k/a RyanCare.
Prepare for dissapointment.
I hope Trump can line item veto any crap out of it.
Tax Credits = Obamacare Lite
First page gives a major hint..this is a TWEAK, not “repeal and replace”.
For instance, here’s right from page one..
IN GENERAL.Subsection (b) of section 4002 of
7 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42
8 U.S.C. 300u11), as amended by section 5009 of the 21st
9 Century Cures Act, IS AMENDED.
Drain the swamp. These guys are NOT. LISTENING. TO. US.
REPEAL THIS GOD-AWFUL BILL ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!! Don’t “Amend”, tweak or otherwise add to the nightmare that was passed previously. This thing is circling the drain and it’s only bound to get worse..
My very quick, down and dirty scan (more time will be spent) does not find any repeal of mandates. Maybe I’m just missing it in the 100+ pages.
I will say it again, OBAMACARE WILL NEVER BE REPEALED in any way, shape or fashion. I watched COUNTLESS Government Unions proudly marching and advocating for OBAMACARE on TV all across this Country.
There is ONLY ONE WAY to make it happen:
Executive Orders
1. All waivers to the Affordable Care act are hereby repealed.
2. There shall be NO funds drawn from the treasury to pay for Health Insurance for ANY Federal Employee except Members of the Armed Services.
3. ALL Federal Employees except members of the US Armed Services, SHALL purchase their own personal and Family Health Insurance from the Affordable Care Exchange in the state they legally reside.
And to make sure it is Bipartisan, President Trump should VETO it every Time and FORCE them to Override his Veto to Repeal this Monstrosity.
Sign these 3 orders and it will be FULLY REPEALED in Less than 30 days.
NOT UNTIL, Anyone want to make a BET???
I would also consider another Executive Order Withholding All Transportation Funds from All States that do Not have Their Public Employees enrolled in Obamacare, just to Prove a Point.
When and ONLY WHEN Government Lives under the Same Laws as us will anything substantial happen
Does it repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)?
If not, it remains unconstitutional and should be vetoed.
The Republicans will give it all up for 20 million people. They’ll own Obamacare. We need to call our I reps after reading this and tell them what needs to be done or repealed.
Yikes. From my first scan of this document, this “plan” is a mess. The whole non-refundable “tax credit” proposal reads like an unworkable fantasy. And the way it is structured will probably lead to inter-generational warfare between young and old.
Considering that the GOP has had seven years to come up with this plan, this is a major embarrassment. I’m almost surprised that they made this mess public. I would be reluctant to put my name on something like this if I had helped draft it.
We don’t want Ryan’s Obamacare Light.
We want genuine repeal and replacement.
Just say NO to Paul Ryan!!!
REPEAL and replace. No games.
...and replace should mandate that members of congress and their staff and government employees shall use same, just like everyone else. Bet that would cause a bit more replace than tweak if they had a stake in the outcome.
Early but, looks bad.
Also, Republican Senators say they want even more freebies.
to be "repealed and replaced" with today's 66 pages from the House leadership.
What am I missing?
Tweak here tweak there. Typical asshattery.
HOUSE AND SENATE REPUBLICANS.........WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING??? You promised repeal and replace.....why haven’t you been working on that??? Didn’t you expect you would ever have the opportunity to repeal and replace??? What have you been doing since Trump won in November??? This looks like a slap-dash mess! I am sickened by the Uniparty. ENOUGH!