We need to get away from the idea that people who slaughter little children are suffering from a "mental illness". They do not have a mental illness, they are suffering from a spiritual illness. Call it spiritual death actually. This is not a problem with the mind as much as it is a problem of the heart.
America, along with the rest of the planet, has seen fit to relegate God to the level of irrelevance and what we see is not the result of some faulty brain synapses, but basically we are witnessing EVIL in action.
It is people who lack the human spirit who can perform such monstrous acts and we are cultivating these monsters by steering the children of our nation and world away from the foundations of our forefathers faith.
God has been evicted from the schools and the rest of our public life. Is it any wonder that Satan has come in to fill in the gap.
Call me crazy but this POS was probably demon possessed. If he was not demon possessed, then he was completely without any human soul. He had somewhere surrendered his spirit to the powers of darkness and it was his choice to do it.
At the time of this rampage he was not a human being. Human beings have hearts. Monsters and demons lack any such characteristic.
As we drift further and further from God as a nation and as individuals, this is a harbinger of things to come.
I hate to sound like a lunatic, but right now the only word that I can think of to say is:
Allow me to suggest a notion that’s been cooking in my brain for some time now.
1. It is acknowledged by all that Islamics are able to recruit suicidists for their dirty work specifically to create terror for the express purpose of changing society, i.e., to advance the Islamic cause.
2. It is acknowledged by many conservatives that “Fast and Furious” was a nefarious government operation by gun haters specifically designed to advance the cause of gun control in the USA. In that plan, the intent was to secretly give guns to criminals in order that gun crimes be committed, and then the gun haters controlling government could point to those crimes and boldly proclaim “We need gun control!”
3. It is a matter of fact that the institutionalization of marginally insane and insane people is much harder to accomplish under current law.
4. It is also reality that our coarsened society glorifies in all forms of print and media horrendous acts of violence, immorality, and degradation of human beings. The effect on marginally sane people cannot be positive. Would it push people over the edge who in more moral times would have had the restraints of a moral society pushing them in more positive directions.
5. It is also reality that each instance of gun violence results in days/weeks of media coverage and “fame” for the perpetrator of the violence. They are instructed in the means to commit mass murder, they are shown the horror they can cause, and they are shown that they receive both instant and some kind of historic recognition.
6. Should our media culture and its glorification of these acts of violence not be questioned about their participation in possibly pushing marginal sane/evil persons over the edge?
7. Finally, would not this process play into the hands of those who promote the disarming of its citizenry?
You are exactly right. It is as if Satan himself was pulling the trigger. You cannot give an earthly explanation or motive for evil like this.
And in this season of Advent, the ONLY word to say is ... REPENT!