I caught the April Fool joke, but I think you might have to contact every single poster on this thread personally to set the record straight.
good one Laz!
Assuming Google actually apologized, I’d like to point out the date of apology and leave everybody to their conclusions. :)
Zatam Azal = Lazamataz
April Fool
Bwawawawawaw (cough, cough Bwawawawawawaaaaaa....!
And, if you have a dog, I'll April Fool him, too!!
I’m afraid that apologies have lost their meaning for decades now. It used to be said that “opinions are like ********, everybody has one.” But today, apologies have become like opinions.
Spit in one hand, and apologize in the other, and see which one fills up first.
In this case, think about it. Who at Google approved this, and did so in such an utterly oblivious manner that they had no idea that Christians would be offended? That person should no longer be employed by them.
However, it is likely that this was done as an intentional snub, by someone who despises Christianity, and approved by bosses that also despise Christianity.
I’m looking forward to April 20th, when the Google logo will be festooned with swastikas and a picture of “nature lover” Adolf Hitler.
Already on guard— I remember LAST YEAR!!
Great on the “redirect” link Laz
Well ... let's raise a toast to them then ... /s
They knew exactly what they were doing with the snub - it was deliberate. They just didn't grasp the magnitude of the push back and their apology is a typical liberal non-apology.
I just went to Firefox and Bing
that snub was last stray
they do this all the time
run by a bunch of hipster prog freaks
and worse they stack lib orgs no question
I don’t give them credit, to me it is not that they did it that bothers them; more like they didn’t expect the backlash. More or less like many caught doing wrong; not sorry they did it, just sorry they got caught.
“We at Google honor Easter and are mortified that our Doodle of Chavez in any way upstaged this Holy Christian Holiday. We are reviewing the way Google Doodles are chosen on a go-forward basis.”
I take this to mean that this is a joke, that there was no apology from Google?
Actually, I thought it was a joke from the headline, because good Democrats never apologize in the first place.
They did it on purpose, knowing Christians would be upset, and then they would pretend to be sorry. I mean, seriously, it is just to much of a coincidence that C. Chavez's pic was there on Easter. If, instead, they had done something that represented Spring, or even selected any other person to honor, not one so associated with Socialism...I would accept that, as they say, their policy was not to celebrate any religious holidays. But the selection of Chavez's picture, and having it appear on Easter Sunday, was planned.
Also, I think this was done in response to the popularity of the TV series "The Bible." The secularists just cannot stand that so many are watching that and have religious beliefs. They are doing all they can to end any display of religion anywhere in the U.S.
There is a pattern starting in America...it is called - do something offensive, on purpose, then follow with an "apology" to try and make people believe what was done was a mistake. It is happening all too often. Not swallowing it.
I have two words for you. As they say in Latvia, “Sloof Lirpa!”
Most entertaining. ;-)
I’m surprised Google apologized. Better than nuthin.
Wow!! Really? I'm shocked. I guess it's safe to return to Google now that they've issued a heartfelt apology and redeemed themselves-- and good for them!
I'm going to give up Safari and DuckDuckGo and switching over to Google immediately.
Thanks for keeping us informed, Laz, I appreciated it!!
Only a leftist would think that a company is obliged to accommodate their particular religious holidays.
It's their company. Don't buy their stock and don't use their product if your panties were in a bunch because they didn't replace the 'O's in their logo with Easter eggs.
This country has no shortage of whiners.